Chapter 37: Chapter 37: Really? A Terrorist on my Vacation?

Weeks passed and it was almost time for school.

Liam was currently at his basement, trying to modify a suit which he plans on giving to Peter on his birthday.

He was slowly integrating Stark's tech into the suit as it gave off a metallic feeling while emphasizing on flexibility than durability.

Liam didn't really plan on working on his own suit since he really see much on fighting at some point where thugs weren't just enough for him.

There's also that he might run into Kingpin's goons which Liam didn't really plan on involving himself at that point since he really don't want to get into that much trouble just to satisfy his craving for fighting.

If Peter gets himself involve with Kingpin, he wouldn't just watch at that point but he knew that Kingpin was a dangerous man. So much so that even Wade warned him to think about his actions when fighting him.

"Hmn? Tony? Why is he calling me?" While working on the shades on the eye socket in the suit, he suddenly recieves a called from Tony asking him if he wants to head overseas with him again.

"Last time you took me, we almost died by a terrorist group."

[That time was just a fluke kid. I want to invite you to Monaco since there's something I want to talk to you about. You can even invite your Aunt and friends as a form of thanks for saving my life twice kid. Your Aunt and friends would love Monaco since it got good beaches and nice sceneries.] Tony felt that he needed to talk to Liam about something. Something that he can't tell anyone else about.

He knew that the metal in his chest was slowly killing him and that he might not live for much long.

He tried many ideas about solving this problem but time was against him. He knew that by the time he would solve this, he would already be dead by then.

Thinking of this predictament, he first thought of Pepper before thinking of Liam as he knew that he might need to talk to him about his worries.

Its not that he can talk this problem with Pepper that he's dying nor can he talk to this stuff to his best friend since for all he knew, he might not understand how his condition is.

But Liam? he's quite insightful of things and he can even sense about the metal poisoning on his chest. He is sure that the moment Tony starts acting up, Liam can smell his bullshit from a mile away.

As such, he need to talk to him about this as he wanted Liam to be silent about his condition from others. He believes that only geniuses like him could understand his worries.

Tony feels insecure when he talks about dying to Pepper or to Rodney since he can't see himself to speak to them about his problems.

Yet Liam was different.

He can see that while both their lives are different, both of them share a common trait which that they hide their lonliness in them.

In the incident in Afghanistan, Yinshen had lay out both of their feelings and connect through that dark space, giving light to both of their problems and even laying out the insecurity inside them.

In the mask of his confidence, he hides the loneliness that was deep seeth inside his heart.

For Liam, he hides the deep fear of losing someone deep in him, the loneliness that separates him from Tony yet both of them knew that in the end, they might also meet the same fate of being lonely for their intelligence can't compare to others. Having no one but each other to see the darkness inside them.

You are reading story Liam’s Adventure in the Marvel World at

Liam can lay out his feelings with no free guilt while Tony can't help but feel insecure when sharing his.

But only with Liam could he bare out his deepest thoughts, knowing how they could share their innermost secrets in that bunker and letting out their frustrations in life. Tony could confide himself if Liam can help him ease out his fears.

"I don't see you and your Aunt doing much on your free time so how about some vacation at another country? I bet you can even show off some souvenirs you got there to the girls while your at it."

[......Well, Vanessa needed her time to relax after taking care of those kids. Bah! You know what? I'll just take those guys as well for her sake.] Since revealing his income to Vanessa and how he got successful in making enough money to live a good life, Vanessa started to run an orphanage which Liam supported since Wade ask him to take care of her while he was gone.

Using the money he stole-borrowed from Stane, it was a good use to make it into an orphanage since he can credit it for the fact that he ended more lives than save it. Plus, it also rid of Vanessa's worry when Liam told her that the money he use on the orphanage was for penance of a criminal who ended lives.

Not only that, Liam could see in those children, those being abandoned by the world and he can't help but feel more happy seeing that these kids won't end up like Wade, Vanessa or even him.

"......I think that I should touch some grass sometimes since Vanessa kept scolding me of being a basement dweller." After ending the calls, he smiled dryly as Vanessa had been nagging him on staying in the house and never leaving which worried her about his well-being.

The only time he left was when he took his driver's license and talking with Peter and Harry about the new game that came out, which was 2 weeks ago.

"Well, at least this time, we don't have to face a terorrist group since Tony said that it would be a Vacation rather than a battlefield...."

Oh how wrong he was to think so little of the unfortunate events that would unfold...


'Fuck my life....'

"Com'on kids! Lets go!"

"Peter! Liam! We need to go, NOW!"

"H-harry! L-liam! I need to find Aunt May and Uncle Ben."

"Big Bro...."

Panic and Chaos run rampant on the stadium as mass panic began to erupt. Many civilians began to run away in fear as a half-naked man began to laugh while swinging the whip in a crazy manner.

It was supposed to a good field trip for the group while they would have fun.

He could even enjoy himself, playing around with people his age or run around with little kids playing in the beach.

He didn't expect that his wild guesses to be as accurate as Vanessa's Slap when Wade tried to flirt with other girls.

'Maybe being a Basement Dweller was better Afterall....'Liam suddenly regret his decision to leave the basement in this moment.