Chapter 7: To New Beginnings

Tanya blearily came back to consciousness and tried to wake up. She tried to move her body, and much to her surprise-not she found that she in fact, could not.

She tried once more to open her eyelids, and... nothing. Her conscioussness struggled for a period and sunk once more under the blissful rest known as sleep. She did not resist, why would she? She was under no restrictive time limit, nor was there any urgent need for an aerial mage,( or was it a salaryman?) or someone or something would have woken her up by then.

Again, she climbed to the very edge of awaking, tetering on the very edge of the slim border between her not-so-eternal-anymore-rest and waking once more. And once more she failed to regain her self, slowly but steadily losing her army-bred hardness, her salaryman-bred cynicism, and ever so slowly, she came into terms on who she was.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Twenty seven times she was brought to the very edge of consciousness, with only the slightest of barriers, that the tiniest of stimuli could break, remained after the final try.

If there was one thing that repeatedly crosiing the river of death both ways could not damage, it was her pride that could cover the heavens, and once toppled them over, with room to spare. And another, was her well earned experience, intent, and most importantly of all, her pure, and utterly foolish stubbornness, that she once used to spit on the face of a being that might as well be God, and accomplished something else, but much, much more impressive instead. She slaughtered the one known to her as Being X, who tried to claim the false mantle of God, and in the process, she became so much more. She became one who had truly accepted herself for who she truly was. And she was damn proud of who she was, and that certainly was not something most can say.

She took upon the mantle of those who came before her, who spit upon 'destiny' and fate itself. She earned a title none before in her world had ever earned before her, and in so doing, as she died with a smile in her face, freeing herself from all of her shackles, a certain mysterious Will asked her a question, if she would be willing to free an enslaved world, fight against impossible odds, and almost certainly die along the way, she did something she had never done before. She laughed at the face of death, rejected the Will's offer, and made her own.

She wanted a life of freedom, of no chains binding her down, of an adventure everlasting. She certainly as heck ain't gonna spend any life of hers shackled to a Will, shackled by its goals, and being led from one battlefront to the other just because some Willed told her so! She was her own man woman person and she was not gonna sign away her freedom within literally seconds of being freed of her shackles of the the flesh

Then the strange nefarious smoke like entity calling itself a Will smiled a smile so wide that if it had been on a normal person, it might have caused their head to roll off their head and said four words and no more.

Tanya looked at the being before her, in utter shock, her soul wrapping protectively around her, allowing her self to last for the few moments, lasting so long that each second feeling like a year, stretching for an impossibly long period of time, before she shrugged, burst into laughter, morphed herself to take the shape of her prior self, clad in full uniform, in her full glory, stretched out her hand and agreed. "Well, if you say it like that, how can anyone whose soul strives for it ever disagree? You got me, hook, line and sinker, and however much I dislike being on the back step in a negotiations, you sir, have my full support, and I shall make sure to Hunt.You.Down if you don't make full do on your statement." The Being, no, the man before her smiled once more at that, and reassured that she would do just fine and wished her good luck and to not let herself let down on the name she earned.

What the Will said? It was so simple and idiotic it should not have possibly worked, and yet, it did nonetheless. They were "Fly Free With Me!!!".

As the wife of the man who once was reknowned through the world as the Sage, held the stone statue he had ever so gently placed on her, she seemed to both wither and bloom at the same time.

She took it upon herself to gently rub the stone statue's head, rubbing its tiny body, and scoured the statue of the baby, and as she gently fondled the baby, she smiled, shedding tears, seeming, for all of the world, to be broken, in mind and soul, looking to the far distance. She felt a hand on her shoulders, reassuring her, "Take mine, I have fulfilled my purpose, she has no need of an incompetent nincompoop of a father" said a man feared the world over as a man whose wisdom could bring forth decades of prosperity to kingdoms by just a simple week long stay, whose might would be feared by any and all who dared cross his path.

She clutched his hand and tears poured out of her eyes as she saw the magnificent aura around her husband, and upon steeling herself, pulled on the man's aura, power, his very life itself, into herself, seeming like a woman on the very cusp of death, and poured the lifegiving powers into her tears, and wept, racked in grief, while also crying from the sheer joy she felt as she felt her last child, the symbol of the impossible made very possible, and most of all, she wept from the loss she felt as she felt the hand on her shoulder slowly grow cold as the only man she would ever consider handsome, in all of his rugged, hairy, glory, pass away, standing, like there was nothing wrong with the world, his eyes glassy, considering matters a thousand miles away, at a million miles a second, and as she cried, a gurgling laugh came from her as she noticed her husband holding a very uncharacteristic smile on his face, apparently telling her to forget about petty matters, like death, and to look towards their daughter, for she was truly their daughter.

A daughter who strived to bring herself into the world (just as much, if not more than that idiotic husband of hers and herself) and cried out as just as the aura of the baby increased in potency, folding in on itself.

The mother, a true royal of one of the most ancient empires of the world, which had been taken over by twenty measly kingdoms, spanning the world, whose rulers deigned themselves Celestial Dragons and who locked away some of the secrets of the world, maybe forever, except for the ones carried by her husband and herself, and now, her daughter, who had not yet seen fit to introduce herself to the world.

The woman looked over her shoulder, looking more and more radiant as she seemingly regressed in age, wrinkles turning smooth, her back unhenching itself, her body regaining its youthful vigor, trying her best to put forth the best introduction she could think of for her seventh daughter, to the world, to the mountain, and most importantly, to her husband and herself as she was born. And what better introduction is required for a newborn baby, then the smiles of its parents?

The princess of a time long forgotten, of myths and legends, when monsters walked the land recalled the lessons of ages, centuries past, of etiquette, and on how to smile from her heart, of one lesson she remembered above all others. The lesson that said, "smile, not for any who see you, but for those who you see."

And as she waited patiently, smiling, her husband's hand on her shoulder, a motherly smile on her face as she waited for the statue to remain a statue no more.

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She did not have to wait long.

A single crack suddenly ran lengthdown the statue, a golden light shining out. More and more cracks ran down the body, each crack giving off different lights.

The statue slowly rose into the air, slowly floating towards the aura of safety, protection, and... something the soul within had not felt in a long, long time.

As the statue hovered in front of the hasband-wife pair, each having huge smiles on their faces, one with tears down their eyes, the other glassy eyed.

The woman, Oksana Draken, smiled at the statue, and said, with tears shining in her eyes, "Please, me pueri esse."

And so, with a final Crack! the statue shattered, the pieces flung off with high velocity, yet evaporating into golden particle, and each particle slowed, then stopped entirely, before being drawn into the mass of golden light they originated from.

And then, the great ball of light seemed to be waiting for something, and pulsed with impatience.

Oksana blinked, and looked to the ball of light. "Are you... asking for a name?"

At this, the ball bobbed up and down.

Oksana frowned in consternation even as her lips were tugged upwards from mirth as she contemplated her situation, and said slowly, "Very well, you shall be known to all in my, the last princess of the Forgotten Empire, The Eternal Princess who walked the world for over 8 centuries, Oksana Draken, sixth generation of being a seventh daughter, authority and right as your mother, as Tanya."

As the name slipped past Oksana's tongue, it seemed to resonate with the ball, and it faded a bit, and bobbed its head once more.

Oksana smiled, thinking on how much trouble the child would bring in the future if her birth brought so much fun mischief.

She laid her hand on her husband's, and lightly said, "My child's full name shall be Tanya Viktoriya Oksana Nicholaus Draken."

At this, the ball stopped, seeming to consider for a time, before chiming in agreement, sounding like a bell, before hovering to her arms, and dissipating, to form the most beautiful baby Oksana had ever seen, even counting her other children, who, despite their cuteness, were monsters, one and all, who did not contact their mother once.

The baby in her arms however, she felt certain would do no such thing.

The baby was waking up, Oksana could feel it. She smiled so much that she feared that her head would split as she saw her baby girl wake up hazily, and saw that little Tanya's left eye the colour of her hair, that of spun gold, and her right eye was the colour of the vast and empty sky, with a hint of silver encroaching in the edges.

She looked up at her parents, one smiling at her from the material world, another, smiling even wider, from another world, and said, "Bah-Bai" and slept her previous selves away.

She was reborn once more.

This time, she was Tanya Draken, and no more, except maybe a long-ass hell name she aint gonna recall, with no more weights weighing her down from her past.

And her epic had just begun.

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