Chapter 18: Chapter -1.16

(3rd POV)

“ Get up punk . ”,shouted the bully no.1  .

“ I know you are not dead yet .” said scornfully the bully no.2 .

" How could he die easily we haven't enough fun yet . Even though we are not using single cent of our powers , this boy is a pathetic ass . " said the third bully while stomping his foot on the head of a boy to the ground . 

argh .......

Some incoherent sounds were coming from the beaten boy . 

" Ohhhh.....  see , you are alive .  Now say will you do it again . " the first bully asked him by kicking him in the stomach . When no replay came from the bullied boy , he got angry and kicked hard to his face " what is problem with this guy . Why is he not answering ? " .  

 " You are not making it easy for him by beating him senseless . Let him have some breath . Now come on boys . " , bully no. 4 was advising his friends . 

" That bitch and this boy are perfect for each other . Don't you think you guys ? " , bully no.5 asked his friends . 

Another friend of the bullies grabbed the hair of the boy who was on the ground and lifted his face towards himself and said ," Why did you do this us ? Aren't we friends ? We were just playing with her , is there any need to take this to school authorities ? " 

Even with the all bloodied face he , the beaten boy , tried to say something but failed to do so . Watching his all vain struggle all of the burst out laughing . One of them the second bully said scornfully at the boy " you must be clenching your teeth and vowing to get back to us if you ever have the chance to gain superpowers , but you see even after that you couldn't do anything . See here we have already have super powers ... HA HA HA HA HA ...." 

While saying so he showed him his super power , seeing the spectacle the beaten boy was even more horrified . 


In a deserted school backyard six teenagers in school uniform were beating the living shit out of another teenager . Another  four people were watching this unilateral beating which was certainly a bullying silently from a distance away sitting on the stairs of the school building . From the look of their ignorance to this bullying it seems either they were accomplice in this act or they just don't care about this activity .  From the four students three were girls and last one was a boy .  And it looked like two of the girls were bullying the third girl .  The third girl was in her uniform but in a half naked state doing tap dance .  

" Bitch  do it properly . Do you think we are doing it for fun !  No , we are doing for you so that you wouldn't embarrass yourself at the school function in front of the whole school . Ok now shake your ass , yes  yes  like that . Stick out your chest more . Yes like that . Now you are on the line . Look at you if you do it like that every boys and male teachers would impressed  . " , one of the bully girl was on the roll .

" Ha ha ha ha aha aha ha ha ah  you are making her dance in funny positions Mala . Stop , stop , stop .. i will teach her . " , the other girl pushed the previous girl Mala to the side and came to the third girl and slapped her hard on the cheek .  " Didn't i said stop ? Or do you think i was only talking to her , ehh . " 

 Mala shouted from the side ," Veera , i am teaching her art of seduction  effectively , why are you interfering  ? And don't slap her hard . She will die if you are not careful . " 

" What art of seduction ! Don't teach her those rubbishes . Look i will teach her art of exhibition through which she could show case her body perfectly . Don't you also agree with me  Sriman . " , the second girl Veera asked turning towards the boy sitting on the stairs busy with his laptop . 

" Don't drag him to this matter  and Sriman don't listen to her . " 

Towards their bantering the boy in the question didn't even bother to response to them and was busy with his laptop . 

" Why you ? " , knowing that their banter bothered the boy both of the girls started to fight ignoring the third girl . 

 While the six boys were busy interrogating the bullied boy and the two girls were fighting between each other for who would take the lead to teach the third girl their arts , the last boy who was their leader and goes by the name Sriman moved his eyes from his laptop and said to the bunches " Guys we got company ." 

Along with his words a bunch of people varied from different ranges of  age arrived at their location . 

( Shubhra Sarubadi's POV )

Following the unknown guide we arrived at the backyard of a school building . There were already some people present in that area . Or speaking more accurately eleven students  around or maybe one or two years junior than me were  present there .  I said students but all of them except two were evolved beings .  From the three of among them i was getting super dangerous feeling and the other six were weaker than me , i think they were around  ' A ' rank  . And from the look of the situation i was getting some bad vibes from them like the students were hostile towards us . But we just arrived , how could we have already displeased them .  For some time nobody moved , we were looking at each other silently . While i was contemplating what to do the boy with the laptop got up and put down his laptop on the stairs  . 

I tensed . Along with me all of my group members also got tensed . Because this boy was the one giving the most dangerous feeling in this place . 

" So you are the little bastards whilly nilling in my territory .  " said the boy . 

" What ! " all of them exclaimed in unison . 

We , i mean my group members and i looked at him in astonishment . 

" Wait , wait , wait  ... This means we don't have to search for them . And they are already here .  LOL  . " , said mockingly a girl who has her hair open falling down . 

" Mala , don't you know how they got here ?  " , scolded the pony tailed girl at the other girl , Mala  who has her hair down .

" Ehh............ how ? Didn't they come here by mistake . "

" Because of Sriman's ability stupid woman ." , through her clenched teeth . 


 Ok , from their conversation i got to know that the supernatural power that was at work in this region was of the boy named Sriman and whom i presume the boy who spoke first . 

Knowing my group and i were getting into disadvantage  and also overshadowed by the power of the opponent , i took the best option at present , the passive stance . 

" I am Shubhra Sarubadi , an evolved being just like you . I am truly sorry for the inconvenience my group and i caused in your territory . But we do have our reasons for it . I would be very grateful if you could overlook this one time . " , i said to him making my tone as amiable as possible . 

" I don't care for whatever reason you did it  but you are sure acting very cocky in front of me , You  meddled in my territory , caused trouble to my boys and that also with out my permission . Still knowing the dangers and my warnings you came here foolishly and now acting all cocky in front of me . I could forgive you for all that but how dare you not kneeling and trying to talk over to me that itself is an unforgivable sin . " 

You are reading story Calamus era at

" Try to understand , we are forced to enter in ......" 

" SHUT UP .  How dare you talk to me like that ! " 

" Ummm.... what ! " 

"Leader he is not listening you ." , one of my group member who was also a  ' S  ' ranked evolved being whispered to me .  

I knew what she was trying to say to me .

The boy was not listening to me and this also makes very dangerous for our group . 

And from which angle do i look cocky to him ? What baseless accusation he was dumping on my head !

Just because he was more powerful than us does he think he could ignore other parties pleas . 

Even though he was ignoring my words , i was still trying my utmost to control the situation and qualm his anger , but suddenly he moved . 

" I think you should ......" 


" Didn't i ordered you to shut your mouth up .  Then why are you blabbering too much . " ( Sriman ) 


I couldn't breath . He was holding me up the ground by my neck .  While i was trying to salvage his anger he moved so fast that before i could respond , i was already caught by the neck  like some chicken . Me, getting caught maybe triggered both sides as both sides jumped to action . Even with numerical advantage my group got defeated very easily by the opponents .  

" With this pathetic power possession you sure do got some guts to come here and make trouble . " , said the leader boy mocking to me . 

Although i was being held by the neck and had difficulty breathing , i was not scared . 

I knew my leader would come to my rescue . Either way i was doing her work in her stead . And here i was representing her to invite members to her organization . 

True to my belief some thing indeed happened . 

" Well. well . well ... look here is here and i was searching else where . "  

A strange voice came from our behind . Due to the difficulty in breathing i couldn't see who was that even though i was facing in that direction but i knew rescue was here . 

" Who the hell are you ? " , growled the one holding me towards the unknown voice . 

" Hmm.......... three ' SSS ' rankers and six  ' A ' rankers were beating two  ' S ' rankers and ten ' A ' rankers .  Interesting .. very interesting . " , without even bothering to answer Sriman's question the unknown voice was evaluating the ranks of the people present here . 

" I ASKED WHO THE HELL ARE YOU ?  ARE YOU WITH THIS GROUP ? "  , Sriman threw me away to the side and shouted on the top of his lungs . 

Due to his shouting a sonic wave was produced which destroyed the surrounding building walls and also pushed us away to some distance . When the dust was cleared i noticed that a sixty to sixty five years old man was standing there where the strange voice was coming from . After released from the vice grip of that student my mind could focus and i realized that what i thought as a strange voice was in fact this old man's voice because of low oxygen i couldn't hear properly at that time . All of my group members ran to me after getting released from their captors . 

Some people were also present by the side of the old man at an unknown time . All of the people were giving very dangerous feeling letting us know that they were stronger than us , i mean my group and i . 

" Sir , shall we ? " , a man of forty years old waited for the order from the old man . 

" Go ,  make them behave . " , the old man ordered , to which all of the people present on the side of the old man jumped towards the student group . 


Only a blur , literally in a matter of couple of seconds the fight was over along with half of Guwahati city . I couldn't see anything due to their extreme fast fight and speed . Because of their collision very strong air pressure and shock waves were generating which was keeping us away from the battle zone . And after the battle that spanned to only for two to three seconds was over , it left with broken houses and half destroyed city . 

" Lets go . " , at some time the old man along with his subordinates were beside us and the old man was urging us to get away from this place . 

" What ! " , i couldn't understand as to why we would run away from here as the people died in the city due to fight between us needed compensations , that's why i looked at him in confusion . I could be care less if it was ten or twenty people but this this was some million lives how could we ignore this !  Along with them my  group members were also very eager to get away from this place . 

WHY ? 

Watching me getting all confused the old man picked me up to his shoulder like his subordinates were doing with the unconscious bodies of the students and started to run away from the destroyed city .