Everyone inside the office processed what the emperor had just said. When they heard the emperor’s words regarding Divine Beings, their view of the world had been overturned. They had always believed that there would only be one Divine Being every ten thousand years like the legends in their world said.
The emperor looked at Yun Zhan.
“As a Divine Being, your son is both blessed and cursed. He is blessed for having a power similar to that of a god and cursed because he will be targeted by the surviving gods in the ancient past for his powers. They wouldn’t allow any Divine Being to mature as they will become a huge threat to them. Not only them, but there are also a lot more people who would target your son for whatever reasons they have,” the emperor said to him.
Yun Zhan had a grim look on his face. He didn’t say anything as he was perfectly aware of what the emperor had said. He knew his son would be targeted by many, but he didn’t know that even the gods would also see him as a threat and target him.
It would seem that the moment his son was born, he was fated to have a thorny road ahead of him. Only by breaking through the Fate Dominion Realm would the fate ahead of him be severed by him.
Yun Wei let out a sorrowful sigh. His grandson died, then he was revived by whatever mysterious power he had as a Divine Being. It should’ve been a happy event but even after that, his life was still in danger. Moreover, the danger this time was greater than mere childbirth. The gods of the past were going to come after him once they learned of his existence.
At the side, Ye Cang was frowning. The Yun Clan would surely be involved when people would start going after Yun Ling due to his status as a Divine Being. It might even mean the destruction of their clan when the foe going after him was a very strong existence like a god. The only thing he could be thankful for was that gods couldn’t come into their world.
Still, there were various powerful sects in the world that their clan couldn’t compete with. If any of those sects wanted to eliminate Yun Ling, it was hard to tell what would happen to their clan.
The easiest way he could think of to solve this was to kill his nephew and be done with it once and for all.
But the problem with that was… would his father and brother allow it?
Obviously not.
Even if they actually approved it however unlikely it was, he couldn’t, in his good conscience, kill a child especially someone who was his closest relative. He might be cold blooded to others but when it comes to his family, he wouldn’t harm him.
“That’s why I’ll help you,” the emperor said making every Yun in the room surprised.
“Come again?”
The emperor looked at Yun Wei with sincerity in his eyes as he said, “The Yun Clan is one of the biggest pillars in my empire. I dare say that without your clan, our strength would’ve dropped down considerably. Of course, this goes for the Yu Clan as well. Without them leading my army well, the empire wouldn’t be far from ruin.” He added as he sent a look towards Yu Yinyi. After that, he continued, “As such, I have brought a present for one of the Divine Beings in this generation. Its purpose is to seal off his divine powers so that others will have a harder time recognizing him as a Divine Being. In addition to this, he can undo the seal anytime he wants if he plans on using his power and then seal it again once he’s done using it so you don’t have to worry about him being unable to use his gift.”
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The Yuns were speechless as they stared at the emperor.
Yun Wei stood up from his seat as he asked the emperor in bewilderment, forgetting to use honorifics to the emperor, “This… why would you help us to this extent?”
The emperor merely smiled.
“I told you didn’t I? Your clan is an important power of my empire. However, my present comes with a condition.”
“What is it?” Yun Wei asked.
“Just stay loyal to the empire during my term, that’s all I’m asking. If the next emperor proved to be someone incompetent, then feel free to take the empire from them for your own,” the emperor said with a serious look on his face, making everyone in the room shocked.
“Wha— what?!” Yun Zhang exclaimed in disbelief.
Yun Wei and Yun Cang’s mouths were open while Yu Yinyi stared at the emperor wide-eyed.
Where in the world would one find an emperor like this? For them to say something like this to one of their subjects.
“Your Majesty, we have no intention of taking the empire away by any means whether you’re still the one ruling it or not,” Yun Wei quickly replied.
“If it were the previous clan master of your clan who said that, I wouldn’t believe it. The previous Yun Clan was a clan that couldn’t be trusted… the current Yun Clan, however, I know I can trust,” the emperor told him. “Still, I also know that no empire would last forever. Even the greatest of empires in the past hundreds of thousands of years have been turned into dust. Sooner or later, this empire would reach the same fate. If it were up to me, I would hand this empire over to the one best suited to be the emperor even if they did not bear my surname. I would rather that happen instead of having the empire be lost forever in the hands of a fool.”
“Your Majesty…” Yu Yinyi muttered under his breath as he let out a sigh.
Yun Wei, Yun Zhan, and Yun Cang didn’t know what to say when facing this kind of emperor. Never had they heard of an emperor with a selfless attitude and such wide breadth of mind like him.
Whether this was a good thing for the empire or not, only time would tell.
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