Chapter 126: Chapter 124 – Yun Xia’s Necklace

“Divine Authority.”

Upon saying that, the crown prince’s golden dragon and the sharp, powerful spiritual energy from Yu Shan’s blade suddenly disappeared right before hitting Yun Ling’s right hand.

Yu Shan and the crown prince narrowed their eyes.

They didn’t recognize that supreme art. It was probably a special power unique only to Yun Ling thanks to his Divine Eyes.

Yun Ling narrowed his eyes at them and said, “Return.”

The crown prince’s golden dragon which had disappeared before it was able to hit Yun Ling suddenly came out from a bright, golden portal that formed right in front of Yun Ling. It then started heading towards the crown prince’s direction, charging at him menacingly.

There was also another bright, golden portal that appeared just beside that one. A crescent-shaped blue spiritual energy that looked the same one that Yu Shan released from his sword came rushing towards him.

The supreme arts that they had released towards Yun Ling was now coming back towards them.

“I will not be harmed by my own technique!” the crown prince roared out as he shattered the golden dragon with his fist.

“This is my own technique, I naturally know how to deal with it,” Yu Shan said and dispersed the spiritual energy coming towards him with a careless slash from his sword.

“Then how about this?” Yun Ling said as his purple armored fist glowed with golden light and punched it towards Yu Shan’s direction.

A golden dragon came out from his fist and went towards Yu Shan.

“And this?” Yun Ling summoned one of his flying swords and slashed it at the crown prince, making a powerful blue crescent-shaped spiritual energy in the process.

Yu Shan’s brows jumped in surprise.

“Not only did you return our techniques to us, you even copied it? What a pair of convenient eyes.”

Yu Shan destroyed the golden dragon with minimal ease after that.

The crown prince scoffed as he flicked the crescent-shaped spiritual energy with the back of his hand.

“Enough of these cheap tricks. Why don’t we all fight for real now?” the crown prince said as he gave Yun Ling a challenging look.

A small smile appeared on Yun Ling’s face.

“Don’t regret ever saying that.”

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“Papa! Go Papa! Papa can do it! Papa can beat everybody!” Yun Xia cheered for her father loudly.

“Ngh! It’s actually the Divine Eyes! Good thing I kept myself silent the entire time!”

Yun Xia suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice that felt like it was just right beside her ears and looked around her. However, she only saw her grandfather, grandmother, and Yue Dongmei close to her, and that voice definitely didn’t belong to any of them.

If she had to explain how that voice felt, it was similar to how her papa would speak to her telepathically.

“Is something wrong?” Yun Zhan asked as his grandaughter with a raised brow.

Yun Xia shook her head as she went back to watching and cheering her papa.

Unknown to her, her jadeite necklace glowed a bit earlier when she heard that voice before it went back to normal as if nothing just happened.

Somewhere in the audiences’ seat, the two from the Law God Sect were totally shocked upon finding out that Yun Ling was in fact, a Divine Being.

They finally understood why some of the higher-ups in the Law God Sect really wanted to get Yun Ling on their side. The two thought that he was just some exceptional talent. Never did they think his talents would go even further than that. He was actually a Divine Being that was only born once every ten thousand years!

The middle-aged man and the young man looked at each other.

Before this, they were actually just doing what their sect ordered them to do mechanically but now, they genuinely wanted to get Yun Ling on their sect. With a Divine Genius like him on their side, the Law God Sect would continue to reign from the top for thousands of years that was why recruiting him to their sect had become a matter of utmost importance.

“How should we recruit him? As far as I know, he and his clan refused everyone from the Law God Sect who went into their clan to invite him,” the young man asked seriously.

“We’ll use force if we have to. He might be a Divine Genius but he is still young. He still has many things to learn about his eyes,” the middle-aged man replied.

“Isn’t that counterproductive? He would have even more reason not to join us if we tried to get him by force.”

The middle-aged man impassively replied, “What I mean is that if he refuses, we will kill him and take his eyes away. There is someone else in the sect who can use his eyes to their full potential.”

The young man’s eyes widened.

“You don’t mean?”

“It can only be him. The 13th generation sect master of the Law God Sect. The Divine Being who possessed the Divine Eyes ten thousand years ago,” the middle-aged man said. Out of all the people in the World of Terra, the old man which was the 13th generation sect master of their sect was one of the oldest, if not, the oldest person in the world.

During the old man’s era, everyone all over the world knew him because of his power and status as a Divine Being. However, even the old man was not exempted from the passing of time. The current him was far from the past him thousands of years ago. Now, he was old, weak, and was approaching the end of his lifespan. It would truly be a waste of the Divine Eyes if they were to give Yun Ling’s eyes to him as he was someone who was about to die. But if Yun Ling continued to remain stubborn and not join their sect, then they have no choice but to do that instead of letting him grow and possibly become a threat to their rule.

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