Chapter 118: Chapter 117 – Li Jing and Yun Ling’s Death

“The Divine Child born only once in ten thousand years…”

“The Divine Eyes!”

Yun Zhan closed his eyes as he heard the people around him get into a commotion. With this revelation, everyone in the world would finally put their attention on his son. Many people would certainly approach Yun Ling, each having their own agenda. He wouldn’t be surprised if there were going to be people with bad intentions approaching Yun Ling. It was to be expected. After all…

Yun Ling was a genius born only once in ten thousand years.

“Son…” he softly said as he let out a sigh.

Twenty-three years and eight months ago, the Yun Clan’s clan compound was mixed with various emotions. Some ignorant people were happy and excited at the birth of the successor of the clan master’s second son while some who were in the know were worried for the well-being of his wife.

She had a very difficult labor.

When Li Jing gave birth to her eldest son, she didn’t have too much difficulty. It was only this time that she was suffering so much. For female cultivators, childbirth shouldn’t be too painful and difficult when compared to their mortal counterparts however, Li Jing’s life was in mortal danger by trying to deliver her second child.

Some people who knew what was happening let out a sigh. They wouldn’t be too surprised if Li Jing and her baby dies. She had been trying to deliver her child for more than a day already! Even as a female cultivator, that was too much. The female cultivators with high positions who were allowed inside the room looked at Li Jing and Yun Zhan with sympathy. Li Jing probably wouldn’t make it.

Yun Zhan looked at his wife with his eyes red as he held her hand. Even though he was just at the side, watching as he held her hand, he was sweating all over while the veins in his forehead protruded. He was very worried about his wife and his child’s well being.

“You have to hold on,” Yun Zhan said while suppressing his tears. As the future clan master, he had his dignity in front of his clansmen. He wouldn’t allow himself to cry in their presence no matter what his wife’s outcome was going to be.

Li Jing was too tired to respond. In fact, she was too tired to look at her husband. She was focusing all her energy on pushing her baby out. She had a very strong urge to sleep but she didn’t. She didn’t care what would happen to her however, her baby must survive. That was the only thing that was keeping her awake and going in the past twenty-seven hours.

The female physician responsible for helping Li Jing give birth was also getting tired. There was a midwife who was at her side, assisting her. The midwife was originally the one who was helping Li Jing give birth but upon seeing that Li Jing’s labor wasn’t normal, the clan’s female physician was called in.

Outside the room, Yun Wei had a grave look on his face as he stood right at the door along with his grandson, Yun Hui. His daughter-in-law’s situation wasn’t looking good. His wife, Ye Lin, was already there overseeing the situation and confirmed it for him.

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At his side, Yun Hui had a worried expression on his face. Even though he didn’t know exactly what was happening, he could tell that something was off with the way his grandfather was acting. He really wanted to ask him questions about his mother and baby brother’s status but he didn’t. He felt that it wasn’t the right time to ask.

It was very tense inside the Yun Clan but there were some who were still ignorant of everything. The people who knew Li Jing’s situation, however, were on edge as they waited for the outcome of Li Jing’s childbirth.

Then, twelve hours later…

The door was suddenly slammed open as Ye Lin came outside the door with tears in her eyes.

Yun Wei was stunned upon seeing the tears in his wife’s eyes.

Could it be?!

Ye Ling came to him as she cried heavily on his chest.

The little Yun Hui at the side was also stunned. He suddenly started thinking of the worst-case scenario upon seeing his beloved grandmother’s reaction.


Tears started dropping from his eyes as he rushed into the room.

When his grandson ran past him, Yun Wei finally came to his senses. He was about to stop his grandson but he was a hair too late. Instead of chasing after him, he turned to his wife as he put his hands on her shoulders.

“What happened?”

With a sobbing voice, Ye Lin replied, “Li Jing… and her son… they’re… they are…!!”

“They are dead!”

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