Chapter 233: 233

[You have leveled up.]

[You have completed the quest ‘Black Bass’ Seal-2′.]

[You have learned the skill – Camouflage.] 

[The quest ‘Black Bass’ Seal-3′ has been created.]

“Phew……. He’s not done yet, hahaha.”

He embarrassingly called himself in the third person. When Leeha saw the notification window saying that the second quest of the Black Bass had benn completed, he couldn’t help laugh out loud.

‘I can still do it. After all, I’m fine.’

He was active in Middle Earth. Much of the confidence that he had gained from the incident had died down, but with this has now been once again revived. However, one thing was still not certain, the sniper.

Shooting a musket at 100m or 200m was a difficult task in game, but it was a far cry from what Leeha had been capable of in the military.

The musket, as well as Leeha.

‘But I’m back now…….I’m back!’

The longest distance Leeha recorded as a sniper in the All-Army Counter-Sniper Battle was 1,833m.

Although he was discharged as a volunteer, it was still the longest distance record in the history of the ROK military that had not been broken since.

Although there was a difference of 333m, the confidence and sense of achievement that he succeeded at 1,500m again boosted Leeha’s mood.

“Okay then~ let’s take a look. Please don’t be ridiculous, I hope-”

[Black Bass’ Seal-3]

Description : “This guy is alive! The more this thing tasts blood and flesh, the more powerful it becomes. The legendary dwarf placed seven seals on the Black Bass…. On the day the right user appears, Black Bass will awaken……. The legendary rifle is awaiting the moment the “one” to appears to rise from its slumber.

Content : Defeat a monster at level 190 or higher at the distance of 2,000m(0/1)

Reward: ???

“-it’s not something too ridiculous……. Something ridiculous popped up before I could even finish saying it!.”

He couldn’t even laugh when he saw the contents of the quest he was waiting for. Leeha read and re-read the quest again and again.

The content was unfortunately….still the same. The only thing that changed was the number.

Does that mean that it’s true that the distance increases by 500m and the level by 20 every time he moves on the next quest?

‘Isn’t this crazy? Seven seals?’

Two thousand meters on the third? Then it must be 2,500m on the fourth, and 3000m on the fifth, and so on?

‘Is that even possible? It said that the range is increased by using a snipe skill, but if the Black Bass is a gun based on the Mk-’

It’s effective range was 2000m. There has to be a 30% increase to 2,600m.

Of course, that is, if all possible abilities were used.

Being able to shoot and hit the target are two completely different things. The movement of 0.1mm of the muzzle will diverge by 10m outside of 2,000m.

‘Even assuming it’s correct, the fourth quest appears to be the limit. The 5th, 6th, and 7th quests are…’

However, the targets were not going to be stationary either.

Now, even if there were monsters of that level, if the quests goes on, how much more will the levels of the targeted monster go up?

“This is making me feel sick. Hey, maybe I should try not thinking about it until when the time comes!”

First, he had to check the new skill that he had acquired!


Description: The predator just waits until the prey arrives. The prey cannot see the predator.

Effect: Disguised with the shape and color of the surrounding objects. (Ignores detection from search-type skills and scrolls)

Mana: 300

Duration: Canceled when the body moves more than 1m per minute

Cooldown from release: 12 hours


Cannot be seen. However, was it possible to check with the naked eye? If you look at the meaning of disguising the shape and color of the surrounding objects, camouflage meant only one thing.

‘Gili suit……? No, if it’s the biggest disadvantage of the gili suit-’

It was cumbersome. Literally, the shape and color of the surrounding objects must be followed as they are, so grass and soil were only natural, and even a camouflage net must also be added. Not to mention the weight, mobility must be completely abandoned.

In other words, it meant that this skill could erase all of those shortcomings!

‘Besides, does that mean that it can ignore detection and search magic?’

Can it only be seen by the naked eye?!

However, you can literally ‘see’ it, but you are not able to ‘recognize’ it! As the description said, the prey won’t be able to see the predator.

As Leeha was familiar with it, it was nearly impossible to virtually impossible to find the hidden sniper that is using a gili suit.

“Indeed……. It was worth the difficulty.”

If the rewards are like this, of course he should complete the quests. His level also went up. The king crab was not a field boss, and had no achievement, but he was satisfied with this.

“Because I was able to level up this time. Character Window!”

Name: Ha Leeha / Race: Human

Job: Musketeer / Level : 161 (0%)

Title: Fearless / Achievements: 92

Stats – 

HP:  4,410(3,087) 

MP: 1,155

Strength: 279(+195)

Agility: 1,996(+817)

Intelligence: 148(+97)

Constitution: 145(+52)

Mind: 40(+30)

Remaining Stat Points: 5

It was the achievements he got from the low-level field bosses by almost giving up his health. He had 92 achievements.

Considering that there were only around 50 a few days ago, one could guess the number of achievements Leeha obtained by playing so in the past three weeks. Leeha was second to none in his obsession with getting the One Shot, One Kill achievement.

However, that was not what Leeha was focusing on now.

His agility was 1,996. He had 5 remaining stat points.


He put four in agility. And the remaining one to strength, he now had 280 strength and 2000 agility.

‘Phew……. I’m ready.’

Leeha put the Black Bass in its case. All that was left was the supply, and Leeha tore a teleport scroll to go to the Brass Golem.


“-Therefore, during any war, only the direct harm to the supremacy of another country has been taboo! But what about the arrogant Minis! Even after the unprecedented event of breaking the taboo with their own hand, they are still audacious!”

In the Royal Palace of Fibiel. Normally, the inner door was tightly close, but it was different now.

You are reading story Matan’s Shooter at

A roaring voice came out through the wide open gap, and users who could not enter the palace were outside.

Users who could enter went inside and listened to the conversation of the NPCs who inspected the garden.

As usual, there were likely to be bad players who joked with NPCs, but in the current atmosphere, no one could do that.

The die had now been cast.

“The only thing we can show to those unrepentant barbarians is anger full of blood and manners that only civilized people can have! Whether it is the barbarians of the land, or the barbarians of the sea, it doesn’t make a difference! They started it, but we will end it! Cheer, for his Majesty The King!” 

(ed: I don’t know about you, but anger full of blood doesn’t sound like civilized manners to me, but you do you I guess)

Clap, clap, clap.

As soon as the high priest finished speaking, one of the four NPCs walked out.


The NPCs stayed quiet, but the users could not help but admire him. He wore a brilliantly shiny silver full-plate armor. White boots that matched his armor. Even the strong thigh muscles that were second to none. The NPC was an old man with a worthy appearance, and was a relatively famous one among the users.

“It’s Granville! The 4 pillars’ Granville!”

“Isn’t he the Knight Academy’s teacher?”

“That’s right! He’s the person I saw during my last quest…… Amazing.”

“Wow, that person must have been the commander in the second human-demon war, he’s still alive.” 

Granville knelt before his king of the Fibiel nation. The king slowly rose from his seat. The high priest, who raised his voice in front of the podium, delivered the sword to the king.

“You are appointed as the commander-in-chief of the army for this war. Your orders will  be the same as my orders.”

Granville raised his hands high above with his head bowed. The king placed the sword directly in his hand, which was held up.

“Now, clean the map, Granville.”

“As you command.”

Remove the names of Minis and Kraven from the map.

Granville understood the king’s clear command to direct the destruction of their enemy nations. The users shouted with cheers as they watched the ceremony, which was sacred.

“Waaaahh! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

“Let’s kill those Minis bastards! Let’s go, Fibieeeeeeel!!”

“If we win the siege, will we be give castles too?!”

There were even users who were so excited they cast and flew into the air. Of course, they were immediately sanctioned by the Sacred Knights, but even in an atmosphere that could be considered festive, one person felt differently .

‘Should I really leave it like this?…… Middle Earth? You’re saying you want one country to beat another?’ (ed: if you hate it that much then you can always quit the game)

Shin Nara was worried. She was really worried.

An ominous feeling that this might not be a venue for a festival but a prelude to chaos coud not leave her mind.

Granville held up the sword he had been given by the king. He lowered the tip of the sword that was shining in the sunlight and pointed at the inner door, then said briefly.


Finally, the war between Fibiel and Minis-Kraven Alliance began.

[National War Outbreak]

Description: War will take everything from you. All you can do is take everything from the enemy before that.


Contribution will be earned after successfully followig orders (Deduction in case of death)

Reward: Final compensation for the accumulated contribution after the end of the war.

Condition for Failure –

Death of the King of affiliated country

Death of the Commander-In-Chief of the affiliated country

Surrender of the Commander-In-Chief of the affiliated country

Commander in Chiefs:

Fibiel: The Pillar – Granville

Minis: The Fox of the Prairie – Ewin

Kraven: The Second Storm – Drake

Upon Failure: No compensation

[All users in your country are subject to compulsary conscription]

[Users from enemy country are treated as monsters. You can acquire the appropriate level of experience.]

[Level will not go down when you die from a user of another country.]

[You can receive detailed quests in the battlefield of your country.]

[Fibiel-Minis: Near the Marching Plains]

[Fibiel-Krave: Near the Dike Coast]


“Let’s go.”

Leeha packed the magazing into his bag and looked at the notification window that appeared in front of him.

The quest outline didn’t even tell him what to do. He could follow the contents of the detailed quest and perform it.

‘Is it fortunate that the level does not go down? I can’t even say that I’m lucky.’

It is only exempt for losing levels. This meant that not all death penalties were removed.

In other words, item drops and 48 hours of inaccessibility were still there. Anyone who was not fully aware of this difference will suffer greatly from the start.

‘Three conditions for defeat.’

Defeat is confirmed by the death of the king or commander-in-chief.

Even if the two NPCs are left alive, the declaration of surrender meant defeat as well. Then an unconditional attack was not required. The protection of key factors must also be addressed at all cost.

If it’s the king’s assassination- well, the royal guards won’t stand still.’

The last time they said it was nonsense, but now they can’t.

If the best of the Sacred Knights were sent to the palace in large numbers, 

assassinating the king will be more difficult than plucking the stars.

‘Petyr is mainly active in Midnight Circus, but in any case, he belongs to Minis.’

Leeha imagined.

If he was a member of Minis, what was the fastest way to end the war?

“To make Petyr kill Granville.”

The commander-in-chief will be near the battlefield. He was also not on the side of the shoreline where the navy operated, which mainly focused on being a lookout, but near Minis, which was the main enemy.

‘Long time no see.’

Leeha’s destination. If it was the Marching Plains, it was a place that he was already familiar with. He moved to Nitai, a small town, using a warp gate.

(To be continued…)

(ed: Hmm, I wonder if Leeha is going to die during this war? I think it could create some good tension with him losing some items and not being able to join the war for two days.)