Chapter 1: 1. Renewed for a second season

There was a single, continuous, clicking sound in the back of my mind as I waited at the ominous black door before me. I wasn't sure why I was waiting or even where the black door led, but I knew it was where I would be headed. 

Had the door appeared out of thin air, I wondered. Had I? There were so many details that just seemed to be missing. Details that, if I tried to think about hard enough, seemed to dance on the edges of my mind. The only thing keeping me from them, a dense mental fog. I so badly wanted to dive in and blindly run through it until I wound up on the other side. 

Where the answers were. 

The door finally opened then, as if in response to my thoughts getting too dangerous. I walked in, the clicking sound still playing in the back of my head on an endless loop. Strange shapes made out of shadows peered out at me from beyond an impassable barrier. They wore Cheshire grins and clown faces as I passed. Then, after I had reached the end of the path, they disappeared. It was like they had never even existed. 

I couldn't even remember their faces. 

From in front of me another strange shadow appeared. Unlike the ones from before, this one was dressed - well dressed. He looked down at me from atop a white steed made out of fog and had teeth made out of wood. 

I decided not to question his appearance nor my sanity for the time being and remained silent. 

The shadow took that as an invitation to speak. 

"Hello Anita. We've been waiting. Its time for you to join. To join our little game." He smiled then, his grin all teeth and the promise of pain in the future. "Would you like to know the rules?" 

"Yes." I didn't say. Something else had spoken for me in my own voice. It had come from somewhere and disappeared off to nowhere. 

"Good. Here they are then. The rules. Now listen closely. I don't repeat." From his horse the shadow pulled out a list and some glasses. He put the list on and started reading from the glasses. 

It was impossibly wrong. 

"First rule. Survive. Second rule. Participate. Third rule. Do not incite rebellion against your host. Fourth rule. Cultivate. Grow strong." The shadow closed the glasses and tucked them away. He then fixed his gaze on me and smiled. "That is all. Goodbye." 

... And then I was falling. 

The ground beneath my feet crumbled away into dust. I fell backwards into the now open floor and into the sky. The world above me, the one made of fog and shadows, closed up. It vanished from sight, and by the time it was completely gone the fog in my own mind had begun to dissipate. 

I could suddenly remember things that I couldn't have just a few minutes prior. Like my name, or my dog's name, and even my weight. It was the most relieving experiences in the world, as if a massive chain that had been wrapped around my neck had been removed. With it gone I was finally allowed to breath again. 

Then the moment was shattered into a million pieces as I realized I was falling out of the sky. The ground was getting too close too fast. Specks in the distance soon became healthy looking trees and large rocks. The distance between me, them, and the ground closing rapidly. 

Already I could see my life flashing before my eyes. Every choice and mistake I ever made, every second of every day, it all played through my mind with painful detail. 

... And then my foot got snagged onto a vine. My descent came to a sudden halt and I breathed a sigh of relief. Only to look up in bewilderment as I felt my thighs jiggle. Which couldn't be right. I was certain that my mind was playing a trick on me, possibly because of the near death scenario I was just in. But, when I looked up I discovered that my mind was not playing me for a fool from stress. 

My thigh really was jiggling. It even kept going for a few seconds more after I stopped and looked up at it. 

Which, again, couldn't be right. 

You are reading story Steel – Rewrite – Thicc thighs edition at

All my life I had been quite frail; or a stick as my mother would put it. But, if anyone with eyes to see looked at me now they'd never believe that. Even I was having trouble believing it as I looked up at a body that couldn't be mine. 

There were too many curves in too many of the right spots. Big boobs, decently plump arms, and a moderately large belly. It was unreal. Just two minutes prior as I was falling out of the sky I looked exactly as I always had. Now, however, I could only think of a few words to describe my form and at the top of the list was Thicc. 

Even then, it felt like a disservice to the sheer volume of curvage I now had. As if the word Thicc simply wasn't enough to convey just how big I really was.

Which is to say that I was pretty big. 

My thighs alone were thicker than most people were. Then add in my hips and butt and you get a real monster. I probably weighed more than-

The vine holding me up snapped at that moment, cutting my mental rant short and sending me to the ground. Fortunately it was a relatively short fall, and somehow I ended up landing on my butt. Which made for a surprisingly good cushion, it also completely broke my fall. 

For a second I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. But, for now, I decided to not think about it. Instead I focused on a much more important issue. 

Namely what was I supposed to do? The shadow man had only told me the rules to this supposed survival game. And the closest thing to a goal he had given me, outside of survival, was cultivating. 

Unfortunately I didn't know how or what cultivating was. Unless of course he was talking about cultivating a healthy lifestyle, which I highly doubted was his meaning. But, as I despaired over my lack of knowledge, a foreign knowledge washed over me. 

It was oddly warm, and soothing, as if my insides had been dipped into a pool of hot water. Except the water was knowledge and it was actually filling my head with information. The bizarre half trance - half vision - didn't last long and soon enough things returned to normal. Relatively speaking of course. 

For a few seconds, however, I was in a state of shock. Not because something had just forced knowledge into my head. Rather, because said something had just forced knowledge about cultivating into my head. 

And there was a lot of information. 

Despite the daunting amount of info that had just been dumped into my mind, I was quite certain that it was only the very basics of cultivation. But, more importantly I now knew how to cultivate. How to begin to carve my own path to strength. 

The first step was to gather essence. Which as it turned out wasn't as easy as I first thought it would be. The essence - freely floating about in the air - didn't want to be absorbed. It fought me every inch of the way as I pulled it into my own internal reservoir, a vast well that apparently everyone had. Slowly, I filled that well up and once it was completely full I moved on to the next step. 

I pushed the essence through my body. With pure force of will I forced the essence to travel the pathways through my bones and veins. In bitter and slightly painful return, it gave me back strength. 

I felt my bones and muscles grow both denser and stronger. My reactions and perception of the World around me become sharper and clearer. There was more too, little details that I hardly even noticed but knew were there. It was quite possibly the most invigorating experience of my entire life. 

So ecstatic was I about the whole thing that I actually jumped for joy. Which caused two things to happen in quick succession. The first was that my butt cheeks hit each other and made a rather loud clapping sound. It was followed immediately after by a quieter clap created by my breasts. 

The second thing, was that the reality of my situation hit me. 

I was in some sort of weird survival - and or death - game. A weird dude made out of shadows just dropped me out of the sky and into a random forest. And weirdest of all, I now was definitely in the running for having the most ridiculous pear shaped body imaginable. 

It was weird to say the least.