Chapter 3: Chapter – 1.1

17 October 2022

On this day a mysterious asteroid collided with earth . Space reasearch centre has calculated that the diameter of the asteroid might be possible around 500 meters . At 2 p.m in the noon the asteroid fell on somewhere near western pacific region . From the reports of space institutes it was concluded that this meteor fell due to some astronomical disturbances . Because before the meteor fell in the previous report it was stated that the asteroid would be just passing near earth' s orbit . But for some unknown reason it suddenly slightly changed its trajectory and entered earth ' s gravitational field .

Due to the collision of the asteroid with earth various natural disasters occurred on earth . Natural disasters such as earthquake , tsunami , volcanic eruption ,super cyclone , abnormal season change and other atmospheric changes happened nearly for 70 days around the globe at various regions . But these disasters were not the only thing the mysterious asteroid , it brought another great change to the earth . Rapid evolution , yes it brought evolution to the living and non- living beings who could achieve a new higher life form . 

After near two months of continuous natural disasters earths natural phenomenon subsided . Humans got chance to sigh in relief . But that relief didn't last long because they didn't know another disaster was brewing underneath the calm surface .

When first evolved being appered on public , this news shook the world wide public . With evolution , the evolved beings  acquired some supernatural powers be it human or animal or any other life form . 

Later these supernatural beings banded together and named themselves high humans . Ummm ....only human eveloped beings by the way .

These high humans , after their evolution , considered themselves superior than non-evolved humans . Because of this mindset they didn't give in to the laws and morals of normal human beings . They consider themselves above them . They created their own religion ,a separate society and their own law & regulations . And thus political and military frictions started between normal human and evolved beings . The damage caused by these frictions was far greater than the damage caused by natural disasters . At last the frictions ended because of the intervention of the leaders of the high human association .

But for now we will not be discussing about this , this is for future . 

Ha.. i am taking too much time for my introduction , aren't i .


Then here it is .

At the time of collision of the asteroid , in a certain city in a certain house a lazy ass shut-in was busy reading unnecessary novels . Its not like this shut-in idiot was bullied in college, not talented in her study . Nope she was very bright in her study even she was one of the top scorer of her college . She was very healthy . She was very beautiful to boot . Neither her confidence nor her family's financial condition was broken . Nope she has everything thing she needed . You might be wondering then what is the cause of her current situation . 

Well to answer that its because she couldn't fulfill her dream . The society ,morals especially her parents didn't let her achieve her own dream . 

What ? 

You are asking what was her dream . 

You are reading story Calamus era at

???????????? Not now .

Because she couldn't achieve her dream she became what she is now .

Yep ,you guessed it right . This lazy ass shut- in was basically me . A 22 year old useless girl .

Now its time for formal introduction .

My name is Sariela Samantaroy . In my family other than my mother and father there are two children including me . Me myself and my older sister .

Its not like i was always like this , i was a very carefree and outgoing girl . Back in the village in my neighborhood i was notoriously known as tom boy Sari . By the way ' Sari ' was my nick name .

From childhood i has extreme violent tendencies . Not self harm type violent tendencies though . My character was of that i quite like new discoveries . You know what they say ,very curious child . That would half describe me . After the initial joy of finding new thing i has always had the urge to destroy . 

I was very excited to experience new things . Be it a new creation or different type of destruction .

In my mind there was nothing  interesting that is considered normal by other's standard . In any case other than destruction i was very emotionless towards other things . From childhood i was an excellent creater too . You could say my creativity always helps me destroy the same thing differently . 

In my all life long actions i has  never destroyed in a same pattern twice .

When i was very little  ummm .. may be 5-6 years old ,at that time our village was not that developed . Still there was my grandfather' s big  garden at the backside of our family ancestry house . Throughout the garden coconut trees , banana trees , papaya trees , and some unknown medicinal plants were planted by my whole family . 

One time me and my family of four had gone to visit grandfather's home which was the ancestry house , there i literally destroyed the whole garden . Cutting down the papaya and banana trees with a big sword which was a little bigger than me was a very pleasurable experience for me . To gave the whole garden a grandiose image of a battle field i even cut all the medicinal plants in to little pieces from their roots .

Our ancestry house had covered a total area of 10000 metres excluding front and back gardens .

It was built near a hill area so to stop the wild life intrusion whole house was covered in two layered high walls . One to cover the main house and the other to cover the whole property . 

In my destruction frenzy rampage i even had destroyed one of the outer walls of the property house by throwing big stones to it .

When my family found me after my 7  hours of disappearance , they were shocked to see the state of the garden . It would have been very traumatic experience for them as i was in the middle of the utterly destroyed garden loughing like a maniac while admiring my art work .

Because of this i was grounded for two weeks by my parents . Adults in the family was in the discussion to how to let me understand my action represent . But what can i do ? In my little brain i was very pleased for what i had done . One time ,that was very early than this i did something ,but i will tell in the next chapter .