Chapter 40: The Visit

Looking through the window, I saw Erin standing there. I opened the door, holding my towel so that it didn’t fall. 

“Hey Angel, sorry that I caught you at a bad time,” Erin said as she walked in the door. I shook my head. I guess she wasn’t going to allow me to deny her entry, though I never would. 

“Hey Erin, you didn’t catch me at a bad time, although if you will excuse me, I should probably get dressed,” I said as I headed back towards the room. I threw on a nightshirt and some shorts before heading back into the living room. Taylor and Erin were already talking. 

“So, what brings you over here?” I asked curiously. She looked at me and smiled. 

“Well, I figured that it had been a while since we hung out, and I was really missing you. Plus, my parents are gone for the whole night for their anniversary, so I figured I would see if I could hang out with you two tonight,” she said before helping herself to a can of coke. I sat down next to Taylor and wrapped my tail around myself. She looked at me with a more serious face. “So, how have you been? I know that it must still be hard being that your mom died not that long ago.” 

Looking at her, I felt a little annoyed. It seems that all anyone has done was ask me how I was doing. I know that everyone cares, but continually asking me how I am doing wasn’t going to fix the fact that my mom was gone. Not even this all-powerful goddess who lived inside me could help with that. Not wanting to be mean, I did my best to smile as I said, “I am okay. It is rough, but I am slowly coming to accept it.”

Erin nodded and then laid back on the couch she was sitting on. I leaned my head against Taylor’s shoulder, as it was the only place I felt safe right now. 

“Did you all eat already?” Erin asked. I guess she hadn’t eaten yet. I nodded to her, and she frowned. I was right. Sighing, I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. It was a good thing that we had leftovers from last night. I filled a plate and stuck it in the microwave. When it was finished, I brought it to Erin, who happily took it. At least the food wouldn’t go to waste. As she ate, Erin told us about how she had met some guy who she liked. She then told us about how Taylor’s parents ended up going bankrupt as their business was destroyed during my fight. I watched as a crooked smile formed on Taylors face, even though this meant that her card would no longer work. 

By nine, I was starting to get tired. I wished Erin and Taylor a good night and headed to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and I needed to get some rest. I could still hear Taylor and Erin talking and smiled. It was good that my best friend and my girlfriend were getting along. I had always worried about what Erin would think of whoever I was dating. She was very protective of me, even when we were kids. 

I don’t know when Taylor had come to bed, but when I woke up, I had to fight to get untangled from her. Looking at the clock, it read seven-thirty. Thanks, body. I really wanted to be up this early. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, I headed to the bathroom to shower. As I looked in the mirror, I admired just how much I looked like my mom. Aside from the blue hair, a lot of her stuck out: her small nose, her determined eyebrows. At least I didn’t have her boobs. I know it sounds weird, but I was never one for big boobs. 

After my shower, I headed towards the kitchen only to find Erin already sitting at the table.

“Morning.” Erin yawned as she lazily at a bowl of cereal. It wasn’t like her to be so tired in the morning. Usually, she was more energetic. I nodded to her as I went to make coffee. While it was brewing, I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I didn’t feel like doing any full-blown cooking right now. It was still way too early for me. 

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“So, Taylor says you all have something important to do today and that you won’t be home for a while,” Erin said as I sat down. I nodded again, still not ready to use words. She was used to this, though. She looked at me with a worried face. “Please tell me that whatever you do, that you will be safe. I can’t bear the thought of losing you. I know I’m just your friend, but I care too deeply about you.”

Although we have always been honest with each other, something about the way, she said that felt different. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that maybe she had deeper feelings for me than she was letting on, though it would be in vain. I was with Taylor, and I loved her. I guess she realized my surprise because she blushed and looked down at the table. “I’m sorry, I worded that weirdly,” Erin said, sounding defeated. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. Maybe if things had been different, we could have tried. 

By the time the coffee was finished brewing, Taylor had come into the kitchen. There was some awkward silence as we sat at the table. I guess Erin was still embarrassed about letting her feelings slip. I tried to think of them as just nice words between friends, but I could feel the true meaning behind them. It didn’t keep me from wanting to hug her and tell her that everything would be alright. 

After playing some games together, Erin told us goodbye and headed out the door. By the time she left, her mood seemed to lighten. I hoped that she was going to be alright. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt her, even if it was unintentional. When she was out of sight, I closed the door and turned around to see Taylor standing there. 

“She really loves you, Angel. We talked a lot last night. I know that we are together, and I do not doubt that you love me, but I figured you should know. I hope that she can find someone who makes her feel the way you make me feel,” Taylor said. I was surprised at how blunt she was about telling me how Erin felt. I knew that there was something there, but I had hoped that I was wrong. I didn’t want to think about losing my best friend because of her feelings for me. 

“I kind of thought that, but I didn’t want to be sure. I mean, I care about Erin, but as you said, I am with you. Plus, what would happen if we didn’t work out. I wouldn’t want to lose my best friend like that,” I said. Taylor gave me a weird look. 

“Hon, you have no way of knowing that we will work out. It’s not like you’re psychic. The one thing that really ruins people is the idea that you can’t date someone for fear of losing a friendship. If you did that, you would be single for the rest of your life.” Taylor said as she wrapped her arms around me. I knew that she was right, but it still didn’t make me feel any better. Looking at the clock, I shook my head. 

“Mr. Carver should be calling us soon. I want to get this over with. Esme has suffered enough. And despite how mean Maddison was to you, she doesn’t deserve to be someone’s lab rat.” I said. Taylor nodded as she let me go. We sat back down at the kitchen table and waited. 

It was thirty minutes before we got the call. Mr. Carver told us to meet him at my dads’ house. I wondered briefly how he knew where my dad lived but remembered that he had one of his assistance following us after the storm. With determination, Taylor and I got into my car and headed towards Clinton, and hopefully, to the last mission as a “hero.”