After tossing around in bed for a while trying to sleep she just gives up and sits up.
'jeez now I can't sleep and I don't even know when it will be morning and I would rather not go out at night, that's just asking to get kidnapped.' Shaman looks out her window while touching a crystal to her side turning on what resembles a lamp.
'Well at least I can see' glancing at the window a reflection could be seen with her messy hair and slightly disheveled tail swaying back and forth.
Shaman brings the tail in front of her and starts patting it.
'Still soft as ever, I could touch it till the end of time and still not get bored of the touch.' She also realizes that the tip of the tail is black as well as her ears.
'Seems like I'm pretty unique, at least I'm not a plain-colored fox and my fur has a little spice to it.' Shaman continues to pat herself and eventually remembers the box she got from the quest, she opens her inventory and pulls out the [intermediate box] and opens it up.
[Please select and accessory]
[bow tie]
'Hmm, it seems like I get to choose an item and it must have some sort of effect on my stats. Since it says intermediate it is probably a tier 2 or 3 gear, I guess the fight with the hooded bloke must've not been that hard overall but a really dangerous situation if I didn't have this previous body muscle memory.'
'I wonder if the system takes that into account.' Shaman puts her hand on her chin thinking about what she just said and the system's calculation abilities. after thinking a while she makes her choice
'I might go with a necklace since it's easy to hide and should not interfere with fighting and plus it should look pretty right?' Shaman gets a worried look as she may have made a grave mistake when it comes to her future looks.
[Necklace of haste (Tier 2)]
[Rarity: uncommon]
[Agility +5]
[Dexterity + 3]
A silver necklace appears around Shaman's neck with a small silver wing charm on it, equipping just like her sword appearing out of nowhere. Shamans eyes sparkled upon seeing the necklace as it looked very expensive.
"IT'S SO PRETTY!!!" Shaman moves around in exactement and can already feel the effects of the necklace and is even more relieved that it actually works.
'I don't know why I'm surprised since magic does exists and this does not compare but still can't help it, feels like I am truly living out my fantasy although not very bright at times at least its not all bad' Shaman gets a little depressed from remembering the scene of murdering another person and gets a small shiver down her spine.
'Looks like I can't get over it that quickly.' Shaman returns back to leaning on her pillow and checks on the egg.
[Wolf egg]
[Time till hatch: 7:32:58]
'At least I know it will be morning soon since I did get the egg around midday. I should probably see if there is any food since I can feel the stomach pains kicking in.'
"ugh" 'I should go get some food, I should still have some in the apartment apparently.' Shaman finds what seems to be canned food but notices a formation on the bottom.
'Do I just put my mana through it?' Shaman concentrates and tries to push her mana to her hand, her attempt was successful and the can she was holding warmed up instantly.
'!!!!!' Shaman's eyes widen from the phenomenon and could not help but let her jaw drop
'Has the literal dream for instant noodles become a reality and I don't need to sit an wait for 2 minutes just for some noodles.' Shaman quickly pulls the top of the can off and the aroma of noodles fills her nose.
"IT'S ACTUALLY 2 MINUTE NOODLES BUT NOW ITS 1 SECOND NOODLES!!!!" The dream of getting instant noodles as advertised has became true and Shaman can't help but cry for joy.
Shaman grabs some chopsticks and starts digging into the noodles still crying.
You are reading story I’ve turned into a Fox girl? at
"oh mgy gawd it tashtes soh gawwd." Shaman quickly scoffs the noodles down leaving with a satisfied expression.
'Oh the convenience of this world were where you back home'
Shaman cleans up and decides to go for a morning bath before heading out to turn in her crystal to see how much of a profit she makes.
'I wonder if this apartment was set up by parents in this world or did I buy everything, the memory is still hazy as to why I live here.' Shaman scratches her head trying to figure out her current circumstance and how it came to be.
'Better save some money, don't want any money stealing landlords rocking up ruining my base of operations.' Shaman gets up from her bath and gets changed into the same clothes as yesterday, to her amazement they have instant washing as well through the use of magic formations.
'This world is just too amazing, I hope I can learn this knowledge and be able to apply it back at home.' Shaman exits the laundry room noticing the sun has finally risen and heads out of her apartment.
While heading to the guild hall she uses her memories to find where she should shop for daily necessities and where to buy food and decides to go buy some more instant noodles for herself later.
After purchasing some more instant noodles, spending 40 copper coins she chucks them in her inventory and skips away with a smile.
Upon reaching the guild house she quickly uses the bag she got from the food court and puts the monster crystals in it as she is unsure if spatial storage was rare or even a thing that existed.
She enters the guild house and notices the counter where she can see people exchanging their crystals for some coins. She gets in line and waits for her turn.
After waiting a while the guy behind her thought it was a great idea to touch her tail
upon being touched a little shriek could be heard from Shaman. She turns around quickly and slaps the guy sending him to the floor , knocking him out.
"Oh, sorry" Shaman looks around nervously as she just attracted a lot of the people's stares to her.
The guy behind the perpetrator yells "It was the guy's fault he touched her tail and got a slap back in return." After that was heard a loud chuckle could be heard throughout the hall and people continued with their business ignoring the passed out man.
"Thank you." Shaman turns the man and bows slightly to him
"Ah no problem, it wasn't your fault, don't want people falsely accusing you for a completely justifiable reason."
Shaman also notices that they are also a beast man and was thankful for their support. she nods to the man and turns back around waiting for her turn.
Time passes and it's finally her turn and she presents the bag full of wolf beast cores.
"Oh a tier 2 and I believe you're new to adventuring. I heard a cute fox girl came by yesterday to sign up." The reception lady said in a flirtatious voice
"Yes I ended up running into a pack of wolves and managed to kill most of them." trying to hide her blush, her tail betrays her as it sways back and forth.
The lady smirks and begins to calculate the cores and gets a pouch of money.
"That will be 50 silver coins and 60 copper coins excluding the 20% tax from the guild also since you killed a tier 2 your rank will be upgrade to E and you will be able to take quest from the board over to your right." The lady hands the pouch to Shaman making sure it does not enter her inventory until she puts it in her pocket.
"Okay thank you very much." Shaman leaves waving at the lady goodbye.
Shaman heads off and decides to explore the city a little before the egg hatches as she has time to kill and does not want to be out hunting when it hatches.
She goes over to the food court and picks up some meat for the wolf just in case it needs to eat when it comes out of its shell.
After checking around different shops and getting familiar with the area herself, she quickly checks the time before it hatches.
[Time till hatch: 28:32]
'I should head back now and get ready for this little cutie to hatch' Shaman skips her way back with a smile. She enters her apartment, locking the door behind her.
Shaman finds a small blanket and puts the egg on top and sits patiently awaiting for its hatch.
'I wonder what colour it will be, It would be cool if it was opposite to me with black fur with white tips. A pink one would be cute but that would get old quickly.' Shaman swings her legs and tail back and forth. She ponders for a while of the possibilities then a cracking sound could be heard from the egg.