Chapter 23: Chapter 22: Things are looking up

Gracefully, like an angel drifting through a lightless aether, Gottlieb floats along in space, unmoving, just staring out into the vast emptiness beyond the dim, weak lights of the station. His hand holds on to the cord, which is tethered to the safety railings as he moves along the station’s exterior, towards where the solar-panels ought to be.


Doing something like this without permission would have been a good enough reason to shoot him, back before all of this happened. The panels are some big topic. A real top secret deal, apparently. Somehow, even more so than the station itself. Although, he just doesn’t quite get it, honestly. What’s so special about some solar-panels?


The man hurries along, wanting to finish his task before Grunheide gets bored of chewing on the cable and Kai wakes up again.


Gottlieb isn’t entirely sure that Kai would let him back inside, if it was awake to make the choice.



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