Silver light danced in the center of Eon's living room, flashing back and forth as the holographic woman scolded the little runaway. A'steri's digitized form enhanced her moonlight colored skin, magnifying the ethereal beauty that unari women were so coveted for.
The silver pupils matching her skin had their own glow, yet they flared blue, occasionally revealing her inner power. Psionic power that had given her the title Moonblade, third Sword of the Night Court, and last survivor of the Czerakt coup—the world war that had orphaned Eon's entire generation.
A'steri wasn't from Typhon, but she had fought during the five year war, and scars were all she had to show for it. Extending down from her left shoulder was an entire gunmetal grey arm fashioned out of Orion steel. The limb replaced her sword arm and her lost sword, containing a hidden blade of the same steel that resisted arc energy.
In truth A'steri wasn't the last survivor of the coup, but she was the only member of the off-world reinforcements that stayed. Eon had inquired why that was, but each time he asked she evaded the question, shrugging it off as if it was of no consequence. In either case he owed his life to her, and held a gratitude that he didn't know how to express.
Maybe I oughta pick up the blade and show her I still know my way around a sword. I've gotten rusty these past years, perhaps it's time for her number 1 student to return home.
Eon remembered his childhood. Remembered A'steri's constant nagging, specifically during his sword training. She had singled him out, forcing him to stay focused. Forcing him to spar against her unbridled unari speed, enhanced to a level that no normal human could dream to match. And that was without her psionic powers.
Looking down at himself, Eon pulled at a roll of fat. And it won't hurt to get in a few more exercises.
"And you, mister!" A'steri yelled, turning her attention to Eon, shocking him out of his contemplation. "Your shenanigans put this idea into her head. Hey, don't act like you can't hear me!"
Eon squared his shoulders, leaning over his coffee table, finally giving his undivided attention to the pistol he was inspecting. A small pistol aptly named, Bean Revolver, taking after the wondrous Acorn it was designed after.
Fitted with a longer grip and stabilizers for Bun's small hands, the Bean Revolver was a custom revolver with a higher rate of fire than Eon's old relic. The pistol also held the ability to supercharge its ammo. However, instead of one concentrated shot, the pistol focused 12 plasmic rounds into a buck shot of 4.
Eon had the piece commissioned through a contractor who had taken a liking to him. A, now widow, who at the time hired him to steal data from her husband's office and transfer any hidden files and bank accounts he may have concealed, over to her.
"You're right," Eon said. "She needs discipline. I think it's about time we teach her how to wield a sword."
A'steri was at a loss for words, having thought Eon had long given up on her path.
"But I'm too small," Bun chimed in, her voice as squeaky as ever.
"It won't replace your revolver," Eon said, adding arc crystals into a spark emitter. As he attached the device to the revolver, two magnetic coils gained a faint glow, flowing out from the emitter into the gun's barrel. The more coils an emitter contained, the more potent arc crystals it could handle.
"All set," Eon said, rising to his feet. "It's about time we get out of here, don't want to be late. I'll have her home shortly." Eon said to A'steri who already knew what plans he had in mind.
"Okay," A'steri said, unable to maintain her anger. "Have fun."
After packing up his gear, Eon turned to Bun. "Ready?"
The remorse she feigned as A'steri scolded her, had long been replaced.
"I'm ready!" She smiled, showcasing a missing tooth.
"Are we there yet?" Bun whined.
"Almost," Eon sighed. "Just a few more flights up these stairs, and we'll make it to the roof."
"But I'm tired," Bun pouted as she bent her head down, concealing a mischievous grin.
"Fine, get on," Eon rolled his eyes, crouching so little Bun could grab onto his shoulders. "But I'm not carrying you back down."
"Yaaay!" the birthday girl cried out.
"Ow! What have you been eating? My back… it's about to break."
"Meanie. I'm telling A'steri. She said it's not gentlemanly for a man to comment on a lady's age or weight, hmmf!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now hold on tight."
Sweat crowded Eon's brow as he climbed the maintenance shaft to the roof of an Emperion Sky Tower. Most of the towers were abandoned after the coup twenty-five years ago due to their costly upkeep, however the city kept them standing as a symbol of resistance.
A month before he obtained the Revenant, Eon had snuck into the third tower bordering Estera, scavenging items he could pawn off. It was then he discovered power flowing through the building. A team of netrunners had set up shop in the tower, transforming it into their own personal nest, using the satellite to boost their capabilities. Unfortunately, they had died from a cyber attack. Their brains fried, leaking out of their ears.
Eon had considered taking the tower for himself, but ultimately decided against it. If he had to take a guess about the culprits behind the attack, he would believe it to be corpos and he didn't want to end up on their bad side due to miscommunication.
"Alright we're here, get off," Eon said.
"Bun…" Eon sighed.
"But I like feeling tall."
"You know one of these days I'm going to stop spoiling you," Eon said.
"But not today hehe," Bun laughed into Eon's ear.
Rolling his eyes, Eon pried Bun's hands apart and flipped her over his head. She laughed, feeling squeamish from the sense of vertigo in her stomach. "I have to pick the lock, and I can't do that with you crushing my spine."
You are reading story Spark of the Revenant at
Raising his arm, Eon tapped on his holo-watch. A blue ghost flickered on the screen as a pulse went out, sending his AI to scan for a hidden alarm. He doubted there was, but he would have been long dead if he wasn't cautious. The satellite beyond the door would grant him access to the entire city. If there was a trap, this is where it would be.
After a thorough search, Eon pulled two nanotubes from his watch and picked the lock, satisfied that no alarm would sound. With a sizzle and pop the lock clicked and Eon pushed the door open, stepping out into the fresh night air of Estera, over 700 meters in the sky.
"Okay, Bun. Come out, it's safe."
Awe filled the girl's face, wisps of her hair dancing in the wind. Currently she had her dark blonde curls tied into a wild bun. Courtesy of Eon, who knew absolutely nothing about hair maintenance. His routine consisted of shaving his black curls off into a buzz cut, adding a little part for flair and a small dab of oil. Simple and quick to go about his day.
5 minutes to midnight. Eon rechecked the time as he walked Bun over to the edge of the roof. She was hesitant but with a little prodding, he got her to look down.
"How tall do you feel now, short stuff?" Eon said, rubbing her head into an even wilder mess of a tiara.
Her answer was lost to him as the familiar sight of arc energy pierced the night sky, followed by the thrumming whistle of air being sucked into a vacuum. Two cruisers had exited hyperspace, soaring through the air. However, these two cruisers stole Eon's attention unlike the previous ships he had seen. Unmarked, they announced themselves as raiders. Pirates from the lawless expanse of the Outer Rim.
Are they here for the sarcophagus?
Eon watched the dark vessels fly into the commercial district where thousands partied in preparation for the Lunar festival.
Or are they here for something else?
In only a few hours, he had seen a dozen ships enter Star Federation space unauthorized, and he began to doubt they were there to celebrate.
[Raiders! Call everyone back from the city.]
Eon sent to A'steri. The message was encrypted, shrouded by the Revenant.
A'steri messaged back immediately with alarm.
[We're okay. Safe. I've counted 2, unmarked. However, I spotted a dozen unauthorized entries today. Whether they were all raiders, I can't say.]
Eon sent out a few more messages, contacting various associates and the local police force. He even sent one to the Emberlord Guild in hopes of building a good rapport, but that wasn't the only reason.
Seeing the pirate ships had caused his childhood imaginations to stir. While learning the sword under A'steri, he had grand delusions of rising through the Star Federation's army, starting off as a cadet that against all odds turned the tides of war. Safely returning all forgotten and lost kids to their families.
"...A child's fancy," Eon muttered to himself, feeling guilty for the families about to be broken apart.
"What did you say?" Little Bun asked.
Snatched out of his revelry, Eon smiled. "I said my how fancy. The cruisers, they must have been expensive. Shuttling mighty important people no doubt."
Bun frowned. "No they weren't. And one had damage and scrapes."
"Nothing ever passes your scrutiny, huh? Never mind the ships, let's eat."
Eon hid a grimace as he tossed Bun his pack. Staring back towards the sky, he watched the cruiser's contrails extend into the horizon. The visibility lost behind the bright neon glow of the commercial district.
"Hey, save some for me!" Eon pulled a box of cookies that were nearly finished away from Bun—she had stuffed her face.
"I can't help it. They're sooooo good," Bun said over a mouth full of cookies.
Eon frowned looking into the ornate tupperware that held chocolate chip and strawberry pudding glazed cookies. A delicacy of A'steri. One of her many sweets that fattened up Saul over the years.
Washing down their snacks, Eon pulled out two neatly wrapped sandwiches and handed one to Bun, when the sky exploded with a bang. Surprised, Bun screamed, and Eon grabbed his gun, when he realized it was midnight. The Lunar festival had just begun. He had waited months for this day and the spectacle was far more than he had bargained for.
The Lunar festival had kicked off with its star attraction, the Sparkling Tears—and they had front row seats for the show. Designed after technology from old Earth, the rockets streamed down from the heavens as if they were shooting stars, exploding in an array of fireworks. The display would create moving pictures, a motion of graphics that lasted for minutes on end.
"This is it!" Eon said. "This is the surprise I wanted to show you. Happy birthday!"
Bun's eyes widened. Joy was hesitant to come, but when it did the man made meteors didn't explode in a beautiful ray of light. Instead the rockets smashed into buildings, then exploded in a series of crashing waves.
Those aren't fireworks! Eon paled.
The shock waves shattered windows, raining glass shards that slashed through the air with a vengeance. A storm of terror began to form above the city, dark clouds of ash and smoke that smothered the skyline.
The barrage continued as buildings started to collapse, bringing forth further fire and destruction. Yet no alarms went off. No sirens that told of protection for the rich and wealthy.
The explosions froze the pair on top of the roof, their vantage point granting a magnificent view of the chaos. Eon inwardly screamed at the sudden devastation, when his blood chilled and his heart attempted to jump out of his chest. Faintly, he was aware of Bun squeezing his hand, but the high-pitched whirring sounds of an armada stole his attention. High up in the sky, above the screams of the dying city, were a thousand shining blue lights. Crackling lights that snapped like lightning.
A fleet of Pirates had just invaded Estera.
Such an invasion on the world capital meant the planet was forfeit. It took seconds, but Eon slowly realized the raid had been planned long ago.
"Eon!" Bun cried.