Chapter 6: 6

I decided to try and see if I could do something on my own.

I’m not super confident. I don’t know if I can do it.

I decided to abandon the magic class. I can’t imagine that a practical class on attribute magic is going to be of any use to me. I’ve already convinced my parents that I can’t help it.

If I could just take the monthly classroom test, I should be able to graduate.

I asked them if it would be all right if I didn’t help out at the store as before.

«You know, I told you before that you can become a cafeteria girl any time you want.»

«Price will take care of the store, it’s fine!»

They told me that. I’m sorry Mr. Price.

«If so…….»


«I’d like to go to the Adventurer’s Guild in the next town over.»


«That’s what I thought~»

«You know why I said I wanted to go to school, right?»

«Something like Oden Wizard, right?»

«Shiden! Shiden’s Wizard! What are you talking about!»

Yes, when I was a child, I loved that very book.

There was a time when a demon entered the city. When repairing the warding fence, a few forest wolves got into the city.

The adventurer’s guild in this city, Cardiff, is as small as an agency.

For a church or a full-fledged adventurer’s guild, we had to go to the neighboring city of Donios. Even though they were Wolves, they were a threat to Cardiff at that time. The inhabitants took refuge in high buildings and waited for the Wolves to be defeated.

The adventurer who came to defeat the Wolves was «Shiden». She happened to be in Donios and rode to Cardiff on a fast horse. At the time, I saw the scene of the subjugation.

She was a girl with light purple hair.

To my surprise, she looked about my age.

At the time, four years ago, she must have been about 11 years old.

As she held up her hand, I felt a flash of light coming from the girl, and then a lightning bolt struck several wolves.

It was a moment. I adored it.

After that, I asked everyone (mainly the customers) how I could become like that, and they said, «Why don’t you study at school? It was an easy decision and my parents were happy and allowed me to enroll.

«If I want to test my strength, I want to see what it’s like to be an adventurer. Well, I don’t feel like I’ll be taking on any dangerous monster subjugation or anything like that…….

«It’s fine~ Adventurers are supposed to help out with things like picking herbs and letter carriers, right~?»

«If you don’t want let her go at this point, she’s going to be unhappy with her life later……. Okay! Anti, give it a try!»


«Just make sure you’re prepared. If you’re going to the Adventurer’s Guild, your base will be in Donios, right?»


Yeah, that’s right. Going to the Adventurer’s Guild isn’t just about registering as an adventurer. If you want to try things out, you can’t just go to the Cardiff guild. You’ll have to stay in Donios for a while.

«It’s a bit of a hassle, though, since you have to go back once a month for your classroom tests! Hahahaha!»

«I’ll have to earn enough to pay for the carriage ride between Cardiff and Donios once a month.»

«Do you want me to give you that money?»

Cardiff and Donios are not that far apart. If you leave early in the morning by carriage, you can arrive before noon. Because of their location, many facilities are concentrated in the larger city of Donios. Cardiff is a nice city to live in, but even though there is an adventurer’s guild nearby, they don’t bother to build things here.

«……No, I’ll try to earn as much as I can on my own.»

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«I’m sure you’ll be fine. Okay, that’s the spirit.»


Now that I’ve decided to take on the challenge, I have to at least aim to be independent on my own. Aim to be like Shiden Wizard!

«You know, you, that.»

«Hmm? Oh! Oh, that!»


What is it?

Dad brings me a wooden box. It looks like a small treasure box.

«What’s this? It’s a beautiful box. It looks like a treasure chest.»

«Yes, this is a treasure chest I dug up in a coal mine a long time ago.»

«What?! How? The coal mine where you worked was a dungeon?!»

«No, it’s more like the mine I worked in turned into a little dungeon!»

«How did that happen……»

«Yeah, at that moment, I panicked! The walls of the mine were suddenly shaking! It was like it was alive!»

«Well, what happened then?»

«I dug and dug and dug!»


«I didn’t even know which way the exit was! All I had was Sora’s lunchbox and a pickaxe!»

«I was really worried about you at that time! But this guy…..»

«Eh, eh, what happened?!»

«I broke the dungeon core! With a pickaxe!»

«With a pickaxe?! Doesn’t that mean you’re a dungeon conqueror?!»

«Yes! That’s why I’m on the list of names of dungeon conquerors maintained in the royal capital! Hahahaha!»


I didn’t know my dad was a dungeon conqueror…….

«The country gave me a small reward for that. That’s how I got the capital to build this cafeteria.»

«Oh, that’s right…….»

Our family has a history.……

«It’s a good thing that it was a brand new dungeon and no demons had sprung up yet. And the bounties weren’t great either! And this is the treasure chest I got at that time!»»

I looked at the wooden box again. It’s not flashy, but the decoration is beautiful, almost as if it were carved embossed……? Wait? A treasure chest?

«What kind of treasure was in this treasure chest?»

«That’s it! Open it!»

«Well, then…»

I reached for the lid of the wooden box.

Ki, kiki kiki……

Inside was a red gem wrapped in cloth and a clear light blue card.

«What’s this?»

«It’s a time stone and an Analyze card.»