Chapter 2: Fairy Tail: The Curse Of Contradiction Part 1 Chapter 2

1. Elfman: First master sama you had a son?

2. Lisanna Strauss: Why nobody tell us about that?

3. Mirajane Strauss: Well i wonder why even our master didn't tell us about this?

4. Erza: Does that mean you are my-

5. Makarov: Everyone first of all let me apologize to all of you for keeping this secret. Even though you are all my childrens i just... i just.

Sangeet looks at makarov.

6. Sangeet: (He is shaking is he nervous or what?) I told him to don't tell about myself to anyone from this guild.

7. Cana Alberona: *gulp* Waah talking and drinking alcohol is the best but if that is the case, then why did you visit this guild? Master said you visited this guild twice that means you have visited this guild before right?

8. Sangeet: (Makarov tell them everything i want to talk with my mother alone.)

9. Makarov: (Understood.) Everyone i will tell you everything you want to know. First master sama you are reunited with your own son after so many years i bet you have a lot of things to tell about him or talk about him.

10. Mavis: Yes i have a lot of things to ask him... if he wants of course.

Sangeet touch mavis hands.

11. Sangeet: Let's go in a quite place. I am not that good with noisy place.

12. Erza: Wait fath-

Irene touch erza shoulder.

13. Irene: They are meeting after so many decades. Can you wait a little bit?

14. Erza: Ye-yeah i think i don't mind waiting. (Father.)

On a quite place where there is grass everywhere.

15. Sangeet: I think this place will do. Let's sit.

After both of they sit on grass. 

16. Sangeet: I haven't found a way to cure this curse yet but i have found a way to lift this curse from you.

17. Mavis: *with panicked voice* I don't want to lift this curse. *she touch her chest* I mean zeref told me the only way to end this curse is to make deal with "Ankhseram". We can also lift this curse by defeating "Ankhseram" but nobody is strong enough to defeat him.

18. Sangeet: I have also done some background research on gods. There was also a god named "Arae" who is the goddess of curse. I thought she give this curse to my father.

19. Mavis: You are wrong ankhseram is the strongest god or your father also told me he is "The Original One" who made all the other gods or goddess. If your father is correct arae was also created by him. 

20. Sangeet: Means he have all the powers which all the gods have. *sigh* Well anyway don't worry the only side effect of this technique of mine is my curse will get stronger than before but at least i can lift your curse and you can live with your family happily.

21. Mavis: What about you? 

22. Sangeet: Don't worry if he doesn't make deal with me i will force him to do it.

23. Mavis: It seems impossible task but i believe you. 

Mavis lift her right hand towards sangeet.

24. Mavis: Don't make me wait too long. After all these years i have met you i don't want to be separated from you again. *mavis touch her chest by left hand* I don't want to feel this pain again. 

25. Sangeet: Yeah i also don't want to be separated from you. Well then-

Sangeet touch mavis hand and an red aura covers both of their hands. 

26. Sangeet: "Steal".

Mavis scream in pain and an black aura from her body continue to enter on sangeet hand. After some time all black aura entered sangeet hand.

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27. Sangeet: It is complete. Are you okay?

28. Mavis: *pant* *pant* *pant* Yeah i am alright.

29. Sangeet: I want to ask one more question to you is that okay?

30. Mavis: It is about your fathers location isn't it? *sangeet nods his head* *sigh* Well-

Sangeet and mavis talk each other for some time. When they finally finish their talk mavis stand up.

31. Mavis: That was all i know about his location but don't expect him to live their forever. Sometimes he travel on different parts of the world to.

32. Sangeet: Yeah i will keep that in mind.

Mavis teleported herself and sangeet also get up.

33. Sangeet: You are there aren't you? Come out.

From a tree erza comes out.

34. Sangeet: Erza.

35. Erza: Father, you are my father aren't you?

36. Sangeet: *sigh* Well biologically i am not your father but yeah i think of you as my daughter.

37. Erza: What do you mean by that?

Sangeet comes closer to erza and when he came close enough he keep his hand on erza forehead.

38. Sangeet: Irene tell you about my curse didn't she?

39. Erza: Yes she also told me about you seal my memories. "When you are finally ready tell him to unseal your memories" this was her last word before she sent me here.

40. Sangeet: Well i don't mind unseal your memories but there are also things which you don't want to see.

41. Erza: Even so i want to know.

42. Sangeet: As your wish. "Release"

On erza forehead a black circle mark appeared and it disappeared in air.

43. Sangeet: You will be unable to move for some seconds. Because you will get too many information that your brain can't process for a while. If that is happen you can't move your body.

A newly born child was crying.

 44. Irene: Now now calm down my little princess. It is time to sleep let's sleep together.

She stop crying and after a while she sleep peacefully.

45. Irene: Hmm.

An portal open before irene. From the portal an young man came out.

46. Young Man: Hmm, *sigh* how am i alive? I didn't even born in this time yet. Is ankhseram curse really so powerful that even timeline can't erase you? Damn it i have no choice. Hmm *stomach growl* *sigh* now i am hungry-

From an giant tree house irene came out with her baby in her hand.

47. Irene: Who are you and why are you wandering dangerous forest like this in the middle of night.

48. Young Man: My name is sangeet magar. I came from future *stomach growl* 

49. Irene: (From future he say.) Come in i have some food left. 

50. Sangeet: Really thank you uh what is your name?

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