The rest of the day was spent with the group enjoying the life in Monaco.
Visiting the scenic views of the Land, spending time enjoying the sea and the artistic landscapes.
While the others where having the time of their lives, visiting Museums, fancy restaurants and the popular tourist place in the city....
"Is this what its like to be a parent?" Liam tirelessly move back and forth, trying to watch the kids enthusiastically move around the mall. Each kid doing their own part while running around and moving at a pace where even with his well-trained body, it wasn't enough to keep up with kids running in a large environment, trying to sightsee every shop and fun place they could explore.
After Vanessa scold the hell out of Liam, the group finally decide on punishing Liam by having to take care of the kids while they enjoy the vacation themselves. Liam agrees reluctantly and sighs since it would be fitting to take on the punishment for trying to play hero while risking his life.
Peter and Harry tried defending Liam as their friend yet he shook their effort as it was his fault for rushing blindly, trying to get himself killed.
He accepted the punishment of taking care of the kids while they all had fun as Liam decided to take them to a mall to stroll and play around.
Releasing some drones to monitor their actions, he sometimes had to run around to places where accidents occur as one of the kids either bumped into someone or cause a scene in public and had to apologize in their favor, rapidly draining his stamina as he had to keep up with the kid's hyperactive behaviors in moving through one place from another.
Girls tend to be more reserve and less playful as they tend to visit toy shops to buy dolls or stuff toys to play around with.
Boys on the other hand, had to run around the places before finally stopping at the arcade before he could relax.
Holding on to a donut with drink in his hand and sitting on a public chair with a tired expression, Liam could finally take a break as the phone on his hand could see that the kids were now staying at one place, having fun as he didn't need to run around anymore.
But seeing that these orphaned kids are now having the best moment in their lives gave Liam a slight smile on his face as compared to the live he had live was somehow peaceful and joyful that he prefers these kids to enjoy life rather than be hateful about it.
[U-uncle Wade....I-i killed them....]
[.....Its not your fault Liam. This would happen eventually for them anyways...]
[But if I got here sooner...]
' gets really hard to repress those memories...' Liam grumbled as some relapsed memories of his past began to manifest into his mind, recalling some parts of the memory he buried inside his head. After feeling the slight peaceful atmosphere he currently lives, those thoughts in his head began to grow back like some leeches wanting a second round at his blood.
While there were cases where Liam could be said to prepare for the worst, sometimes life goesn't give him many successes in life. Considering some even cost him lives he couldn't save.
Now looking at these kids who enjoy their lives without a care of the world, Liam felt a bit happy, seeing that these kids wouldn't have to suffer a painful life and would live into proper people.
'Ethan says that he would try his best to become a Doctor so I could help him with his study. Mainly teach him some basic First-aid since it could shape up his understanding in saving people's lives.'
'Brittany wants to be a teacher and seeing how she loves to teach her siblings, I don't have to worry for her other than helping her study to become one.'
'Clarise wants to be a lawyer since she saw the injustice Alex face when he defended her from those siblings. Judging by her age, its too early for her to teach her anything but guiding her how the world works could be good for her.'
'Kate....she's a bit Tomboyish like Eve but not as Emo as her. Well, as long as she knows what she wants is good either way but its not necessary bad to at least teach her how genders work in this world. Don't want her to end up like someone....'
"You know that I'm not bias against guys you know." Felicia glares at Liam who was writing on his phone before looking away in a displeased manner.
"Well, for someone who didn't dislike the opposite sex, why haven't I seen you with other guys?" Liam ignored her cute behavior as he continue noting down on his phone. Clearly not tempted by her charm at all.
".........What, would you be jealous if I hang out with other guys?" Seeing that his words clearly meant something, Felicia thought that Liam might have a soft spot for her, thinking that he might be giving a hint.
You are reading story Liam’s Adventure in the Marvel World at
"No. Not really." Liam replied normally.
"Liam, are you even interested in a relationship?" Thinking that despite trying to give Liam a hint, he clearly doesn't seem to be interested in any romantic things happening in his life. Even when he had two friends currently in a relationship.
"....To be honest, I'm just...taking things in a realistic approach you know." Felicia could see that Liam's mindset was a bit more mature in the fact that he thinks on his actions rather than being inpulsive.
Seeing how his views on life were far more advance than his age, even being younger than them, Liam thought things through and see that he felt like seeing the countless dangers in the spec of their lives was something Felicia could feel in Liam.
He could feel that the world isn't peaceful, being in the grey area where lives could be spent like drinking water as something he knows. Working with Wade as a mercenary, diving into the darkness not seen by the light, countless monsters appearing here and there and even politics and rich people's problems that uses terrorist and hidden dangers not everyone could see in their lives.
Liam knew those hidden dangers and no matter how smart he is, how skilled he is, the strength he weilds or even when he gains powers, in the end...
He is still a human.
'Do I really have to take that offer?' Remembering the last time he met death, Liam pondered his options and would seek a higher power to attain the strength needed to protect those he cares about.
'No. My choice is right. I shouldn't take things for granted. Not knowing I would end up regretting those actions later on.'
'Looking at my last fight. I might not be strong but its not like my enemies would be unkillable. Tony believes in science so why don't I believe that my intellect can't kill Monsters as well?'
'If I can't those beings stronger than me, its not because I'm weak but I didn't have the necessary materials to kill them.'
'If I see those two monsters again...' Liam thinks about the two monsters that he met in Harlem, his grin grew wide ehen confronting them with his suit that was still the same yet equipped with new inventions focused on killing them. He can't help but feel pumped up.
Not knowing that Felicia was closely staring at him, still daze at the imagination of the future.
"Earth to Liam."
"H-huh?! When did you snuck up close to me?" Liam snapped from his daydream, seeing that Felicia was too close to him which spooked him. Reminding that he wasn't alone.
"I would love to stare more at you but you kinda have a bigger problem." Right as Liam was about to glare for interrupting his daydream, Felicia pointed towards the direction where a large black man was scolding a kid. Liam started to sweat as the kid in question that was being scolded was Alex.
"This is no playground kid. You think you can get away with pissing me off right now?"
"I-i'm sorry sir..."
"Oh....fu...." Liam quickly stood from his seat as he ran towards the direction as Felicia pick up Liam's phone which he drop in rush, quickly scrolling through to his bank account as her lips twitch.
"Broke my ass...." Seeing how many zeroes on his bank account and looking at the flying drones that where just hovering all around them. Felicia knew that Liam lied naturally as he breathe, seeing that he just didn't want to spend a single dollar on her in the last hang out.
'No matter how much you reject me. As long as you have your brains(on making money) and the resources(bank account), your potential(golden fingers) would be mine as long as I continue persuing you.' Smelling the future aspects of a boyfriend, Felicia put down the phone while watching Liam bowing down to the black man profusely. Finding more and more how interesting Liam was to her.
If Liam found out the reason why he is currently being gaze fiercely by her....
Run Liam, Run!