Chapter 109: Chapter 108 – His Strategy

The titan gritted his teeth as he looked at Luo Yutong hatefully.

“You and that guy! I’m going to kill you both!” he roared angrily as he ran towards him. He hated Yun Ling with passion after the spectacle in the fourth stage and now this guy was getting onto the list of people he hated too. The way this guy was looking down on him while playing around with him strangely reminded him of Yun Ling which only made him hate him even more.

“Do it,” Luo Yutong calmly ordered as his companions fired a projectile type supreme arts at the titan.

The titan staggered a few steps forward when a supreme art hit him in the back. Then he was hit by more supreme arts in his face and the front of his body, making him take a few steps backward. Another wave of supreme arts hit him again in the back, angering him greatly.

He couldn’t fight back with all these supreme arts hitting him from all angles! If he protected one side of his body, the other side would be vulnerable. If he were to protect that side, then the other side would be without a guard.

He took a deep breath as he gathered a handful amount of spiritual energy in his larynx and shouted, “GAH!”

“Take that out!” Luo Yutong said as he took out a large mirror from his storage ring.

The other twenty participants with him also did the same. They took out a large mirror and placed it right in front of them as they hid behind the mirror.

A yellow glow came from the mirrors as it rebounded the sound waves made by the titan back to him.

The titan spat out blood when the sound waves from his shout came back to him. He had suffered a blow from his own technique!

Luo Yutong then said with a smile, gaining the titan’s attention, “Since you’re going to be teleported out anyway, I will at least tell you this. These mirrors are my treasures. Their purpose is to deflect an enemy’s supreme art back to them, protecting their wielder and at the same time, harming their opponents.”

He was fine telling the titan that since there was no way he would get out from there now. The only way to leave that place was to be teleported out to the coliseum.

“Unlike you fools, I use my brain when I fight. People like you who only rely on brute strength are bound to lose to someone like me,” Luo Yutong said condescendingly. When the titan shouted when he was fighting with Yun Ling back at the previous stage, some of the participants actually stumbled from the sheer force of his shout. There was no way that thing was normal. Luo Yutong deduced that what the titan had used was a supreme art so he gave those mirrors to his companions just before confronting the titan to deal with that supreme art of his.

“Don’t mess with me!” the titan roared out.

The titan’s clothes were ripped out when his muscles bulged and his height had a tremendous increase. He was already bigger and taller than everyone else before but now, Luo Yutong and the others were only at his knee level.

“GRAH!” the titan slammed his fist towards Luo Yutong, who easily evaded it as he jumped backward.

Though Luo Yutong was fine, two of his companions got caught up with the titan’s attack and were forced to retire as they were brought back to the coliseum.

“Retreat!” Luo Yutong ordered as he ran away.

When they heard his command, the remaining eighteen participants quickly followed him.

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The titan was angry upon seeing that. Now that these fools found out that they were no match to him, they were retreating? There was no way he was going to let them do that.

The titan ran after them and went deeper into the mountains.


A loud shattering explosion that had shaved the top part of the mountain off occurred, blowing the titan up.

The titan laid injured on the ground as he looked at Luo Yutong and the others who were slowly approaching him.

“B…bastard… I’ll make you… pay for this…” the titan said weakly, his consciousness almost fading.

“In your dreams,” Luo Yutong said as he stomped the titan’s head with his foot.

The young man from the Law God Sect narrowed his eyes as he looked at Luo Yutong through the moving image.

“I like that guy. He actually managed to get twenty participants to his side,” he said with a small laugh.

Luo Yutong’s approach to this competition was actually unique. When the final stage started, he found a participant so quickly and fought him. When that participant lost, instead of dealing a huge amount of damage to him, thus making him retire early in the competition, he actually offered that participant to team up with him. That participant had no reason to refuse since he would have a better placement if he stuck around with Luo Yutong than losing so early in the competition to him.

Then Luo Yutong met another participant and did the same thing again.

And then he encountered another participant again who actually knew where some of the participants were.

With that, his group grew bigger and bigger until there were twenty participants on his side.

Those participants had their own hidden agenda while following after Luo Yutong. They were just waiting until there were only fewer participants left before they’d act together to defeat him.

Of course, their intentions didn’t go unnoticed to Luo Yutong. He knew of that but he didn’t mind. Unbeknownst to them, he was using their own greed against them. Luo Yutong knew that these people would keep obeying him as long as there were still many participants around. He was taking advantage of that knowledge.

Luo Yutong looked at the sky.

‘Now then, Yun Ling… where are you?’

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