The receptionist gave Leo a quick and blunt answer.
"Miss Iris has a busy schedule and does not take any unscheduled appointments."
"I am a special agent under the direct oversight of miss Iris."
The receptionist gave Leo a confused look.
"What is your name?"
"I don't have one, my agent name is Nightmare."
The receptionist shot Leo a confused glare once again before inputting some stuff on her computer.
A frown was seen on her face for a while before it disappeared.
"Apologies special agent Nightmare, these situations usually do not happen. Miss Iris will be with you soon, take a seat in the hall for now."
Leo nodded and followed the instructions, taking a seat close by.
In the meantime Leo took a look around, agents and sales representatives were seen passing through the halls, each with their own goals.
As expected Leo didn't have to wait for long. A couple of minutes after sitting down a agent approached him.
"Special agent Nightmare I assume?"
Leo stood up before responding.
"Yeah, that's me, you are here to escort me to Iris right?"
The agent nodded.
"Right on spot, let's go."
The agent started walking away and Leo followed him.
"Miss Iris is currently waiting in conference room four, and she really isn't in a good mood, to say the least. You might want to watch your words."
"It's fine, she pretty much is never in a good mood to say the least."
The agent let out a chuckle upon hearing Leo's words.
"Honestly I do feel bad for you though for having her as your manager, I'm lucky to just be her fetch boy so I don't have a lot of interactions with her."
"Well, she isn't a lot better to her own agents."
The agent let out a small chuckle once again before stopping in front of a door.
He put his hand on Leo's shoulder before speaking to him.
"Anyways, we are here. Good luck lad."
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The agent gave Leo a couple of pats on his back before Leo walked into the conference room.
The conference room itself was well lit and Iris was sitting at one end.
Iris pointed towards the seat at the other side of the room before speaking.
"Take a seat, what is this about?"
Leo sat down and poured himself a glass of water.
"I will get straight to the point, I want some proper time off."
There was a silence for three seconds before Iris burst out in laughter.
"Honestly why even ask? You already know that the answer is no. Now get out."
However, Leo was stubborn and stayed in his seat.
"Listen, I literally raided a foundation site not so long ago and not even 24 hours ago I had another shootout at some tunnel and I know damn well that you approved of that shit. This is borderline a violation of human rights!"
"Well, good thing you are not a human then."
After Iris said that there was another silence for a while before Leo opened his mouth again.
"I will put it this way, if I don't get a break I will not actively participate in any upcoming missions."
"Blackmail won't work lad, if you don't participate in any upcoming missions I will just have you locked up. Hell, why do you even want a break so badly?"
"Do you honestly expect me to process all the stuff that happened within this month so quickly? I need some damn time to think about it. Are you stupid or what?"
Iris got ticked off a bit upon being called stupid.
"Do I have to remind you that I am your superior and that I can practically have you stripped from any value that you have here?"
Leo's response was quick and blunt.
"Then do it."
Iris got even more ticked off upon hearing Leo's response but she kept it maintained.
"Listen up. I will give you one week of free time but it will be made up fully with your upcoming breaks, understood?"
"Understood, let the free time start tomorrow."
"Sure, now get the hell out. I am getting sick of you."
"With pleasure."
As Leo walked out of the conference room Iris picked up a phone and dialed a number.
"This is Iris, please have Emilia from the offensive demolition division report to conference room four, squadron MORTIFER to be specific. Tell her to report for a classified mission."