Chapter 88: Chapter 88 – Semi-Finals

Yun Yi had a pleasant smile on his face as he watched the short fight between Yun Ling and Yu Shan.

“Yu Shan really isn’t one to scoff at. He actually forced my young master to use one of his supreme arts… you better be careful with him too,” Yun Yi instructed the tall handsome man who was also watching the fight between two of the three supreme geniuses critically.

‘Young Master? Aren’t they cousins?’ the tall handsome man thought when he heard how Yun Yi was referring to Yun Ling, however, he didn’t think too much about it. He then gave his response to Yun Yi, “Sure he had some skills but from what I saw, one side had a much superior weapon than the other. That was a big contributing factor as to why that guy was able to force him into using a supreme art.”

Yun Ling and Yu Shan both fought each other using merely their sword skills. Although they both fought seriously, none of them really went all out and refrained from using supreme arts against the other. It was only when Yun Ling’s sword broke that he had used a supreme art to defend himself and finally finished the third stage himself. Had he not done so, he would’ve been forced to continuously avoid Yu Shan’s strikes.

“Even so, having a good sword is still part of his abilities. You can’t discredit him just because of that. Having your sword broken during a battle is not an excuse,” Yun Yi said seriously. “If your sword gets destroyed by an opponent that wants to kill you, will he spare you just because of your broken sword?”

The tall handsome man frowned, disagreeing with him as he responded “That is different. This is a competition. Not a life and death battle.”

Yun Yi shook his head, “You don’t understand. How about you give Yu Shan’s sword to someone else and have them fight my young master instead? Do you think they would be able to break his sword? In fact, would they even last half as long fighting him like Yu Shan did? Would they be able to put him into a disadvantage and force him to use a supreme art?”

Not just anyone could use a superior weapon well. If one were to give an untrained person a weapon and have them fight an experienced fighter, they would lose miserably even if they had a weapon on hand. In the end, the power of the weapon depends solely on the individual who was wielding it. Having a superior weapon was definitely an advantage but that wasn’t all. One must also be skilled in order to use a good weapon well. Without having good skills, the weapon would only be wasted in their hands.

The tall handsome man fell deep in thought as he contemplated what Yun Yi had just said.

“If you say it that way, it’s hard for me to refute that out.”

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After the third stage had reached its conclusion, Yun Ling, Yu Shan, and the crown prince had been teleported back to the center of the coliseum. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by the audience’s deafening cheers. They were totally hyped from the brief fight between Yun Ling and Yu Shan, making them cheer louder than ever before.

Yun Ling didn’t mind these people out since he was checking his broken sword with a frown. His broken sword was actually made of high-quality material but even that fell short compared to Yu Shan’s sword. It made him feel a bit dissatisfied. As a result of his sword being broken, he had to cut his fight with Yu Shan short.

He let out a sigh as he returned his sword back to his storage ring. Thankfully, he still had another set of swords in his storage ring but these swords were actually his flying swords. Though they were also made from high-quality materials, they weren’t as good as the one he had just used. If he had used them against Yu Shan earlier, they would be broken much easier so he didn’t bother.

While Da Peng was saying something that made the audience even more excited, the three supreme geniuses gave each other a challenging look.

“You guys sure were having fun earlier. In the fourth stage, I guess I’ll have to make a spectacular show for everyone,” the crown prince said. He was actually thrilled when he first saw the other two fight. He really wanted to join in on them but he didn’t in the end. If he had joined in, their fight would’ve gotten much messier. They might even go all out against each other while they were still in the third stage. He couldn’t have that. The fifth stage was where they were going to decide who was the best among them, not in a measly third stage.

Yun Ling smiled at him coldly as he said, “Is that so? Well, I’ll be looking forward to your performance in the next stage.”

Meanwhile, Yu Shan didn’t say anything. He merely looked at Yun Ling with a bitter expression on his face. He underestimated how bloodthirsty Yun Ling was to actually attack him earlier with no hesitation at all. He thought he would wait until the fifth stage of the competition before fighting each other but he wasn’t able to wait anymore.

“Now then, before teleporting you all, I will explain what the fourth stage is going to be about,” Da Peng said as he looked at the participants in the center of the coliseum. “In the fourth stage, there will be three arenas that you will be competing in. One must go up the arena and defend it for one hour to pass this stage. While defending, the other participants can only go up to the arena one by one to challenge the one defending it. If the one defending the arena losses, then they will have to step down the arena while the one who won will become the new defender. Of course, they can still challenge the one who defeated them back and the new defender must be able to defend the arena for one hour to pass. You will be given a total of 24 hours. After 24 hours, the fourth stage will officially end.”

After explaining, Da Peng continued, “Best of luck to you all. His Majesty will now be teleporting you into another Divine Phantasm. ”

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