Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Downgrade

"Her rate of development..." He taught various things to Lemma. The alphabet, Hindu-Arabic numerals, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, and other random facts. Because of his focus on memory when trying to revive Renna, every new memory she created was something she never forgot.

"No, Mom! I don't want peas!" She was a picky eater.

"No, Dad! You taught me that 3 months ago!" She was becoming sassy.

"Lemma! Let's Parkour!" Lemma was famous with the neighborhood children with her skills, jumping from roof to roof with her excellent judgement thanks to upgrade chips to her movement combined with her excellent vision. She would easily scale walls, earning her the title Trashhopper

Carlo thought this was great. With her skills far superior than regular humans, she would become one of the greatest people in the world. Of course, this was one of his biggest mistakes. 

"Mr. Carlo! HELP! LEMMA IS BLEEDING!" With how things were going, he never even thought that her blood feature, using a mixture of corn syrup, red food coloring, and cocoa, simply for fooling others would ever be used. She was on one of the streets, writhing in excruciating pain.

"I-I-Is t-that-y-you? Dad? ACK!" Every little movement caused her pain. 

Carlo pondered to himself "Was it a mistake to install pain receptors- no, it doesn't make sense for a human to not feel pain." 

After carrying her back to the basement, she told her Dad. "I finally remember, Dad. After that incident with Zen... It was also a vehicle, wasn't it?" Unlike her memories after that tragic incident, her past used to be hazy for her. But after an upgrade to her memory, everything started to become clear after she got hit by a rampaging motorcycle. The sight of wheels on the street terrified her. And she never went outside again.

"Honey, about Lemma..." 

You are reading story The First Immortal at

"I know. She has Motorphobia... fear of anything related to vehicles..."

"It's been a month since she played with her friends!" And it's been a month since Carlo was desperately creating a memory system that works like humans. "Maybe a RAM-like system for the short-term memory and-" And soon, it was time.

"What's the upgrade this time, Dad? Is it my vision? I can't really read when the power is out."

"Do you remember what we did in December 8 2015 at 12:12pm?"

"Well... wasn't that just us eating egg for dinner?"

Carlo continued listing random times in the past and basically confirmed that she remembers everything, from the tiniest details like dust landing on her cheek. What he created was a computer with Renna's personality. He hugged his daughter and asked her,

"Do you want to go outside?" In an instant, she started to tremble in fear. "Do you want to forget?" She nodded.

"Then, good night." 

Thus, she started to forget.