Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Child Of Evernight

Chapter 3 - A Gamble

As the guards rapidly fired their guns in haste to prevent the worst case scenario, Arkiel Lutifolde received a few shots towards his body.

Arkiel Lutifolde firmly held on to the device– even when his body was pierced by a few bullets; he opened the cap covering the button with his finger while staring at James Bolden and gave a sadistic laugh.

“Too fucking late! SEE YOU IN HELL, HAHAHA!”

He knew about the inner workings of that device; the arrogant scientists had openly discussed the effects and activation time of the self-destruction tool right in front of him, and he came to find out that it was immediate. 

They had no qualms about discussing such a secret in front of him, as they were dead sure he would not even get out of this place alive or even come close to that device.

Never in their wildest dreams would they have foreseen the current events unfold this way.


He pressed the red button.


In an instant, violent shatterings of walls and debris erupted everywhere as red hot flames engulfed everyone’s vision.

The fire had incinerated literally almost everything, the whole institute was in shambles and ruins.

Bone-chilling screams that were cut off abruptly and loud sounds of buildings collapsing reverberated throughout the whole forest, making the already haunting forest even eerier.

However, in just a few short minutes– everything went dead silent. Only debris, burnt corpses and steel machinery that was still glowing red hot from the flames were left in the aftermath.

The nearby trees caught on fire– fortunately, it was raining outside; the wood and soil slowly dampened, exterminating the chance of a potential forest fire.

The perpetrator in question was of course– caught in the midst of the explosion as well.

A short while later when the dust had settled, violent coughing sounds could be heard from beneath a certain rubble.

Arkiel Lutifolde coughed and tried his best to swallow back the sweet blood coming up his throat, he weakly looked down at the state of his body and gave a bemused chuckle.

His upper torso was heavily damaged, with rib bones piercing out of his chest– on one hand, it was fortunate that his head was still connected. 

On the other hand, his lower torso was completely disintegrated. His left arm severed, and his right arm was twisted into an unusual angle with a few fingers missing. Coupled with the injuries he had gotten from the bullets before– it was a total wreck. He could only thank his lucky stars that he was even conscious, or better yet– alive.

Arkiel Lutifolde had taken a massive gamble with his life, he knew that he had regenerative powers, but did not know to what extent could it heal his body as he had never suffered such a life-threatening injury till this date.

However, that was the only chance he could get in his previous circumstances.

He knew of the existence of the device through the scientists, and had concocted a serpentine plan; by manipulating the existing compassion in Tsubaki Akira’s heart– guiding her subconsciously through subtle brainwashing and mentioning about the device occasionally in small talks.

It seemed to have worked flawlessly in his favor. Although he was barely alive, the others would surely be dead and buried by now.

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In spite of that, things would not always go as planned; when Arkiel Lutifolde tried to push himself up with his remaining arm to a more comfortable position, he stumbled and fell back– right into an inconspicuous object sticking out behind him.

One may ask, does Karma truly exist in the world? And if so, was it truly omniscient and omnipotent?

That inconspicuous object was Tsubaki Akira’s spectacles that she had always kept in the inner pocket of her lab coat– Arkiel Lutifolde landed directly onto the broken sharp temples of the eyeglass.

The force of his fall had made it stab perfectly into the already open wound that was exposing a little of his vulnerable brain on his scalp as it pierced deep into the pink jelly-like organ.

Arkiel Lutifolde’s luck had truly run out this time, his vision instantly went black– his life force snuffed out as he closed his eyes forever.

Although the regenerative ability that he had always relied on could recover brain injuries; time was a major part in the recovery process. In this case, time was of the essence and he had suffered immediate fatality, adding up all his injuries as well– the regenerative ability failed to sustain his life.




Everything was going according to nature of life, however, if a person took a closer look at the lifeless body of Arkiel Lutifolde just right after he died, said person would notice that there was a black incorporeal object flying right out of his brain–heading towards the sky and beyond, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared.

His soul, as black as the abyss– flew without his control into the Earth’s ozone layer and was sucked into a space vortex that appeared out of nowhere, as if something was summoning him.

When he was ejected out of the space vortex, Arkiel Lutifolde slowly opened his ‘eyes’ and awakened from unconsciousness shortly after.

The pitch black darkness around him made him think that he was truly dead now, and was in a place that everyone knew about– Hell.

He recalled all the unforgivable sins he had committed when he was alive and was amused at the fact that even he himself felt like he should be condemned here. Aside from the absolute decimation of the Arkansas Research Institute and all of its members that he brought death upon– he had racked up a considerable amount of evil under his belt as well.

In a world like Earth– where everyone had no particular powers or abilities, and only the known power in the world belonging to someone like Arkiel Lutifolde, things were bound to go awry.

Arkiel Lutifolde was a smart man; a 24 years old handsome young chap with looks that could pass off as being barely under 18, he capitalized on that fact and had hidden from the public eye in plain sight after committing atrocities that would sentence him to death by law.

The only reason he got caught was that he was not aware of the CIA were hot on his heels and had sent out a femme fatale agent to bait him into having sexual intercourse with her.

She had extremely strong sedatives planted inside her nether regions, with a layer of film covering her insides to prevent herself from being affected by it; the plan was a massive success.

Arkiel Lutifolde fell into deep sleep from the sedatives– the next thing he knew was waking up to an all-white room and strapped on a metal bed; tortured in the name of research for a year up until that recent incident.

Arkiel Lutifolde then spotted a bright resplendent star-like object in the absolute darkness from the distance approaching him with an ungodly speed as it stopped just right in front of him and hovered on the spot.

The star slowly morphed into a seven foot tall translucent faceless humanoid with black aura oozing out menacingly.



The faceless humanoid looked down at the black blob below it and spoke out with a somber voice filled with majesty that would make one have the impression and think– ‘A God would definitely sound like that.’.



{You have finally returned, Child of Evernight.}