First of all, is this baby dead?
Did I just take over the body of a dead baby?
Call me crazy, but I don't think a baby could get out of a curtain once it was tangled around its neck...
Anyhow, after about a minute of crawling around, I got a feeling and idea of where I was. It seemed like a pretty decent-sized room, with a crib tipped over in the corner, and a small chest on the far wall, with a lid too heavy for my small baby arms to open.
The rest of the room was pretty bare, there was a rug that took up most of the floor, as well as a window, half covered by the aforementioned curtains. It appears this was my room! Neat!
It must have been in at least a semi-well-off family if they can afford to have a room just for their baby., if not a stupid one, leaving a baby alone in a room.
Occasionally, I would hear some talking and strange noises and words coming from outside my room, and it led me to discover something.
The language, spoken language at least, seems similar to both English and German in my world.
Thanks to that, I won't have to learn how to speak, at least, not much. Perks of being a kraut with clients from America.
Of course, I don't want to just start spewing full sentences, both because of the slight difference in language as well as the fact that, if you saw a baby speaking normally, I'm positive you'd either kill them or have them taken by the FBI.
I still haven't discovered what time period this is, so they might even burn me alive!
Well, maybe not burn alive, but you get it.
About the time period, since I've been left alone in this room for about twenty minutes now, and me being extremely bored, I decided to inspect my only pieces of furniture, my rug, and my chest. The rug or I guess it's large enough to be considered a carpet, is definitely hand woven, since due to apparent bits of blood, small mistakes made, and general non-machine quality, it's obviously either made by an amateur or in a rush. My bet's on the former since I doubt you could sell the ladder.
The chest, however, seemed beautifully made. Well, beautiful to me, who I guess outside of video games and different shows or anime have never actually seen a genuine fantasy chest. Of course, I threw a small pebble at the chest before touching it, mimic training and all.
The outside was made of the same wood as the floor and walls around me, which seemed to be made out of cheap lumber. It's accented by what looks like crude iron, wrapping around the framing, with two top metal straps on the top and a lock at the front. I would be able to very easily pick the lock on something as simple as a wood box if I had literally anything except my baby hands and a cloth undergarment.
After about fifteen more minutes of looking at and around the chest, I heard footsteps approaching the door. Out of instinct, I began to erase my presence and find a place to hide, however, I soon realized it was pointless as this was probably my parent, and I in fact was still a baby.
Walking into the room, was a man who looked to be around his mid-thirties, with broad shoulders and a semi-muscular-looking build, as well as rough-looking leather boots and fingerless white gloves. He wore a blue robe and small-rimmed glasses. Walking in behind him was a woman with a mix of orange and red hair, with a pattern that made it appear to be on fire. She wore what looked to be light leather armor, with a sword on both of their hips.
Crap, I forgot my crib was knocked over and I was just staring at a chest as they walked in. Looking down, they seemed a bit confused and amused.
"Awww! He's barely six months old and already curious!" The man said as he kneeled "Can you say dada? Can you say that for me yet?" He continued with a warm playful smile. This is obviously my dad, right?
"Don't push him Jin, he's literally still a baby! Isn't that right Aero? Call him a dumbhead" The woman said, crouching with the same dumb grin on her face. That would be my mother, thank god my parents are hot and fit!
Did I just call my parents hot?
"Oh so he can't call me dad but he can call me dumb? What happened to I'm being a baby huh?" My father, Jin, said as he went in for a peck on the lips.
You are reading story Reborn! A Thief’s Greed at
I really wanna say something, but I don't even know if this baby mouth can talk! Also, I don't want to be labeled a freak. A few words couldn't hurt, right?
Based on the lack of electricity, the sword, and the crudely made furniture, this world probably doesn't have too advanced technology.
"I was just teasing you and him. C'mon, let's fix his crib and let him go back to sleep." My mother said as she started to walk over to the crib.
No, please no. I'm not tired and if I stay this bored for any longer I'll go mad.
Now's the time to speak up, maybe it'll be better that way?
"dumbum dada" I said, pointing my small pudgy finger towards my dad. I really couldn't speak well, at least until I get a bit older. However, it got the point across, and the look on my dad's face was priceless.
Suddenly, he picked me up into the air, as my mother had just picked up the curb, and looked towards us. "My boy's a genius! He just spoke!"
Uh oh. In for a penny and all that.
"Don't joke here, it was probably just babble, and you took it as words." My mother said, talking me into her arms.
Sticking my small hand out towards my dad as I was being taken from his arms, I said again. "dumbum dada?"
My mother then stopped in her tracks and slowly turned back towards my father, a huge grin spreading across their faces.
"Did you hear that?" My mom said excitedly "He just called you dad!"
"I told you so!" My dad said, coming up to me and my mom, taking me into his hands and holding me in the air. "My little boy is a genius! He's already speaking and he's barely half a year old!" My dad said parading me around my room, and eventually the house.
This felt very... nice. I'd never really had parents back on Earth, so being praised and hugged like this felt very warm and nice. Also, aside from the good feelings of my parents, I could finally see the rest of the house.
Instantly, I noticed the house is quite small, having only my parent's room, a good-sized-looking bathroom, a decently big kitchen, as well as a nice living room.
However, something immediately stuck out to me. While I correctly guessed lights were not electric, they also weren't oil or candlelit.
They looked like small crystals, floating above a small stone pedestal. They gave a nice amount of light so the house was well lit, with only one crystal in each of the described segments.
Aside from that, the house seemed pretty low on technology or advanced hardware. We had a large fireplace in the kitchen with a metal oven over it, as well as a cauldron to the side of it.
So we weren't exactly technologically inept either. It also looked like we had a gas stovetop, but with small crystals underneath the grates instead. Interesting, and terrifying. If they had some sort of internet or longer-range communication, I might have just screwed myself.
Ehh whatever, let's enjoy it!
Anyway, it seems my wish for a magical world came true! The first magic I discovered? The feeling of loving parents and a warm hug.