My organization of this work is as follows.
All whole-number chapters will be told through the 3rd POV of the main character. No POV changes for whole-number chapters.
Chapters which are not whole numbers, example Chapter 2.2, will not necessarily be from the MC's POV. These chapters are to add a bit of world building, and what is told in these chapters may or may not be known by the MC. Canonically these chapters may not happen in order, but I will try to give good reference of when they take place.
I will not have any illogical 'twists'. With that said, the Grand Line world does have people with supernatural powers. The MC is not omnipotent, and so there may be times when something happens for no obvious reason.
Chapters range between 1.8-3k worlds. More words in those chapters with more characters. I find myself sometimes repeating points, but really try to limit that as much as possible. I do not want a reader to be able to 'skim' over large sections of the work.
I MAY GO BACK TO EDIT OLD CHAPTERS. I can not emphasize this enough. Although I have a storyboard laid out, sometimes ideas are too good for me to pass on. Sometimes those ideas can only make sense if I go back and tweak an older event. There will no major 'rewrites' (I think) but there may be edited chapters.
If I ever edit a chapter I will mention it in a footnote.
When it comes to characters I will take some liberties.
FOR EXAMPLE, the MC's dad is the Admiral "Green Bull". At the time of this writing, the only thing known about this guy is his DF+First name. So I will build around it, while adding more details. In the future these details will obviously considered wrong, but that's where this fanfic starts.
You can assume this work to be canonically more-or-less accurate up to Wano Arc.
What this means practically is the strength of certain characters will be greater than their manga counterparts. I did this because I figure in power-creep. For example, I don't think it makes any sense for the East Blue to be shown as having basically normal human sailors as 99% of Marines. So in this work, East Blue will still be the weakest Blue Sea, but it isn't so weak as to have regular humans as the primary fighting force.
I will adjust timelines, but NOT event sequences. For example, MC will be the same age as Koby, BUT Luffy doesn't leave his village until he's 18 and doesn't get out of the East Blue until 20. He wont defeat Crocodile until he's 21, Enies Lobby at 24, and Marineford wont happen until he's 27, and 30 during Fishman Island.
Do not expect the Strawhats to make an appearance until far far in the work. Most characters shown will be minor anime/manga characters who will be given larger roles OR OC's.
I will expand on the Marines organization using a mix of modern US Navy, Japanese Imperial Navy, and fantasy titles/responsibilities.
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