Chapter 3: Stagnated

  As it was still early, and I had nothing better to do, I decided to train more, soon before I knew it, one, two, three hours had passed, but my proficiency had only gone up by a mere 5%, I think it's like they say: "One day to learn, years to master".
  As I was quite sweaty after all that training I took a quick shower to wash off the sweat, put on clean clothes and lay down on the bed to check my status again.

Host: Jason Smith Age:17 Gender: Male Race: Human Status: Healthy

Stamina: 5%

Class: none

Strength:0.6+(0.1)   Intelligence:0.7

Speed:0.5+(0.1)        Wisdom:0.7

Vitality:0.5+(0.1)      @#$%&*

Resistance:0.4           @#$%&*

Skills: Boxing level 1/5 (05%)

  In front of some of my stats there were values ​​in parentheses that were grayed out, maybe it was an indication that my stats were going to increase or something, running my eyes out the window I started to think about why my proficiency wasn't increasing anymore, maybe it was the difference between level 1 and 2?
  I got up from my bed and turned on my pc, and started browsing YouTube looking for famous fights of professional boxers to see the main differences between me and them, soon I started to notice the differences, each boxer was unique, some focused on strength while others focused on speed, there were even some that focused on their resistance and stamina, in addition their movements had slight differences, some made movements with more torque with the purpose of increasing the power of the blow while others decreased the torque in order to increase the velocity.
  It felt like I finally had a clue on how to progress, I needed to make up my mind about what kind of fighter I wanted to be, as I pondered this I heard the sound of my bedroom door opening and I turned to find the intruder... My sister Luna.
-"Hey lazybones, Dad sent you shopping with me."
-"Why don't you go alone?"
-"And get t my little beautiful arms tired carrying weight? No thanks, besides, aren't you afraid that your little sister will be attacked by bad men?"
-"I doubt anyone wants to attack a board like you."
-"I don't want you to go along either, ok, but orders are orders, you come with me whether you like it or not."

  Finally wiping the smile off her face and with no choice I gave a sigh and grabbed my coat, we went downstairs where my dad was on the couch watching the news, it seems in my daydream I didn't notice anyone coming, that might be a bad habit. To my "surprise" father didn't even talk to me as we left, even though he told my sister to be careful when we left, which annoys me because he does it by looking at me like I'm some kind of beast.
  The market wasn't far away, so we arrived after a 15 minute of walk that we did in complete silence while Luna looked at me in disgust like I was some kind of beast. I wonder when she changed, she wasn't always like this.

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Lost in those thoughts as I carried everything Luna took off the shelves until we were done and went to the checkout, Luna then turned to me and handed me enough money to pay the bill.

- "Take the money, pay everything and go home, I'll go first, I don't want people to see me walking with you."


I whispered, swallowing my anger as I watched her leave the market, but maybe that was for the best. I thought about waiting a few minutes in the checkout line until it was time to pay for the goods.

Walking my way home sighing as I thought about how the changes on my sister was all the fault of those misandrical friends of my her, I saw Luna surrounded by three teenagers, they didn't look very old about 17 I'd say, all with dyed hair, one red, one yellow and one blue, maybe they think they belong from some cheesy band.

-"You bumped into me and made me drop my new cell phone, look how broken it is"(R)

- "That's right, one of these costs a thousand dollars, how do you intend to compensate us" (B)

-"Don't play with this brick it could be a new cell phone!!!"(L)

-"You don't know anything, this is a special collector's edition."(R)