Chapter 107: Chapter 107 – Titan vs Luo Yutong

Some of the participants in the mainland lost their footing and fell down on all fours when the ground suddenly shook with tremendous force without any warning whatsoever.

Then seconds later, they saw a huge tsunami coming their way from the sea.

“What in the actual fuck?!”

Those who had a very quick reaction flew into the skies right away while the slower ones got engulfed by the tsunami, forcing them to retire early in the final stage.

Two participants had been teleported out of the Divine Phantasm with that—three if it included the atlantean who suffered a direct hit from the crown prince.

That was how powerful the three supreme geniuses were. Each of them was someone who could take on dozens of participants all by themselves. They were like forces of nature once they make their moves.

After dealing with the atlantean, the crown prince took out a flying sword and hopped onto it as he slowly flew towards the mainland. Although he was also excited about fighting Yun Ling and Yu Shan, he wasn’t in any rush. He was taking his time since he would meet them in the later part of the stage anyway. It was unlikely for those two to lose early in the final stage.

“And that’s the sixth participant,” Yun Yi said when the participant he had just defeated was sent back to the coliseum.

“There’s one more in the east. It should be the last one in this place,” the nature spirit told him.

They had been eliminating participants left and right in the place as part of his agreement with the nature spirit because he only decided to team up with him for the remainder of the Golden Dragon Election as long as he made sure he would get into the top ten of the competition without too much difficulty. Yun Yi had no problems with that. The nature spirit would’ve gotten into the top ten anyway even without his help as long as he didn’t meet one of the three supreme geniuses. If he did, then that was it for him.

Though Yun Yi no longer really needed his help in locating Yun Ling since he already knew where he was. That eye-catching explosion was all the clue he needed to know that his cousin was in there. He was just helping the nature spirit so he wouldn’t break his agreement with him.

“Let’s go,” Yun Yi said as he got into his flying sword. “We shouldn’t make Yun Ling wait for me for too long. That’s just bad manners, isn’t it?”

The nature spirit stared dully at him as he followed after him. Even though Yun Yi said that, he knew he was just too excited to fight Yun Ling by himself.


Yu Shan got up from the ground.

“It’s already three hours since the final stage started. Well, I might be off by a few minutes…” he said as he looked around him.

In the entire three hours, there was nothing interesting that happened in that place aside from the appearance of the walls but that was it. Even the Desert Royal Centipede didn’t interest him. He also hadn’t seen a single participant in his entire stay in the desert. He was completely bored out of his mind. It was a wonder how he was able to endure three hours sitting still in that place.

‘Since the wall is in the south, I should head into the north,’ he thought to himself as he started moving northward.

The walls had appeared an hour ago but he didn’t leave yet. He was actually waiting there in case there was a participant near the wall, hoping they’d come to him when they were going to head north. Unfortunately, even after an hour, there was no soul in sight. It was unlikely that any participant was still there so it would be much better to leave now.

‘I wonder if Yun Ling and the crown prince had already encountered each other?’ he mused, trying to entertain himself in this empty desert.

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The leader of the titans was hiding inside a crevice in the mountains while waiting for the other participants to wander into the place. So far, he had already made two participants retire with his ambush tactics. Well, he could’ve defeated him easily even if he didn’t take them on by surprise. However, he continued to remain in hiding in the hopes that Yun Ling would stumble into the place. He would then make him pay for the humiliation he received in the previous stage.

“Halt! There’s someone inside that crevice,” the titan heard someone shout out.

“Hm? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure of it.”

“What are you scared of? There are two of us. Let’s take him on.”

‘So there’s two of them. Looks like they are teaming up,’ the titan thought.

Then, when he heard that the two were going to take him on, he let out a ridiculing smile.

So what if there were two of them? They wouldn’t stand a chance against him. Who did they think they were? One of the three supreme geniuses?

He decided to come out from the crevice since they already knew he was there anyway. It was pointless to continue hiding.

However, upon coming out, instead of the two participants that he had expected, there were actually ten participants who were looking at him with mild amusement on their faces!

‘This…’ the titan thought as he stared wide-eyed at them. ‘What is going on? Weren’t there only supposed to be two participants? Why did it become ten?’

Luo Yutong had an air of haughtiness as he said, “Are you stupid? You shouldn’t believe your enemy’s words so easily. I knew you were there all along, I just said that so you’d willingly come out yourself.”

The titan was angry at that but he managed to compose himself.

“With just ten of you, do you really think you can beat me? Even if you can, there’s no way you can stop me if I decide to escape.”

“Well said!” Luo Yutong nodded his head, agreeing with him.

Though Yun Ling had easily beaten him up in the fourth stage, Luo Yutong had no doubt that the titan was truly strong. It was because he was a titan. Moreover, he was the leader among the titans who had participated in the competition. That means that even by the titans’ standards, he was strong. He would probably be able to take the ten of them all at once and not lose.

Luo Yutong pointed his index fingers at him and said, “Why don’t you look behind you?”

The titan looked behind him and found another ten participants with their swords drawn against him.

“There isn’t just the ten of us. There are actually twenty. We have you surrounded. Moreover, we set up formations all over the place so you won’t be able to escape even if you managed to get past all of us. There’s no escaping for you now. Do you still have anything to say?” Luo Yutong said as he looked at him with a smile.

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