Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Void Lightning

"Time out!" Eon yelled as the forest tried to murder him. Mushrooms sprouted from the tree he was standing on, spraying copious amounts of spores into the air. Suddenly, the wind picked up blowing razor sharp leaves and fungus in his direction.

[Oh my. What a coincidence.]

"You could at least give me a chance to decide!"

[If you can't decide while your life is on the line, then those skills are garbage. Toss them aside and wait until [Void Hunter's Step] has reached level 15.]

That was the next breakthrough, when a wave pattern leveled towards its final stage? When was the final stage anyhow?

Eon had a lot of questions, but they were ultimately distractions. And besides, she was right. If he couldn't choose now, when could he? The perfect opportunity rarely showed itself. What he required was a skill that would excel no matter the circumstances.

Slipping into the void, he checked the first variation.

[Void Hunter's Current (F) - Dexterity. Channel a current of void lightning. The Hunter's protection, an electrifying shield.]

Surprisingly, the first skill fit his situation to a tee. A shield of void lightning that both attacked and defended, destabilizing enemy attacks with an electrified current that minimized damage, sending part of it to the void.

He couldn't have asked for anything better, but unfortunately the skill removed his ability to teleport, drastically cutting back on his speed in favor of defense.

[Void Hunter's Sphere (F) - Dexterity. Summon a sphere of influence. Tendrils of lightning, a gateway into the void.] 

It was a domain skill. One the gamer in Eon wanted to see in action. With it his movement skill transformed into a sphere of showering lightning. Anything in the area fell mercy to his affinity, and any enemies within the field would be in his range at all times.

There was another added bonus to the skill. He didn't have to spend energy to teleport while the ability was activated. But once the AOE was summoned, a cool down started forcing him to wait—once again stealing the teleportation he had grown to love.

[Void Hunter's Flash (F) - Dexterity. Flash through the void. A single moment, lost to time.]

Last but not least, Eon said, staring at the skill that was a basic upgrade to [Void Hunter's Step]. The skill granted an increase to his teleportation speed. But most importantly the range of his teleportation would increase by a significant amount.

Basics, but an upgrade was an upgrade and the replacement of 'step' with 'flash' didn't cross his mind. In fact it did the opposite, drawing his interest more than he would like.

Now was not the time for single-mindedness. It had taken him eight hours to raise his void step skill to level 5, and he didn't want to squander that by dying the second a variant was chosen.

However, the current conjured by [Void Hunter's Current] kept melding with [Void Hunter's Flash] in his mind. No, it wasn't that the latter could generate a current stable enough for a shield, on the contrary. Nevertheless [Void Hunter's Flash] generated a current of the same energy, if not as potent, leading him to think of ways how he could abuse that fact.

Currently his first ability, [Void Hunter's Step] generated a field of void lightning as well. However, the energy was too limited to be of practical use. That would soon change if he selected its standard upgrade.

Taking a final glimpse at the first two variants, Eon called out to D3-V1. "What happens to these patterns if I don't select them?"

[They get erased, why?]

"Can you form them into crystals for me?" Eon asked. He knew that was the goal; to generate abilities that would be given to him as wave crystals in person.

[You're asking for a lot, kid.]

"They're level 5 skills?" Eon rolled his eyes.

[But you see, my pockets are running thin, and you're in no position to negotiate.]

"What do you want?"

[A small favor.]

"How small?" Eon frowned.

[Don't worry about it. Are you in or not?]

What could he possibly offer a battle droid in his current predicament? Eon wondered. They had all the wealth taken from Vorn's vault and shop, which meant she wanted something else. Something more important than money.

Freedom? Was she trying to break out with him? How would that work? Eon questioned, briefly remembering her passive aggressive tone at her Master. Given her personality he had ignored it, but at the time the slight stood out to him. Was he grasping at straws? As a droid she was under complete control, whereas any wrong doing of his suffered the punishment of death, an executioners bomb waiting to blow and slice his head off at any time.

But that feeling of release is one he held onto, knowing his life remained under his full control. A claim she couldn't make. Forever enslaved unless her Master Code was rewritten. And who could she trust with that?

Eon inwardly smiled. If what he thought was true, the tables had turned. She was the one in no position to negotiate.

"Not," he said, hoping she would take his bait. "Forget it. Either you come right out and say it, or no deal."

He selected [Void Hunter's Flash] and a new wave pattern solidified itself in his virtual body, swaying back and forth until new channels were carved out. The new pattern felt slightly foreign, more robust and intricate. But once he flashed through the void, he felt right at home.

Bright sparks of blue and purple lightning appeared ten meters from his initial spot as he exited the void, wiping ashes off of his shoulder. His energy had scorched the razor leaves with meter long tendrils of dancing lightning, slicing them in half as parts of the leaves were siphoned into the void.

Void lightning 2: Electric Boogaloo!

You are reading story Spark of the Revenant at

As he expected, the new pattern held traces of the other variants. It wasn't the strongest lightning bolt, nor the strongest current—acting as a shield. But by strengthening the force of his lightning, his connection to the void increased, extending his teleporting range by over four meters. With the new strength, parts of an enemy's attack would be thwarted as he escaped, their momentum nullified by the void.

[Just a second,] D3-V1's voice followed Eon into the void. She ruminated but then finally spoke up. [How many crystals do you want?]

A wild Cheshire cat smile blossomed on Eon's face.

"What makes you think I only want crystals?"


Rezkin Malworm felt sick. He hated warping into hyperspace. Yet for the past year that had been his entire life—twiddling his thumbs as their vessel sped through the Kirin Shard Cluster, searching for clues regarding the ancient Artifacts of the Eidolon. Psionic treasures representing the eight sacred elements of creation.

When he first joined, he thought the Order was an insane cult, devoted to outlandish fairy tales about the First Empire. Even now he questioned their doctrine, but what could he do? He was stuck, bound to the cult by a blood oath. Shackled by the crimson insignia writ large across his forehead. A visible testament to his broken vows. A stain that marked him as a traitor; an apostate.

He had joined the Crimson Order for their path manuals, hoping to gain a powerful Trait. Instead the Order gave him a handful of Essence Crystals, barely enough to raise his level past that of a psionic Adept. Now he would leave as a cripple with his energy channels destroyed. A warning for all followers who broke their fealty.

Rising from his chair, Rezkin paced back and forth. He needed to find someone's ass to kiss before it was too late. Someone who could reverse the growing seal. But who?

"You're not going to finish that, are you Apostate?" said a melodic voice. "You don't often finish what you start, am I right? How's that holding up for you?"

Rezkin snarled at the name, irritated after hearing it for the millionth time. Turning, he laid eyes on the newest member aboard their starship. The Lord picked up during their raid on Typhon. It was this Lord that slowed their ascent, stopping them from intercepting those damned raiders. Now they may never catch up to them.

"Penance, my Lord," Rezkin said with a bow, holding back venom from his voice. He had planned to request a reward for retrieving the [Shrine of Fukou]. To reverse the blood seal from rupturing his energy channels before it was too late. And now, thanks to this man, he would die a slow painful death.

"Oh, Apostate…"

Rezkin felt a hand rest on his bowed head, grasping his hair with nails that dug into his scalp. Before he could wince from the pain, the Lord yanked his head back, nearly snapping his neck under his enhanced strength.

"Penance…" Rezkin swallowed, but the Lord ignored his plea, staring at the growing stain on his soul. The red crimson insignia reflected in a silver glow of moonlight.

"The corruption, does it hurt?" the unari Lord asked, his androgynous features enhanced by an oiled smoothed beard.

Rezkin nodded from pain, it seemed as if the question caused the seal to activate, once more boring into his energy channels, stretching across his forehead. What skill would he lose now?

"Is that a yes? Speak up while you still have a tongue," the Lord pulled tighter, his voice low and seductive. 

"Y-yes," Rezkin stammered out. His eyes dilated, falling under the spell of the beautiful man before him.

"What will you do to remove this pain, anything?"

"Y-yes," Rezkin said, following a set of full dark lips. "Anything."

"Good," the Lord finally released his grasp on Rezkin. "All everyone needs is a little motivation. Now, here's who I want you to kill."


The moon lit Eon's path as he crested a hill, overlooking the forest behind him. An array of trees blew in the wind, adding to the perpetual howls that rose in the distance. But by now it was clear; D3-V1 had placed a loop over the forest, artificially extending the length of the forest and increasing the difficulty of the trial.

Yet in the end her attempts to hinder him were futile. Eon arrived at the center of the mock Nexus Realm, avoiding large packs of overgrown beasts. He stood in the realm's center of power, where a fortress of ancient bone and petrified wood blocked his path.

Here, he could feel the most potent fluctuations of the realm's energy. It altered the landscape according to the realm's nature, forming sophisticated dwellings that safeguarded the Artifact. He just had to find a way in. Or make one.

Placing his hand on the barrier, Eon searched for cracks that led into the heart of the Nexus Realm. Perhaps his teleporting skill would gain the ability to send him anywhere, but at its current stage he could only travel to what he could see. It wasn't exactly line of sight transportation. But if he hadn't laid his eyes on the location, he would be unable to bridge the connection.

"Is this necessary…" Eon said to D3-V1 after searching for twenty minutes. He suspected she was getting back at him for forcing a dozen promises out of her. The number was extensive, packed with favors that he never directly asked for, just in case he thought of something better later. He had no idea if she'd keep her word in the future, but the first three were unconditional.

"Silent treatment, huh? Let's see how long that…" Eon smiled as he located an entrance. "Lasts."

A thin gap showed itself between two immense fangs. A hairline fracture that he quickly peered through before D3-V1's spite showed itself. In an instant sparks flashed around him, whipping through the air as the lightning tendrils carved gates into the void.

Eon's senses expanded first as he arrived a second later in what resembled the maw of a large beast, ready to face the two guardian beasts.

Palace Guards… just as A'steri described.

The two wolven creatures, shaggy beasts packed with muscles and claws, lumbered around the Core of the Nexus Realm. Now fully formed into an Artifact, the guardians defended the Core with an enthralled passion. Defense mechanisms given life, they hungered for nothing but to fulfill their life's purpose—guarding the Artifact to their dying breath.

But such an outcome wasn't necessary, thought Eon as he looked on from the shadows, measuring how many void steps it would take to secure the Artifact. The item floated in the center of the barrier; a necklace, wild in its craftsmanship, releasing a pressure that kept the guardians on edge.

He could grab the necklace and be out of the barrier in a matter of moments… but what fun was that?