Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Ugh, what happened to me? I feel like complete shit. (Throb) And why does my head hurt so much? Did I get black out drunk or something? Let's check the last thing I remember. Hmm, (Throb) ouch. It seems like the last thing I remember was making Fafnir then passing out. Then why does my head hurt so much?


"(Exasperated) Finally, you're up. Fafnir hasn't shut up about you not waking up. She was panicking as if you were dying."(old man Regi)

"Old man Regi what happened to me?"(Blaze)

"First drink this. It'll help with the headache and help you recover."(old man Regi)


"Um, are you sure this sl- I mean drink is edible."(Blaze)

"Yes, I'm sure. You're not the first one who went through this, but you are the longest to sleep from it."(old man Regi)


Well, bottoms up.

*Gulp Gulp*


"Don't you dare throw that up or I'll force you to drink more."(old man Regi)


"That shits even worse than sludge! Are you trying to kill me!"(Blaze)

"(Shoulder Shrug) Well, it worked. Your energy is back and since you can yell like that, it seems the headache is gone too."(old man Regi)

"That's not the point! Can't you make something that doesn't taste like it'll kill you!"(Blaze)

"Actually, it will kill you if you aren't a True or Chaos god so no, no I can't. Now do you want answer, or do you want to keep yelling?"(old man Regi)

"*Rrr* Fine.! Give me answers."(Blaze)

"Good choice. Now what happened."(old man Regi)

(One explanation later)

"So, what you're telling me is that I passed out do to using too much power while I made Fafnir, and she brought me back in a panic."(Blaze)

"Yep."(old man Regi)

"And why weren't you by me while I was making Fafnir?"(Blaze)

"I went to find someone to train you in the spear. I mean I knew it was going to take a while. But you took a whole year to make yours. So, I went to find an instructor for you."(old man Regi)

"How long does it usually take to make a divine weapon?"(Blaze)

"Usually, a month or 2. Max was 6. But you broke the record. Congrats."(old man Regi)

"(Monotone) Haha very funny. Anyway, how long was I out for?"(Blaze)

"10 years."(old man Regi)

"(Shocked) 10 years!?(Panic) What have I missed so far!?"(Blaze)


"Calm down. You didn't miss anything. All the others just caught up to you. I skipped the partner finding until you woke up. And went to weapon creation.

In fact, the last of the class finished up not too long ago. So, you waking up now is perfect."(old man Regi)

"Well, that's good. But one more question. Why is Fafnir a girl?"(Blaze)

"(Shoulder Shrug) I don't know. Did you specify a gender when you made her?"(old man Regi)

"No. Was that something I had to do?"(Blaze)

"No, not particularly. It just makes your weapon that gender in humanoid form. Otherwise, it's up to chance."(old man Regi)

"And you couldn't have said that when I was making her."(Blaze)

"(Head Turn) Sorry, that was my bad. I forgot and by the time I remembered it, it was too late."(old man Regi)

"Haa, it's whatever. No use crying about it now. At least Fafnir was made just fine."(Blaze)

"You know you should probably go see her. She has been worried about you since you made her."(old man Regi)

"I guess I should. She is my partner that I'm stuck with for life."(Blaze)



"Hey Fafnir."(Blaze)

"Put me down!!"(Fafnir)

"Yeesh I get it. No need to yell in my head."(Blaze)



When the light cleared, I saw a girl around 16 or 17. With pale skin and lightning blue scales and tail that gradually turned black the closer they got to her face, lightning blue and black scaled wings on her back, matte black hair with equally as black horns, crimson eyes with slitted irises, and a white and lightning blue sun dress.

"Master, you jerk! You make me only to then pass out before even seeing me! Am I really not even worth meeting?!(Teary Eyed Kick)"(Fafnir)

"Ow. Fafnir that hurt. And calm down, I passed out because making you took almost all my energy. I was barely holding on at the end, but I couldn't pass out right as I was about to finish. I didn't know what would have happened if I did."(Blaze)

"She would have come out messed up if you did."(old man Regi)

"What!? And you didn't bother telling me that, that could have happened!?"(Blaze)

"(Sweat) (Looks Away) Well, I didn't think you would us so much energy."(old man Regi)

"You senile old man! Tell me these kinds of things beforehand!"(Blaze)

"(Nervous) Well all's well that ends well, right?"(old man Regi)

"(Pissed) (Grabs beard) Listen here you senile old fart. Tell the one you're teaching everything before allowing them to start and do something stupid and regret it for their entire life. Got. It?"(Blaze)

"Yo-"(old man Regi)

"(Pulls Harder) GOT. IT?"(Blaze)

"yes"(old man Regi)

"Good. Now Fafnir. (Fafnir)*Flinch* (Confused) Why are you backing away?"(Blaze)

*Looks side to side*

You are reading story Why am I a god!? at

"(Louder) Fafnir."(Blaze)

"I'm sorry!"(Fafnir)

"(Confuse) Huh? Why are you apologizing?"(Blaze)

"(Head Down) Because I kicked you."(Fafnir)

"Haa, I scared her didn't I. First, Fafnir when you are talking to someone look into their eyes got it?"(Blaze)



"(Look up) Ow. What was that for.?"(Fafnir)

"Didn't I just say look me in the eye when talking?"(Blaze)

"(Confused) Yes?"(Fafnir)

"And what didn't you do?"(Blaze)

"Look into your eyes?"(Fafnir)

"And there is your answer. Now, Fafnir I'm not mad at you. While you shouldn't have kicked me, I do understand why you did it. And I'm sorry I couldn't meet you when I first made you, but that doesn't mean you aren't worth anything. Got it?"(Blaze)

"(Nod) Yes."(Fafnir)

"Good. Now old man Regi, we going to class or what?"(Blaze)

"Sure, let's go."(old man Regi)

(20 minutes later)


Wow there are more people here than last time. From what I can see there is about double the amount. Though if I had to guess half of them are divine weapons like Fafnir.

"Alright everyone we'll be beginning the next part of the class! So, True gods on the right, Chaos gods on the left."


*Shuffle Step Ow Step*

I guess I should go with the True gods then.

"Come on Fafnir."(Blaze)


*step step*x2

"Is everyone with their race group?"(old man Regi)


"Good now all of you look at the other side, and when you feel a click go to that person. They are your partner. Understand?"(old man Regi)


*Look around*

Hmm, let's see I'm not gett- (Click) there. Hmm looks like my partner is a guy. He looks somewhat similar to Fafnir. With the scales and all. But his are purple which turn redder the closer it is to his head where they are completely crimson red like his hair and horns. His eyes are a mix of red and blue that converge at his slit pupils. Making it look like a whirlpool. He wore a pair of red shorts with a red hoodie.

*Step Step Step*


"(Nervous) Uh, hi?"(?)

"Names Blaze. You?"(Blaze)

"Um, Aether."(Aether)

"Well then. Hi Aether. Looks like we're partners. So, stop being so stiff."(Blaze)

"Y-Ya sure. S-So what next?"(Aether)

"Why are you so nervous? It's not like I'll bite."(Blaze)

"I-It's not like that. I'm just not good with other people."(Aether)

"Ah an introvert. I see now. But you can relax around me, we're stuck working with each other whether we like it or not. So, better be friends than just someone you work with, right?"(Blaze)

"I guess you're right. So, you got any idea what to do next?"(Aether)

"That's more like it. But no, I don't got a clue on what to do next."(Blaze)

"Then let's introduce our partners. You go first."(Aether)

"Ok. This is Fafnir she's a divine spear. Say hi."(Blaze)


"Now it's your turn. Who's your partner?"(Blaze)

"This is Dawn Breaker he's a divine sword. Dawn for short."(Aether)

"(Head Nod) Yo"

His hair was a shinning silver, and he has wolf ears and a tail. His eyes are heterochromic. His left being gold while his right is a crimson red like Aether's hair. He's a little shorter than Fafnir, but since Fafnir is a spear and he a sword I guess that makes sense. He wore a silver hoodie that resembled Aether's and silver jogging pants.

"Alright it looks like everyone found their partner. For those who don't it's fine what is happening next is training with an instructor based on your weapon, so you don't need a partner."(old man Regi)

"(Confused) Then why did we find our partner?"(?)

"Simple, so that you guys can get acquainted and if you want to spar with each other in your off time. Granted you could spar with anyone so long as they agree. Now are you ready to go to the training grounds?"(old man Regi)


"Alright then. Let's go."(old man Regi)


(15 minutes later)

"We are here. Time to meet the one's who'll be teaching you, their craft."(old man Regi)


Here we go again with the bright light. (Eye Role)
