Chapter 144: Chapter 144: Selene’s stubbornness

Past Midnight, June 2

Alto Mare

Hidden under the shade of thick bushes, Kai spied on the Museum’s guards.

The movie had shown no guards around the Museum, but it was one of those things that needed not be displayed outright. With the most important machine, DMA, being present in the Museum, it would have been stupid to think it lacked security.

The only reason Annie and Oakley, two Team Rocket members, could go into the Museum in the latter half of the movie was that they had two powerful Pokemon and high-tech surveillance instruments.

Kai had no plans to infiltrate the Museum. Not yet. It would have been useless without the Soul Dew, anyway. The DMA (Defense Mechanism of Alto Mare) needed that jewel to start, and then further required one of the Eon Pokemon as a power source. Kai had no time to deal with those issues. He had decided to first go to the New Bark Town and get Elementary Pokemon Trainer Ability somehow from Professor Elm. There were other things too, but it wasn’t the time to think about them.

-Hunt!- Selene hissed, slithering over Kai’s shoulders.

Kai’s heart pained as he looked at her.

He could not deny it or hide it.

Kai had tried to bury that feeling of remorse and guilt, but even that he could not do for long.

The emotion of loss was heavy on his face. And why wouldn't it be? If not for some miracle, his growth-type magical beast was all but ruined. Selene had gone blind. Yes, there was a bond between them, deeper than Kai could fathom. Yes, this bond had become sturdier after their incident of surviving a mutual peril. But that couldn't change the fact his magical beast had gone through changes that seemed to have weakened her.

Kai had very specific plans for Selene.

The moment he had seen her being a growth-type magical creature, Kai had ordained her future. He would make her strong, the strongest of all magical beasts. And when she had reached her maximum potential, then he would devour her.

If I had the proper instruments, Kai thought, then I could operate on her and see what had happened to her internally.

Kai didn’t have all his parents’ skills.

Even then, related to the matter of knowledge regarding the beasts, Kai was a monster himself. The only thing that was checking him from cutting apart these magical creatures was the unavailability of lab and instruments. Not to mention the Missions and unexpected things that kept him occupied all the time.

Top it up with his insane and maniacal hunger for Power, and it left him almost no time to just rein his horses and give attention to the things he had learned in his childhood.

“We could -have become- one,” Kai said, looking at her. -Now I am not sure-

That’s what Kai had been telling her since the moment he could pass his intentions to her. Grow, he had told her, word by word, intention by intention. Grow, and the day will come when you and I will become one; inseparable for eternity.

Selene, the child she was, thought of it as her destiny, Kai could tell. But now, thinking that she might not become one with the master, it had aroused a beastly fury within her, to become strong despite her being blind.

So, yes. Kai’s heart pained for her, indeed.

He didn’t need her to prove herself. He just wanted to stuff her with power. And if he could do that by manipulating her emotions, then so be it.

-Hunt!- Selene insisted, hissing loudly in his ears.

Kai could feel her determination to show him she hadn’t become useless. He had told her it didn’t matter, and he won’t throw her out just because of blindness. But something had clicked in her unknown even to him.

Stubbornness. A familiar crazed stubbornness was taking roots within her. The stubbornness to tower over the beings despite her obvious blindness.

She wanted IT. Maybe as not much as Kai wanted IT, but no less either.

-Power. I must have it- she hissed, showing Kai her fangs.

Kai grinned from ear to ear.

-A worthy ambition!- Kai hissed back as he eyed a guard patrolling the fence around the museum. “Did you smell the food?”

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-Bird. Over there, on the tree, master- Selene said, her forked tongue flicking, tasting the air.

Bird? Kai thought, narrowing his eyes. A flying-type Pokemon? Most of the Wild Pokemon in the city were diurnal. By night, they had gone to sleep. Yet, Kai had come out at night.

There were decent reasons for it.

First, from the movie, both Kai and Petyr had concluded one thing. The Legendary Pokemon Latias loved to roam around the city, watching various Pokemon Trainers and their Pokemon. She was attracted to the feeling of ecstasy and joy that one could find in abundance during the daytime in the streets of the water city. So, it being night, Kai won’t have to worry about running into Latias, as the Eon Pokemon had the skill to make themselves invisible.

Second, was the nature of Pokemon themselves. Unlike normal animals, Pokemon and other magical creatures were more like humans. They had powerful emotions and wills. And thus, Kai could affect them using his Dementor’s blood essence.

-Go then- Kai hissed back.

Selene’s forked tongue kissed Kai’s chin and then with raw fury she slithered away, disappearing into the thick darkness, as her white dragonish scales pulsated with rings of black and yellow.

Kai looked at her.

For the new Power he had got, she had paid the dearest price. He didn’t care who had paid what for him to become stronger, but she was his. All of her was his. And if she wanted to become stronger despite her weakness, then he wouldn’t stop her.

Let her spread her own despair, Kai thought, a bit of pride welling up in his heart. Goddess of Moonless Nights, -show me what can you become-.

As the pride reached his head, Kai brought out the dark creature sleeping within him.

“Come -forth-,” Kai said, or hissed; he didn’t know. “Dementor!”

No longer did Kai control the coldness. Nor did he try to bury his hunger to spread despair.

The leaves and branches around him froze to death as a hooded cloak appeared over Kai’s transforming figure. His entire body shriveled up, becoming like a corpse with every passing second. The flesh left him, making him look like a walking skeletal being.

The only thing was that Kai was levitating. Long strips of tattered black cloth billowed behind him without wind. His left hand went for his right forearm, and he felt the ten deep, rough impressions of long bony fingers where the original Dementor had gripped him.

And then Kai slithered.

The moment he saw that guard going to a blind spot of other guards, Kai flew towards him, freezing everything in his path. Hovering above the ground like a wraith, he swooped down on his back.

He could feel it, the raw emotion of happiness and hope.

Kai’s mouth parted, and he sucked deep.

His breath rattled, and he backed away, leaving the man shivering. The guard’s face had contorted, fear and old terrifying memories returning to him. An inconspicuous layer of frost appeared over his body, soaking him wet.

He looked around but found nothing.

Kai trembled in joy, the taste of devoured emotion lingering at the tip of his tongue. He went for him again, like a shadow of a tall tree under a moon. But on this moonless night, he was an incarnation of darkness.

One of the foulest creatures in the infinite worlds had started its hunt.

Time after time, Kai kept sucking out his happiness until the guard dropped to his knees.

“Who’s there?” the guard cried, shivering, crying, and finally sensing another presence. But Kai didn’t go for the kill. He waited, like the natural predator he was.

The guard’s hand reached for his belt, and Kai beamed.

“Come… out…” the guard said, his life dwindling by a thread. “Yanma.”

Author's Note: