Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Combat

"What?!" Peter's expression turned grave at what he had heard, rushing down to the building after hearing that someone was trying to steal an old man's car.

'Uncle Ben!' He still remembers that person's face that he didn't block, letting the man enter the elevator after thanking him to let him get away. Angry that he was cheated out of his money, Peter thought it was just petty revenge against those guys who didn't give a thing about him.

But after hearing that he had put his Uncle into danger, he quickly rushed out to the building, only to see someone whom he thought he wouldn't see again.

Liam Wilson.

"Screw you kid!" The man Peter helped, was looking at Liam with rage after what he did, throwing a punch at Liam who easily dodge his punch with ease.

Training with Wade help him improve his fighting skills by a lot yet he still couldn't compare to his Uncle that could block bullets with his sword or play around with his opponents with ease.

Liam's combat capabilities were more than capable of handling a petty criminal who was wielding a knife in his hands as Dennis swung his knife at Liam who just avoids it without difficulty as he let the man swing the knife around him while dodging it easily.

Liam's body was quite fit after doing exercises and practicing techniques Wade had taught him, even though he couldn't master the difficult ones, Wade made sure that Liam has the basics embedded into him to such a point where Liam's combat capabilities are more than enough for fighting with people who underestimate him.

Left, right, up, Liam avoided the knife while letting the man exhaust himself from swinging around as he noticed the other man from earlier was gone and probably gotten away which he didn't mind as long as he prioritize the old man's safety and his own.

"Uncle Ben!" Peter who saw that his Uncle was safe and fine, quickly rush at him which Liam took notice of this and turned a bit to who this person was.

"Senior?!" Liam flinch from recognizing who the person was, not noticing that this allowed the man to swing at him which Liam quickly realizes it but it was too late.

Liam couldn't dodge the knife which he decided to block the attack with his hands, causing a gouge at his left hand that cut deep into his skin, leaving a deep wound which he hisses in pain.

"Screw you, Kid!" The man, laughing at the damage he did, tried to strike again but Liam's gaze turned fierce as he duck and avoided the man's strike.

After avoiding the attack, Liam turned around and delivered an upper back kick which hits the man's jaw, causing him to stumble from the sense of his consciousness leaving him but Liam didn't continue playing around him anymore.

He ended the man's consciousness by delivering a roundhouse kick which sends him flying and landed on the ground hard.


Liam grunts in pain after letting his guard down and getting himself injured after a moment of slight distraction. He knew that getting distracted in a fight would leave him open to the attacks but it was something he couldn't control due to being surprised by the person he knew.

Peter hugged his uncle after seeing that he was fine but his hands began to shake, an uncontrollable feeling overwhelmed him after realizing a certain thought in his mind, thinking if Liam wasn't there when his uncle was in trouble.

'God, I almost killed Uncle Ben.' A certain revelation appeared in his head, thinking of a certain scenario of his uncle lying in a pool of blood, due to his actions if he wasn't petty in his vengeance at all.

"You okay there sport?" Ben gave comfort to his nephew who was still shaken from the events but he was more worried about Liam who was injured during the scuffle, a young man who saved him from those criminals.

You are reading story Liam’s Adventure in the Marvel World at

"Apart from my arm, I'm still okay Sir." Liam waved with his uninjured hand while playfully acting as nothing had happened to him. He still felt a bit of pain from his injuries but it's mostly his fault for letting his guard down which he felt like he needs more training than anything.

'Wade's probably going to laugh at me for letting my guard down...' He sighed as Wade was the type that was going to be harsh on him, considering that he was going to scold Liam about getting himself distracted in a fight.

But instead of this, Liam treasure this moment as it also provided wisdom when it comes to his lack of battle experience.

'I shouldn't get full of myself even when I'm trained by a skilled mercenary. I could have ended my life if I got myself a bit more careless in the fight. I'm not Uncle Wade who can play around while being rained by bullets as I'm not good at combat.'

Clenching his fist. A new determination to work hard to train himself sprout in Liam as Peter finally called out to Liam who was spacing out.

"Hey Liam, thank you so much for saving Uncle Ben. If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened to him if you didn't help."

"No Problem Senior. I was just trying to help in any way I can."

Liam casually just accept Peter's appreciation as he held out the pain in his injuries, having to just head to a hospital while calling Wade out to tell the news of the event.

Ben seeing Liam's injuries, decide to take Liam there since he appreciates his help when dealing with the criminals.

While heading there, Peter was upset that he who has the strength to help people, ended up almost risking his uncle's life while Liam, an unpowered Junior of his, risked his life even when he doesn't have any powers like Peter have.

"Hey, Liam." Peter felt unconfident in himself once more, thinking if his actions today spark more negativity in him. Even when he's smart and was now strong, he still let everyone down by being overconfident in his powers which causes him to almost lose his uncle's life.

Liam was also like him, yet even when he didn't have the abilities he have, he still risked his life to save someone he didn't even know.

"Yes, Senior?"

"You don't have to call me Senior you know. Just call me Peter or Pete."

"Alright, Peter." Liam just nodded since he was now closer to Peter and he didn't have to be someone formal to him anymore after being close.

"You know Liam, you don't have powers but why did you risk your life to save someone?" This bothered Peter constantly as he was the one who has powers but he can't help but be amazed that someone younger than him, with no abilities or power whatsoever, would risk their lives for someone else.

Liam was silent for a minute before turning to him with a smile.

"I couldn't protect someone I want to save. But instead of seeking revenge or doing something stupid, I trained hard, treasured those close to me, and I want to help people in whatever way I can. Power or no power, I will do the same thing."

"......." Peter realizes what Liam had said, he looks down on himself and clenches his fist with a new determined look on his face.