Chapter 37: Chapter 36: A Happy Beginning

The following morning, Alex woke to a pleasant sight.

The sun was just starting to shine through the bedroom window, and it seemed to center right on Jenna. The blonde woman was still attached to Alex’s side, her arm draped across his chest. She’d never looked more stunning than she did in that moment, with the sun framing her face.

The previous night had been pleasant as well. On their trek to the city, Alex had been used to getting the bare minimum of sleep, always having to be alert for bears or other threats. Last night, he was finally able to relax, getting a deep sleep for the first time in over a week. The fact that his body was pressed against the soft and nude form of Jenna helped immensely.

What wasn’t helping now was the fact that he was hard. So hard that he was tenting the sheet that covered them.

Nothing had happened throughout the night in terms of intimacy except for a little kissing. Jenna just wasn’t at that point yet, and Alex was determined to go at her pace. Even still, he foresaw having to take care of business in the bathroom once he got out of bed just so he could go about his day.

He absolutely hated the idea of taking matters into his hands (literally) but what else could he do? Alex was still pondering his predicament when Jenna stirred beside him.

Her movement was a stretch. Alex saw the sheet drop lower as her arms raised up, extending her body until her full breasts were visible, her nipples hard enough to cut glass. As if he couldn’t get any harder, focusing on the sight of her incredible tits did the trick, and Alex fought the urge not to stare.


His eyes moved quickly to her face, finding her green eyes locked on his. Once again, he was busted.

Jenna didn’t seem to mind though. She only gave him a sleepy smile.

“I believe you were staring at me yet again,” she teased. “This seems to be a frequent occurrence.”

Alex’s eyes flickered down to her erect nipples and then back to her face. “Can you really blame me for that?”

She grinned and bit her lip. “No, I guess not. Not considering the circumstances, but I want to ask you something and I don’t know how.”

“Sounds like quite the problem. I guess you’re just going to have to figure out how to come out with it.”

The grin never left her face. “I want to know if . . . well, if you’re . . . horny?”

It was the last thing Alex expected and the question made him laugh, as well as the adorably innocent way she asked it. He lowered his leg slightly, allowing the full tent to show in the sheet where his lap was.

“Does that answer your question?” he asked.

Jenna’s eyes went wide. “Holy crap! I guess that’s my answer.”

Alex tried to lift his leg again but to his surprise, she forced it down with her own, leaving him exposed with only the sheet to cover him. Jenna grabbed the edge of the sheet and yanked it back, revealing their nudity totally.

“Oh my god,” she said, seeing his member throb right in front of her. “Why are you so hard, Alex?”

“Why do you think?” he joked. “Your naked body has been pressed against me all night. I think you could make a dead man hard looking like that.”

“Dead men are already hard so that defeats the purpose, Alex.”

“Still, you know what I mean.”

Jenna certainly did but she didn’t say anything. Her eyes remained locked on his cock, unwavering in their intensity.

Finally, she spoke again. “What are you going to do with that? I mean, are you going to . . . take care of it?”

“I guess I have to,” said Alex. “I can’t exactly go out with this thing. I’ll be pointing the way everywhere I go.”

A laugh escaped her lips before she clapped her hand over her mouth. “Sorry, that’s just too funny. The visual it gave me, that is.”

“Glad I can be of service,” replied Alex sullenly before he placed one foot on the floor. “I guess I should take care of this now. Lots to do today.”

“Wait,” said Jenna quickly. “What if . . . umm, what if I?”

He raised an eyebrow. “What if you what?”

Jenna’s cheeks flushed as she made eye contact. “What if I help you with that?”

All of a sudden, Alex’s morning got a lot more interesting.

“What did you have in mind?” he asked quietly.

Jenna gulped and slid closer to him. He watched as her hand reached out from her body, moving in slow motion toward his cock.

His manhood pulsed as her soft hand wrapped around it. Jenna let out a moan in the process.

“Is this okay?” she whispered.

“Better than okay,” replied Alex. “It’s fucking incredible.”

Jenna giggled and then started to move her hand up and down. Her pace was slow at first, just exploring and getting a feel for his body but it quickly ramped up in intensity. Soon, they were both breathing heavily as she worked his member, and Alex was bucking his hips in response.

“Feels good,” said Jenna with a moan, leaving him wondering if it was a question or a statement. Alex started to nod.

“Feels so good,” he grunted.

“Yes, it does,” whispered Jenna.

As her hand continued to move, he couldn’t help but focus on her body. Her tits were so close that he could reach out to touch them, and her nipples were still achingly stiff. Alex kept watching them shake while her hand moved, loving the jiggle that it produced. Every once in a while, his gaze would move south, focusing on the sight of Jenna’s clit, which just barely poked out from between her legs.

It was all getting too much for him. Having the intense focus on his body, while getting the chance to ogle her, sent him flying over the edge.

You are reading story Starfinder: Guardian of Vesta at

“Going to cum,” he warned at the last possible second.

Jenna’s hand kept moving at the same pace, sending his seed flying out, coating his lower stomach as well as her hand.

“Oh, wow,” whispered Jenna as her pace slowed, his cum drenching her fingers. “So much.”

“You really had me worked up,” said Alex, after taking a few deep breaths.

She smiled at him. “Is it better now?”

“Yeah, a lot better. Although I need to get cleaned up.”

Jenna held up her hand, which was still covered in his seed. “Me too.”

She used the sink to wash her hand while Alex did what he could to clean up the mess in his lap. No doubt, they would need showers after that episode.

After putting on robes and grabbing a fresh pair of clothes, they made their way to the showers in their biosphere, finding an empty stall for themselves. Alex turned the shower on and disrobed quickly to get into the hot stream of water. Jenna joined him after a moment, her eyes coy and flirty after what they’d just done together.

“Are you going to be giving me that look all day?” he teased, pointing it out while she was lathering her breasts.

“What look?”

“That look that says ‘I can’t wait to jerk you off again, Alex,’” he joked.

Jenna gave him a look of mock indignity before she grabbed some of her body wash and flung it against his chest. “You wish that I’d do it again!”

“Yeah, I really do. That was great. Actually, I think great doesn’t even scratch the surface.”

She pressed in against his chest. “You liked it that much, huh? Maybe we’ll do it again real soon.”

“Sounds great to me.”

“Hmm, me too.”

Jenna reached up to kiss him before they separated. The rest of the shower was uneventful and they returned to their home about ten minutes later. It was then that they found they’d received a package.

“Look at this,” said Jenna, ripping open the box. “New P-coms!”

Sure enough, the new devices laid in the box shining like they were fresh out of the factory. Jenna promptly strapped it to her wrist while handing over Alex’s. In the process, a small note fell out.

“Wait a second, it says yours isn’t fully activated yet, Alex,” she said, reading the note. “You’re to stop by and see Vitale in Biosphere Four today so he can finish activating yours.”

“One more thing to do on an already busy day,” grumbled Alex. “I guess I’ll add it to the list.”

He toggled on his P-com, which only allowed him a limited range of functionality since it was lacking activation. Jenna did the same as well, managing to pull up a map of the entire city.

“Ah, this is perfect,” she said, bringing up a hologram of the map. “It looks like most of the food supplies are kept in Biosphere Two. I noticed we don’t have anything in the way of food here so why don’t I go check this out? See what they have available?”

“Sounds good to me,” replied Alex. “I think I’m going to go check on Ellie. I just want to make sure she’s doing okay.”

For the first time that morning, a smile left Jenna’s face. It wasn’t hard to figure out why.

“Why do you want to see her?” she asked nonchalantly.

“She’s become like a friend to us,” said Alex, shrugging. “And she’s in a lot of trouble right now. Besides, I don’t want to see her executed, do you?”

“No,” said Jenna quietly. “But I think Annette will have it under control.”

“It doesn’t sound like she does, not when she’s outvoted,” he replied. “But I’ll see what I can do to help. I don’t think it’s right that she’s in this much trouble in a colony that her own grandfather founded.”

Jenna nodded only reluctantly, not saying another word. With the help of her fully functioning P-com, Alex looked up Annette’s address, which was situated on Biosphere Three. Several minutes later, they both set off to their respective destinations.

Along the way, Alex couldn’t help but marvel at the way the city was set up. The city of Vesta was absolutely beautiful, with sleek, off-white color hallways that connected each biosphere together. Those corridors were full of windows on every side, almost to the point that it looked like there wasn’t a structure to connect the biosphere.

There were plenty of people too. And they seemed friendly for the most part. Most of them seemed to focus on Alex as he moved, nodding their heads and smiling. It was as if he already knew them, or they knew of him. He wondered just how many of them heard the story of their dramatic entrance yesterday.

Finally reaching Biosphere Three, Alex moved to the residential section where he found larger suites for the few inhabitants. Most of the names on these suites he recognized too.

The first was for Cassara Torneau while the second one he passed was for Belladonna Worthington. Alex figured that this biosphere had been reserved for the leadership of the Vestan Council.

Finally, he found the name he was looking for. He knocked on the door that was marked for Annette and waited for it to open. To his surprise, it seemed to open on his own. His curiosity piqued, Alex took a few steps into the unit.

He found what he was looking for a moment later. Both Ellie and Annette were sitting at a dining room table. It also looked like neither of them had received much in the way of sleep last night. There were deep bags under Ellie’s normally pretty eyes and her hair had a matted look to it that spoke of her need for a shower.

Upon seeing Alex, they turned their attention to him.

“Morning,” said Alex, nodding at both women. “Just wanted to offer my help in getting Ellie’s name cleared. Is there anything I can do?”

Ellie’s response wasn’t what he expected.

“It’s hopeless,” she said, putting her head in her hands. “There’s nothing we can do. They’re going to kill me.”