Chapter 100: Chapter 100 – The Father of My Daughter

“Grandpa, what is Papa doing?” Yun Xia looked at her grandfather and asked him as she tilted her head.

She didn’t understand what her father was doing. Wasn’t he going to fight the other participants? If so, why was he lying on the ground instead of finding other opponents to fight?

Yun Zhan was confident that he would be able to answer his granddaughter’s question this time around unlike her question before.

“It’s because your father doesn’t know where the other opponents are. Instead of searching the other participants himself and wasting some energy in the process, your father is waiting for them to come to him themselves.”

“But what if no one comes to Papa?”

“That’s impossible since this stage is set up so that all the participants will inevitably meet each other. Your papa and the others realized this when that gentleman, Da Peng, over there said that the place will be shrinking every few hours,” Yun Zhan patiently explained.

With that rule in mind, the three supreme geniuses took their time and didn’t rush ahead to find the others. They were making full use of that feature and were biding their time.

Yun Xia mouthed an ‘o’ as she nodded her head, showing that she understood Yun Zhan’s explanation.

Yue Dongmei who was at the side was looking at the moving image intently. She was observing Yun Ling to see the true extent of his abilities.

One of the participants was sweating buckets when he encountered someone in the middle of the prairie. He had actually been teleported in the middle of the forest at the beginning of the stage. When he left the forest, he headed straight towards the prairie and had been flying with his flying sword for hours already when he saw Yun Ling lying on the grass contentedly.

Upon seeing him, he decided to retreat and get far away from him as possible. He never thought that his first encounter would be one of the three supreme geniuses out of all people. He truly was out of luck!


He stopped in his tracks when a bold thought suddenly crossed his mind.

Yun Ling was currently defenseless and didn’t seem to take notice of him. Wasn’t this the perfect chance to take down one of the three supreme geniuses and have his name known in the entire Jin Empire as the one who took down Yun Ling? When he thought of that, he carefully observed Yun Ling in case he was mistaken. He was very cautious about this matter since a single mistake might cause him to retire this early at this stage. He couldn’t have that.

‘Should I attack him or not?’ he thought with a complicated look on his face. He was torn between these two decisions. For one, he had the option to play it safe and leave to a place far away from Yun Ling. Then there was also the temptation of defeating such a supreme genius. If he managed to accomplish such a feat, there would be no need to worry about not getting into the top ten in the Golden Dragon Election for many powerful people would definitely flock to him and recruit him to their side.

The participant took a deep breath as he finally decided what action to take.

He decided that he would try to attack Yun Ling first. If his attack failed, then he would run with all his might right away.

With that, he silently approached Yun Ling as he prepared to attack him with his most powerful supreme art.

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Yun Ling suddenly looked in his direction as he pointed a finger at him. Powerful spiritual energy was then released from that finger as it went straight towards the participant.

The participant had a horrified look on his face as he immediately put up all his life saving supreme arts and treasures on him. When Yun Ling’s attack hit him, it made a loud explosion which gathered the attention of some participants in the forest and the mountains in the distance.

“Idiot. I’ve long since noticed you from the start,” Yun Ling said. He scoffed at the participant’s pathetic attempt at a sneak attack.

The people inside the coliseum who saw that encounter was amazed. Yun Ling didn’t even bother getting up from the ground as he dealt with that particular participant. Moreover, it would seem that the supreme art he used was the same one that his cousin, Yun Yi, had used when he killed a participant back in the fourth stage.

That participant was teleported outside the coliseum right away so he would receive immediate treatment. The fact that he was still alive was due to the protections he put up at the last minute. If not for that, he would’ve died.

Earlier, Yun Ling was actually just pretending not to notice him since he was too lazy to deal with such a small fry. Doing so wasn’t interesting for him. Had that participant left, he wouldn’t have taken action at all.

However, that participant didn’t leave and instead planned on harming him so he attacked him before he could.

Aside from that participant, he also knew there was another participant deep in the forest and within the mountains in the distance as well. He had already noticed them all since the beginning of the stage when he took a look at his surroundings.

It was just that, they were too weak so he ignored them. The only ones he was looking forward to fighting to in this stage was the crown prince, Yu Shan, and Yun Yi. Well, he supposed that the supreme would prove to be a good opponent as well.

Sooner or later, he would meet them and finally fight to his heart’s content.

He couldn’t wait for it.

Somewhere in the coliseum, there was a woman whose face was covered with a white veil as she looked at the moving image conjured by the emperor intently. Accompanying her was an individual whose entire being was covered in dark robes as he served as a guard to the woman.

“Princess, that is…” the one accompanying the woman said in an aged voice when the moving image started displaying Yun Ling.

“That is indeed him,” a melodious voice came from the woman. Although her face was covered with a veil, her eye-catching ears were hard not to notice. She had a pair of long and pointed ears that was not totally unlike that of the nature spirit who was participating in the competition.

The individual sighed. They had taken a detour to this place just so the princess could take a look at him. The one displayed on the moving image was actually…

“The father of my daughter,” the woman softly said.

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