Chapter 10: Vampire in Space Chapter 6: Settling In

The cafeteria smelled of eggs and bacon. Crowds of crew members spoke to each other overpowering the sound of the videos on the walls. A news video was playing in the cafeteria. The subtitles made it easy to follow along despite the noise. "Reports confirm that a young woman, vampire species, kidnapped the honorable captain, Leona Sansona. The beloved Federalist icon is missed. Protesters gathered at the capital of earth to call for a hunt to find the lost captain. This just in the bloodsucker is Ela Suryava, the same vampire who massacred the crew of the USJP. She is an escaped convict and dissenter against the Federation. Anyone with knowledge about her whereabouts can contact the hotline on the screen below. Do not engage Ela Suryava, she is considered highly dangerous." People around me stared at me, connecting my face with the one on the screen. They lied; I didn't massacre anyone in the USJP. I said nothing. Brandy sat down next to me. Her long blonde hair was tied back in a braid. 

"It seems you have made it to the news." Brandy took a bite of eggs and pointed to the uniform I was wearing. "How does it fit?"

"Very well thank you." I said. Some other security officers sat down at our table and said hi to Brandy and me. I was surprised to get a greeting.

"So, you kidnapped Leona Sansona? The name is Mike.” He said pointing at himself. “I gotta say I’m a fan. You single handedly captured a ship and the Federation’s poster girl.” 

"Yes, I brought her here alive." I found not killing her surprisingly easy. 

"With her captured we have landed a big blow against the Federalists." Mike hit the table with his fist. “Three cheers to Ela, the newest rebel!” The table cheered and the rest of the cafeteria applauded. 

For some reason I didn't feel good about what I had done. I remained quiet. The conversation jumped to other topics. I imprisoned someone who was now stuck in a small room. The walls closing in upon her. I thought of my own imprisonment.

Brandy leaned forward, "Is everything alright Ela?"

"Yes," I lied. Brandy looked me over then gave her attention to the guard that was speaking. I got up from the table and started walking. At first, I didn't know where I was heading. Then with firm resolve I found myself headed to my old cell. Leona was talking to a few crew members.

"The Federalists will forgive your crimes if you help me to escape. You could return home."

I entered the room hissing, "We should have known you would be up to no good Leona."

The three crew members immediately left the area. I stopped in front of Leona's cell. Her black fur looked shiny.

"Will you let me out to take a bath? I'm dirty." Leona said, rubbing her arms.

"No, I can't. I can bring you a bucket of water and some soap." I said, wondering if I even had the clearance to bring down the shield to her cell.

"Ew water, never mind. Remember the offer I gave you. No charges, clean slate, and money to boot."

"It sounds too good to be true, prey." I slid my finger over the shield and bared my fangs. Leona stepped back.

"Maybe I should have wrecked your whole ship." I hadn't sated my bloodlust in a while.

"You didn't. Why?" Leona drew close to the shield.

"I wanted to see if I could manage a stealth mission. Plus, I didn't feel like fighting an entire ship again."

"Eventually one of these days you will come across someone you can't take down." Leona said then looked at her nails which were more like claws.

"When that day comes, I'll be ready." I could beat most opponents. Still Leona had a point. I left her cell without another word. I was done speaking to Leona. My next destination was my room. Brandy showed up at my front door holding a cup.

"You may come in, " I said after I opened the door. Brandy came in and offered me the cup. I drank the blood in just a few gulps. More, I need more. Brandy started to look like prey. I took a deep breath and looked away. "I'm very thirsty."

"Oh, was the blood enough?"

"Not even close." I barely flashed my fangs and Brandy took a step back. I looked at the vein pulsing in her neck. "I didn't feed on the last mission so I'm thirsty for more blood."

Brandy nodded her head, "I'll go get some more. In the meantime, you can wait here." Brandy left and I stood looking out the window at the stars. I'm not locked up anymore. I looked away feeling trapped. I was wearing my rebel uniform which I could see clearly in the mirror. The red color reminded me of all the blood I spilled in service to the rebel army. When Brandy came back, I thanked her and downed the cup of blood in one long gulp.

"How did you convince the captain to give me a room?" I asked, looking at Brandy who was staring out the window. Brandy’s braid went down to her waist. Her long hair was beautiful, but even more so striking against the curve of her body.

"Easy, I told her you did more in service to us than I had in a year. If I could have a room, why not you? Plus, I told her how under control your urges were. That we could trust you not to attack the crew. The captain reluctantly agreed."

"Thank you, Brandy. It means a lot to me." She didn't know the claustrophobia I experienced being unable to leave the cell. Having a room I could leave at will was a comfort to me. Brandy once again came through for me by getting me my own room. It seems I owe her a lot. If only I had a room that had no view of space it would be even better. Still, I couldn't communicate my discomfort with space.

"Leona was trying to recruit some rebels to the Federalists earlier." They might need to isolate her, but I don’t want to be the one to suggest it. I know what that’s like.

Brandy nodded, "It wouldn't be the first time she has tried that tactic. Thanks for the heads up but our people are loyal." 

"What are you going to do with her?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We're going to execute her publicly."

"What are you hoping to accomplish by killing her? Shouldn’t she stand trial?"

"We will show the Federalists we are serious too. They executed survivors first."

"Wouldn't it be better to not kill her? If you're doing exactly what the Federalists are doing, how does that make you any better?" I crossed my arms.

"We don't deny lifesaving medical procedures on the basis of antiquated religious beliefs. That's just one policy under a list of policies that deny human rights." Brandy's hands were on her hips. It was clear she felt passionately about the rebels. I did not share that passion, but I also didn't know what she did about the rebel's rights. I had some research ahead of me. Research heh, me do research. Clearly this job was changing me. I never cared to understand prey before. Although if I was being honest with myself Brandy was not prey.

According to the uniform I wore, none of the rebels were prey. They were my tribe. As a new member I had questions. Still, it felt rude of me to outright ask. A vampire must find the answer herself.

Brandy took a package out of her pocket. "Here I got you something." I opened the present and revealed a wrist com.

"Thank you," I said while strapping the wrist com on.

Brandy smiled, "That way you have use of one even off missions."

The prey use wrist coms to find out information and make calls. The wrist com would be a simple way to learn about the rebels. 

"Did you save your ID to my contact list?" I scrolled through my contacts list which had the captain's ID.

"Yes, I should be in there." Brandy leaned towards me and scrolled through my contact list.

"I thought you should have the security team's contact information since you deal with us so much."

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"Thank you, I'm sure this will be useful." I wasn't sure of its usefulness, but I wanted Brandy to be happy with the success of the gift.

“Ela, now that you’re one of us, it’s time to assign you a spot on the crew. I was thinking of adding you to the security team. Particularly around the prisoner’s cell.” Brandy’s voice was stern.

“I thought my job was to take over ships.” I said, surprised by this new job.

“We don’t take over ships every day. We need something you can do daily.” Brandy wiped some lint off my shoulder. 

“Why do I need to do something every day? Have I not been earning my keep?” I clutched my chest feeling inadequate.

“As a member of this crew you need to integrate into the general populace. Having a daily job will help make you a member of the team. Besides, just like anyone else you need a place on this ship.”

“Why security?”

“You’re strong and quick on your feet. As a member of security, you’d report to me. I figured it’s the best place for you.” Brandy’s eyes caught mine and I found myself lost in thought. “What do you think?”

I hesitated a moment, “Well, I think being a member of security could work for me. I accept.” I’d be near Brandy.

“I’m Lieutenant Commander of the security team and that’s how you will address me.”

“Yes Lieutenant Commander,” I said while saluting. The rebels weren’t too formal from what I had observed but if Brandy wanted me to call her by her rank that was fine with me. 

“Good, we have a lot to go over, and you need training. First thing is the chain of command. You always follow the chain of command in this rebellion. I am your SO or superior officer and I report to Captain Guthrapali directly who reports to Admiral Iwasaki. Above Admiral Iwasaki is the grand admiral and the joint chiefs. Who report directly to our civilian government. We have a government by and for the people unlike the Federalists.”

"Yes sir," I said.

"Good Ela, now I want you to read the rebel's creed on your wrist com. I will leave you to it. Tomorrow at 0700 I want you to report to the brig. You will begin your training there."

"Yes sir," I saluted Brandy who was grinning.

Despite my reservations I asked, “Why are the rebels at war with the Federalists?”

Brandy put her hands at her hips, “Wait you ask this now? Not before you took over the USJP?”

“I was repaying a debt for my rescue. Now I’m a rebel, what am I rebelling against?”

“The empire!” Brandy smacked her forehead.

“But why? What are we fighting for?” I shrugged.

“Well at first, we took issue with the taxes. The federalists charge huge taxes for every colony. If a new planet is discovered the Federalists claim it for their own and charge taxes of the people who found the planet. In addition, they don’t allow genetic manipulation so disorders found in the womb can’t be cured.”

“Okay so we are killing people for taking your money and the right to genetically modify fetuses. I get it, I've killed people for less.” I smiled remembering when I could and did kill people on a regular basis.

“We don’t just kill people. We save people from the Federalists. Killing isn’t our focus, it's a necessary evil.”

“Am I a necessary evil?” I grinned revealing my fangs.

“At first that was all you were.” Brandy hesitated, “but,” she took a breath and put her hand out to touch my shoulder. “You’ve become more than that. You’re more than just a weapon to me.”

“So what am I to you?” I leaned forward into her touch.

“I’d like to think of you as a friend,” Brandy blushed, but removed her hand from my shoulder. 

My smile evaporated. “Friends then.” 

I looked at Brandy's eyes. They were gray like a storm cloud. Her heart shaped face was smooth and clear. I wanted to hold her cheek and lean in for a kiss but resisted the temptation. Brandy leaned back as if she sensed my desire to kiss her. I sighed. I had already taken over a ship on Brandy’s behalf and captured a captain. These missions were part of my dedication to Brandy more so than the act of a rebel. I doubted Brandy even understood that I did these things for her sake.

“Hey Brandy do you have an enemy you’d like me to capture for you? I’d be happy to bring them as a prisoner to you as a gift.” Maybe Brandy would see my interest in her if I did this. Vampires often captured the enemies of their lovers as a gift. Murdering them and giving their head was customary but my vow did not allow me to kill.

“There’s one person I’d like you to capture for me.” Brandy smiled.

“Ela, do you enjoy killing people? Do you like hurting people?” Brandy’s face grew serious.

I didn’t know what to say. This was undoubtedly going to make me look bad. After all, Brandy was human with human sensibilities.

“I’m not going to lie. I enjoy the hunt. Killing my prey excites me. Hurting people fills me with a rush of power. It’s not so different from humans enjoying their prey, the cow, the chicken, or the pig. I’m just higher on the food chain. Fear not, you are not prey to me and the members on this ship are not prey but tribe.” My hand was on my heart. 

“Well this man I want you to capture is not prey but tribe. His name is Brandon Sands and he lives on Alpha 824. If you capture him you must promise not to harm him.” Brandy’s hands were balled into fists.

I nodded my head. I would capture this Brandon for her to show my interest in being her mate. Wait, Brandon was not her enemy. If Brandon was she wouldn’t mind him being harmed. If he is a member of the tribe, is he Brandy’s mate? Before I could ask Brandy said, “I’d really rather not talk about the details just yet.”

“But I need to know more if I’m going to track him down.” 

“You’re right Ela, I’m sorry. He lives in New Hamburg with his parents. He has a disability, which has led to him staying with them. This is why I don’t want to talk about it. It’s very upsetting.” Brandy sighed and stomped her foot in frustration.

Normally someone with a disability would be considered a liability in the vampire community. People with disabilities were kept in their own segregated spaces overseen by members of the church who volunteered to care for the less fortunate. The gods keep them though the rest of society wants nothing to do with them. I did not see the benefit in capturing this man, but decided I would help even if he only brought trouble.

“He didn’t have to be born with his disability, not that I think he is any less of a man for having it. There was a chance that geneticists could cure his deficiency of the gene UBE3A. He has Angelman syndrome even though he didn’t have to. My parents wanted to leave him as he was in the womb because they’re Federalists.”

“So the man you want to capture is your brother? What do you plan to do once you have him?” Certainly she wouldn’t kill him?

“I plan to bring him to a geneticist to cure him.” Brandy’s eyes were wet with tears.

“Well if we’re going to save your brother we need a plan.”