Chapter 83: Chapter 83 – Doesn’t Know the Immensity Between Heaven and Earth

Yun Yi smiled as he looked at his fallen opponent on the ground. His opponent was actually in possession of three cards. He must’ve defeated two people before which was why he was so weak and easily defeated by him. He had probably not yet recovered from those fights.

Well, someone else’s misfortune was his fortune so he’d have to thank him for making his job much easier. Two more cards to go and he’d finally be done with this stage.

Yun Yi suddenly tilted his head to the right. Right after that, something just flew past beside his head with an incredible speed. It was an arrow. Had he not dodged it in time, that arrow would’ve pierced through his head.

Then he felt more arrows come rushing in his direction. He quickly stepped back and did a series of back handsprings, narrowly avoiding the arrows in the nick of time, and finished off with a monkey flip.

The tall handsome man who was standing on top of a building frowned upon seeing all his arrows being easily avoided by his target. It might seem that his target was having a hard time dodging them since all of his arrows almost hit him. However, it was the opposite. His target’s moves were calculated and only purposely dodged them merely seconds before hitting him. He had the leeway to do so. That was how capable he was.

While he was observing his target, he saw him pick up a rock from the ground. Before he was able to realize it, his target threw the rock towards him.

When he saw him throw that rock, he tried to dodge it right away. Even so, his target was faster. He wasn’t able to react in time!

Not good! He was too careless! He didn’t put up his guard because he was sure that his target wouldn’t be able to determine his location. Even if his target managed to find him, the distance between them was too far away. There was no way he could cross the distance between them in a few seconds no matter what.

However, he was wrong. His target was far stronger than he gave him credit for. Any other participant in the city wouldn’t have been able to reach him even if they put their full strength behind their throw. But this human did exactly just that!

The rock grazed his cheek, leaving behind a horizontal wound to it. It then hit the structure behind him blowing that structure to smithereens.

That was bad. Had that rock hit him, his head would’ve been destroyed.

He immediately retreated to somewhere farther away. He decided to give up on going after his target since it wasn’t worth it getting entangled with someone that strong during this stage.

Right as he was retreating, his hand touched his cheek and saw blood over it.


He took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from his hand and face.

‘That damned human.’

“I missed,” Yun Yi stated.

He had wasted an opportunity. That was the perfect chance to finish off the nature spirit since he was being overconfident. As a result, he wasn’t able to dodge his attack on time. The problem though was that his aim was a bit off by a few centimeters leading to the nature spirit escaping.

Yun Yi let out a sigh. Had it been his Young Master who was in his position, he wouldn’t have missed.

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“Yun Yi, that guy… he was off by 3.44195 centimeters. If he got it right, he would’ve blown at least half his face off,” Yun Ling commented with narrowed eyes as he looked at the brief exchange of his cousin and the nature spirit.

“5 decimals…” Yu Shan looked at him with a wry smile. Just how sharp were this guy’s eyes?

“It’s already impressive that he was able to graze him in that distance. If it were me and Yu Shan, we wouldn’t have been able to do any better in his position. Only someone with your eyes would have made a direct hit and not miss,” the crown prince said to Yun Ling.

Yun Ling smiled at him, “Can I take that as you admitting that you are inferior to me?”

The crown prince narrowed his eyes at him as he responded, “How about you see for yourself if I am indeed inferior to you?”

“Fine with me.”

“You guys…” Yu Shan shook his head as he sighed exasperatedly.

While they were busy with each other, a participant had suddenly been teleported to the coliseum, earning a commotion from the audience.

“The first one who passed the second stage is Qing Ge! Our participant from the Supreme race!” Da Peng announced. “He passed by defeating five other participants and getting their cards. He didn’t even try to find his target. What a straightforward way of passing the stage!”

“It was all too easy,” Qing Ge’s right head said.

“I have to admit that the other participants are a bit disappointing,” Qing Ge’s left head responded.

Qing Ge’s middle head didn’t say anything. He only looked at where the three supreme geniuses were sitting as he let out a bloodthirsty grin. Only those three were worth crushing with his own hands. He could feel it. They were a cut above the rest of the participants.

He couldn’t wait to fight and humiliate them in front of these many people. He would turn the title of the Three Supreme Geniuses into a laughing stock. That was what they’d get for not including him in that position.

After all, if there was someone who deserved to be called a supreme genius, it should be him. Not only was he from the supreme race, but he was also stronger than these so-called three supreme geniuses. It was presumptuous for them to use that title. They might be strong but they’d never surpass the supreme race no matter what they’d do.

“Oh? He’s baring his fangs at us,” Yu Shan said with a pleasant smile as he looked at Qing Ge.

The crown prince merely let out a snort.

Yun Ling had a smile on his face as he observed Qing Ge coldly, “This thing is getting too confident from beating just a few weaklings. It doesn’t know the immensity between heaven and earth.”

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