Chapter 185: Chapter 183 – Most Wonderful Blessing

Even though Yun Feng was extremely tired, he eyed the staircase analytically.

'Big bro said... every formation can be bypassed as long as one understands how it operates and all its properties. I just need to analyze it a bit more and once I do, I can start working on how to bypass it,' Yun Feng thought as he continued climbing while trying to pace himself.

Because he was pacing himself, he gradually lagged behind the children. The children seemed to notice this so they slowed down their steps in consideration for Yun Feng.

'Shit, even though Big Bro said that, trying to analyze the formation while I'm this tired is so hard,' Yun Feng thought. 'Think. What will Big Bro do if he is in my position?'

If it was his big brother who was in his position, he would probably use his Divine Eyes which would allow him to look at the complexities of the hidden formation in the staircase that was putting a lot of pressure on him instantly. Yun Ling's Divine Eyes were really special. It was almost— no, not almost. It was a literal cheat! He could see through hidden formations in an instant and quickly find out the formation's weakness whereas normal people would have to spend hours just to understand a single part of it.

"Damn it," Yun Feng couldn't help but let out a curse a bit, especially when he noticed the children purposely slowing their steps so he could keep up with them.

'I'll beat this formation one way or another!'


"Tathagata told me that you have come, Yun Ling," another familiar voice rang out from behind Yun Ling.

Yun Ling turned back and smiled upon seeing a nostalgic face.

"Monk Wang Yang," Yun Ling said his name. "It's nice seeing you once again, Monk Wang Yang."

"I feel the same," Monk Wang Yang said as he came closer to him. "And who is this?"

Upon asking that, his gaze went at the beautiful woman who was unconscious on a stretcher. Monk Wang Yang felt his heart throbbing right upon laying his eyes on her. When he realized what was happening though, he quickly closed his eyes and chanted some mantras in his head.

"Monk Wang Yang, it would seem that your mindset is still not quite there yet. I would expect that from someone like me but definitely not from someone like you," Yun Ling said with a teasing smirk.

Monk Wang Yang was ashamed as he responded, "It's not easy being a monk. I might have a high cultivation realm compared to the rest but as a monk, I still have much to learn."

"At the very least, you know your fault. It is much better than those fake monks in there who speak one thing but acts the opposite of what they preached," Yun Ling said in disgust.

Monk Wang Yang nodded his head.

"Sadly, not everyone who is in this monastery is truly intent on pursuing enlightenment. No matter how strict we are, there will always be a bad apple or two among an entire batch."

"True," Yun Ling agreed with him. "Anyway, this woman right here is my daughter's caretaker. She is like this now because of a curse."

Monk Wang Yang raised a brow at him.

"You have a daughter? After all the time you've spent in here, you've gone back to your old ways again?"

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"No," Yun Ling said, a pained expression appearing on his face. "I've had her for over five years already but I only learned of her existence several months ago."

Monk Wang Yang saw his expression and sighed.

"Your past mistakes are catching up to you. This is your karma, and karma never losses an address."

Yun Ling eyed him.

"I might have made a lot of mistakes in the past until now, however, one thing I can say for sure is"—he paused as he let out a heartfelt smile to Monk Wang Yang—"my daughter isn't a mistake. She is the most wonderful blessing I have from past to present."

Monk Wang Yang was stunned upon hearing that. Yun Ling's words were so genuine and even though he didn't know much, he truly could feel Yun Ling's love towards his daughter. It made him question a bit whether the one he was talking to was indeed Yun Ling or not since he didn't expect he would ever hear such a thing or know that he was capable of emotions like that from the Yun Ling that he knew.

"You..." Monk Wang Yang started. "You've changed, Yun Ling, and I mean that in a good way. I'm happy for you."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"I would've been happier if you stayed here though."

Yun Ling had no comment at that. Though he had learned a lot in the Great Buddhist Monastery and improved his character in the place, he just couldn't see himself becoming a monk.

"I-I'm first!"

The two looked back and saw Snow Fang coming towards them while Shi Zhong was just behind him, panting with an extreme look of happiness on his face.

Yun Ling estimated the time and it would seem that they had arrived in two hours and fifty-six minutes.

"Congratulations, you did well," Yun Ling said with a smile, making the boy elated.

Soon, the rest of the children arrived one by one with Yun Xia arriving just second after Shi Zhong. She was panting heavily while being soaked in her own sweat as she walked towards her father.

"Congratulations, Xiaxia..." Yun Ling smiled as she patted the little girl's head. After that, he praised the other children, even the ones who had arrived after three hours.

The ones who only arrived after the three hours was up was the youngest girl in the group except his daughter was Wen Xian. After her, was Chu Yuan, the kid with blurry vision, and then Cheng Cheng, the youngest in the group was just the same age as Yun Xia.

The one who arrived the last though wasn't any of the children. It was none other than Yun Feng who looked extremely tired and was about to pass out.

"I'm finally past that shit," he said exhaustedly before passing out right in front of them.

Yun Ling just eyed his unconscious brother blankly and said, "Well, seeing that you are now all here, why don't we go inside?"

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