Chapter 15: Notice of Hiatus

Sorry to come at you with this news when you'd be expecting a new chapter, but after trying to bang one out for a good couple of weeks, I realized I'm out of steam. I planned out the various story arcs for this story, but nothing's coming to me for this next one in terms inspiration for what kind of characters to have, and how they'll act. I think I just might be a bit burnt out, but that's ok. I honestly haven't been doing much reading or having much fun outside of just trying to keep busy by writing or other things, so I think I'll do that. I'm going to go out and start reading some more and hopefully get my mojo back in the coming weeks/months.

Also, I made a minecraft modpack a while back that ended up way more popular than I could've imagined, and now I have a massive list of bug fixes and feature requests I have to address, so that's where all of my free time is going to go for a while. If you're into that kind of thing, check out "Feed the Factory," it might be up your alley if you're a fan of Factorio and modded minecraft in general.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around with this story and my writing for so long, this story wouldn't have been as fun to write if it weren't for all the comments talking about it and helping me do better. I'll definitely back, but it might not be with this story in particular. I'm going to go out there and have some fun. I hope you all find a story that lets you have fun too :)

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