Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Press F to Pay Respects

"Hey, is it just me or is the place a bit quieter than usual?"

"I will ask the security team, Sir."


The fat man who's in the tub, surrounded by his women felt a bit tense due to feeling a bit irked at the moment. His instincts tell him that something was going on today but he couldn't tell what it was that made him feel this way. 

Deciding to call on the nearby bodyguard, he ask if there was any report from the security team if there were any irregularities when...

*Music Started playing*


All of them became tense when they heard music playing as they shuddered in surprise when the door to the entrance started knocking.

The fat man was scared as all his men pull out their weapons and started aiming at the door. While all of them facing towards the door, a lone drone was slowly descending below them as it faced in front of the door, trying to point at a certain angle where it captures the door, the men, and the fat man with his ladies...

[Ready Uncle.]


As he said that, Wade bash the door with his feet, delivering enough force to break it without sending it flying.

Seeing this spectacle, the men didn't hesitate to unload their guns at Wade which he easily parried with his sword, walking towards them without any care as the men felt that their weapons were useless against him.

Liam continued to record the footage while tapping the laptop at a fast rate, trying to work hard as multiple footages of Wade and the group was shown at different angles, mainly due to having multiple drones and cameras slowly pointing in their direction.

'Uncle had better pay me for a new laptop for this...' Liam was a bit pissed off since he knew that this was what Wade wanted to do as his special 'Recording'. Letting himself be filmed off such that he would get a good review from his clients as he wanted to be hired by some rich employers for a better payment.

While Liam could settle with just getting one drone to just film his exploits, Wade wanted Liam to 'Beautify' himself to his future clients, such that he wants Liam to get his best looks on camera while doing his job as a mercenary for hire.

Wade entertain himself for a long while that while blocking a certain bullet he had parried, manage to bounce itself to a nearby drone which he stopped playing around as a shocked look was plastered on his face. Knowing one of Liam's toys was broken.



"L-look kid. I swear that one was an accident. I didn't want that to happen."


Wade then noticed the drones beginning to disappear as he knew that Liam was pissed but he didn't have time to play around as the second round of bullets began to rain upon him again.

"Gah! I better hurry this up and negotiate with Liam before he would bankrupt me again."

Wade was correct when he said that as Liam had stopped paying attention to the screen as an evil grin was growing on him. Calculating on his mind on how much can he extort on Wade to let him buy a new laptop he always wanted.

You are reading story Liam’s Adventure in the Marvel World at

"Great! It's already enough for me to buy the laptop. I might need to squeeze Uncle Wade a bit more but it should be enough."

[Dammit Kid! I better hope it's not that expensive.]

"Don't worry Uncle. I may extort you a bit more but it shouldn't cost that much. I think..."

"You Think?!" Wade exclaimed as he beheaded one of the guards that were firing at him, quickly heading next to a nearby guard to deliver a spin kick with enough force to snap his neck.

He continue arguing with Liam as he slowly killed his way off towards the fat man as he tried to escape by using the girls as his meatshields.

[Sorry Sir. No cutting in line.]

Liam smiled as the drone popped a dart towards the man's neck, rendering him unable to move, while Wade finally arrived at the man's location, after slaughtering his way.

"Good job Boy Wonder! You manage to subdue our Villainous foe through the power of justice."

[.......] Liam didn't bother following Wade's antics as his task was already done after making sure Wade was left alone with the target(the two girls weren't much of a threat to Wade).

Liam just lets the drone hover and record them while he gets out from his seat as he moves towards the bed, taking out a letter in his pocket.

His hands began to shake in anticipation as this was more important to him than anything. Liam was nervous, thinking that even with a good head, he felt like he won't get accepted in the internship he wanted to work at.

On the logo was an S symbol which signifies a certain brand of a company which many knew, Liam was pale but excited since it was just a small dream he had after moving to this country as he open the letter to see the results of his work.

[Dear Mr. Wilson,

I would like to thank you for the application you have submitted to our company. We, at Stark Industries, have reviewed the work you had submitted last week.]

As Liam look down at the letter, his hand trembled with excitement as he saw the end, and a scream exited from his body after seeing his results.

[Your application to intern at Stark Industries has been approved.]

Liam can't help but yell after seeing the results of his work had paid off as he tumbles from his bed left and right, screaming so much that a loud bang from his wall spooked him back to reality.

"Shut Up! I'm doing my business here!"

"Ah, sorry Sir."

In the end, he quieted down but didn't stop his excited thought leaking through his face as he folded the letter back and kept it in his drawer as something he wants to guard with his life before turning back to the screen which Wade had just finished playing with his target and was knocking on the drone with his fingers tapping on to it.

[Hey Kid. What was that sound from earlier? I ended up getting spooked and killed the target out of panic. Are you okay there?]

Seeing Wade's face blocking the entire screen, Liam was still elated from the results that he had to tell his Uncle about the result he got, also planning that his good mood didn't have to worry about Wade breaking his drone.