Something flashed by Kai’s sight.
Or was it the flash itself? Kai couldn’t tell. Like an unseen intention, it rushed out of Arlen’s wand and hit the swift magical beast.
For a moment, a tiny instant, Kai felt as if the enormous bird had become stone.
“NOW!” Arlen roared. “It’s very strong.”
The beast fell, but it’s petrified wings had almost come back to life. The bird was so close to them that Kai could see its eyes. They were moving up and down. Kai shivered. It was now or never.
Kai stretched back his arm, ignoring the stinging pain on his back. Go! He almost shouted. The Kunai was a fiery arrow, a single drop of fire, raining over the beast’s head. Three more adult Great Redshanks had caught up with them by then. Just as they were passing by the petrified magical beast, the Kunai exploded.
The shockwave hit Kai’s face almost instantly. He saw two of the magical beasts falling down, rolling round and round. Their feathers were on fire, and loud cries were escaping their mouths.
They aren’t dead, Kai thought, noticing the absence of notification. But they are only two.
As he thought, two of the four blasted beasts flew through the fire globe in the air. In the moonlight, Kai could see their brown feathers were covered in blood. Just behind them followed a great host of Great Redshanks. The fiery globe of explosion failed to stop even a single one.
“How long, Arlen?” Kai asked. “How much longer?”
“2 minutes…”
That’s all Kai heard. Somehow, that was enough.
We won’t make it, Kai told himself. Not in 2 minutes.
More and more magical beasts were coming from around them. But madness brought the Great Redshanks nearer. There were two in the front, followed by 5, and a hundred more followed them. All were crying as if Kai had the sweetest flesh they had ever seen.
Come then, Kai said, but it was not the words that came out. It was the longsword. It only gave him a boost of 1 in Strength, and somehow, Kai squeezed a drop of courage out of it too.
“Come,” Kai said, pointing the longsword at the spear. The beast let out a cry and then shut its mouth. The bill turned into a real spear then. One more flap of the wings, and the magical beast would come shooting at him, like a thrown spear.
It came; it almost kissed the longsword; And then the wall came between them.
Kai saw the strangest beautiful sight then. Hundreds of magical beasts were pounding on an unseen wall like darts. Something was keeping them off from crossing that boundary in space.
Kai realized. He knew what it was.
Kai twisted his neck and looked back. and found Arlen looking right at him. The broomstick had almost slowed down, and the rider was smiling, laughing, his blue eyes shimmering with unparalleled delight.
“You lied?!” Kai asked. Arlen lied, he answered himself.
“Now, that’s truly worth it,” Arlen said, pointing at Kai’s mortified expression. “Next time, think twice before ripping me off, boy.”
There were no 2 minutes, Kai buried the anger behind his pain. We were only a few seconds away.
But Kai would never give this blue-eyed bastard the satisfaction of making a fool of Kai, or so Kai thought. He, too, let out a foolish and sly grin, sending the longsword back into the Inventory.
“Oh, it was worth it, right?” Kai playfully said, turning around and sitting properly. “You don’t need the poison-drops then?”
“Humph!” Arlen snorted, but the victorious smile on his face didn’t vanish. “You better sit tight, Bloody. I will not come for you this time.”
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They had lit a small fire when Kai and Arlen touched the ground.
Kai saw Simon trimming a few rogue twigs out of the broomstick. Shae was tending to the fire, adding lean, dry wooden sticks now and then. Mr. Beedle had a thick book in his right hand. And the stray tongues of fire were making the illustrations wave.
The pictures are dancing, Kai thought, rubbing his eyes.
“Simon,” Arlen shouted. “Come, help me with him.”
Kai didn’t understand at first. But when Arlen looked at him, he understood. Kai was on the rocky ground, as if it was a bed. When he had fallen off the broom, Kai couldn’t remember.
It was all a blur.
The next time the blurriness vanished, Kai was lying face down in front of the fire. Muffled voices were coming to his ears, and it took them time to make sense.
“This one is the nastiest,” one said, sounding old. “It won’t be easy.”
“Do it,” the other said. “Just don’t let him die. He still hasn’t paid the price.”
Kai knew it was Arlen then. The bastard won’t even let me die without getting those drops, he thought.
“Captain.” It was a sweet and timid voice this time. “Please ask Mr. Beedle to take it out. Please. I can’t see it anymore.”
Thank you, Shae. Kai thanked inwardly.
“Humph!” A snort came. “Simon, use a hot knife and rip it out.”
This bastard! Kai cursed, and then the blur returned.
The fire was running dry when he could see again. The embers glowed there like tiny red stars.
Weak, I am still weak, Kai thought, gritting his teeth. This was just an initiation mission, and Kai had almost died too many times. The thought of that troubled him gravely.
“Captain!” Shae called out. “He woke up.”
Kai found himself leaning against a rock when Arlen brought a plate of meat and eggs to him. And then Kai realized how hungry he was. The saliva flooded his mouth instantly.
“Eat,” Arlen said, placing the plate in front of him. “Your little adventure has cost us 30 minutes, boy. And I would like to have my drops first before continuing the journey.”
A vial appeared in Arlen’s hands. He put it on the same plate and went back to stand near Mr. Beedle. Kai had been thinking how he would give the poison-drops, given nothing without Stats could be placed inside the Inventory.
I must ask about it, Kai thought.
But first…
Kai’s stomach rumbled. A large, searing bite of meat touched his tongue and melted in his mouth.
No food had ever felt so tasty before.