Chapter 93: Chapter 93 – Yun Yi’s Abilities

After the three supreme geniuses had passed, Yun Yi, the nature spirit, and the supreme went up the arena and took their place. They were waiting exactly for this moment when the three supreme geniuses were finally gone before going up. They didn’t want to fight them and exert themselves too much in this stage because the real fight would start in the fifth stage, not here.

When they got up, a challenger soon came up to the supreme’s arena.

The supreme looked at him.

“Go down. You’re not my match.”

Some of the participants below the arena sneered when they heard what the supreme said. Sure he was from the supreme race and was much stronger than a regular human but did he think he was on the same level as the three supreme geniuses? How arrogant.

The challenger frowned at the supreme as he replied, “You won’t know about that unless we fight each other.”

His response was met by a look of disdain from the supreme as if insulted by what he said. The supreme came up to him and punched him with all three of his right arms at the same time, breaking the bones in his body. Normally, the other participants would have stopped at this point since the challenger could no longer fight but the supreme was different. Not only did he stop attacking his challenger, but his attacks had also gotten stronger and stronger until the challenger was soon teleported back to the coliseum.

The supreme brought down his bloody fists as he turned towards the rest of the participants below the arena.

“If you think you can do better than him, then come up.”

Yun Yi looked at the supreme from his arena with narrowed eyes. That supreme was someone not to be underestimated with. He was probably someone on the same level as the other supreme geniuses. He began thinking of ways on how he would deal with this supreme if he encountered him in the fifth stage. He had to prepare because fighting a supreme was quite tricky. They had multiple limbs and multiple heads. Comparing his body towards the supreme’s body, he was already at a disadvantage.

“Where are you looking at? I’m your opponent!”

Yun Yi was broken out of his thoughts when a challenger came up on stage and called him out.

He turned his attention towards his challenger as he gave him a pleasant smile. He actually already noticed his presence but because he was too weak, he didn’t really pay much attention to him.

Still, his challenger should’ve taken that chance to attack him while he was distracted. Although it would be in vain really, that was still the best way where he would have the highest chance of winning. Had he made a surprise attack, he would’ve had a 0.1% chance of winning. It was low but it was still much better than having only a 0.01% chance.

“I know you! You are Senior Yun Ling’s cousin! Don’t think I’ll hold back just because you are his relative!” the challenger said as he pointed his sword towards Yun Yi.

Yun Yi didn’t say anything. He merely continued giving him that pleasant smile which was beginning to piss the challenger off.

“Take this! HA—”

Before he could even make the first move, Yun Yi suddenly appeared right behind him as a sword pierced him in the back.

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While he was still in the middle of processing what just happened, he heard Yun Yi saying, “You don’t need to hold back against me. That’s completely unnecessary. Instead, I’ll hold myself back so you’ll have a sliver of hope that you’ll win against me.”

“Wha?!” he mouthed out in disbelief. He looked down and saw a sword sticking out from his stomach.

Yun Yi pulled the sword out of his body as he continued, “Well, even if I’m holding back, I guess I’m just too much to handle for someone like you.”

Right after saying that, Yun Yi gently kicked him off the arena without too much force. The challenger landed on the ground with a loud thud right in front of the stunned participants.

The Yun Clan sure was monstrous. Yun Ling alone was already way too strong yet even his cousin wasn’t someone to scoff at. They were lucky to have two geniuses like them. Other clans would’ve already been satisfied to have someone half as talented as Yun Ling but to the Yun Clan? Yun Ling wasn’t enough. There was still someone like Yun Yi.

Others said that the Yun Clan was the strongest clan in Yun Ling’s generation. Some were skeptical about this claim but now that they had seen Yun Ling and Yun Yi’s abilities, that was something no longer hard to believe. Moreover, there was still Yun Hui who had defeated hundreds of participants himself in the last Golden Dragon Election.

“I like to give my opponents a little bit of chance to win against me if they don’t have any just to make it interesting for myself,” Yun Yi said.

Like Yun Ling, he was someone who loved fighting strong opponents. He had a big distaste for fighting weak opponents as they won’t really serve as someone who could pose a challenge to him. Only by fighting strong opponents would his skillset improve and get much stronger as a result.

Compared to his cousin, Yun Yi was more desperate in getting stronger. That was due to Yun Ling. He was someone he wanted to surpass. Because of that, he would put himself in rigorous training sessions and even purposely handicapped himself when fighting weaker opponents. That was one of the ways he discovered that would improve his skills when facing weak opponents.

If one had to explain his thoughts from a mortal’s point of view, it was like an adult fighting a toddler. Would an adult improve his fighting skills when facing a toddler a hundred times?


But what if that adult fought another adult dozens of times? Hundreds of times?

They would surely pick up a thing or two.

Yun Ling looked over the rest of the participants as he said with a pleasant smile, “Anyone, feel free to come at me. I’ll only use one finger against any of you.”

The participants went silent when they heard what he had said.


They were thrown into an uproar.

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