Chapter 5: Chapter Four: Building and Cooking

"Who am I?" Said voice suddenly appeared inside my head. "In my called definition, I am what is called a guideline. A gift for ones chosen by gods to help them get used to this world. People summoned from other worlds tend to struggle about it, or it is what I am obligated to tell if any user asks the reason of my existence." It finished its sentence.


What the. Does that mean I am not on the earth? Well, it said something summoned me into this world, and I should be able to tell this from all the monsters I encountered, but damn this is not that easy? I coughed to clear my throat. "So miss or mister guideline, where and why the hell currently I am."


It immediately answered all three of my questions. "Firstly, I do not possess a gender. I am a force of energy placed in your soul to accompany you. I do not possess a physical form or self-consciousness to have one. Secondly, while I cannot say your exact location, my knowledge base says we are in the world known as Eventide. Thirdly. I seem to have something to say about it, but I cannot access the answer to that question is locked. Sorry, I cannot answer it." Perhaps only two of them.


Good lord, I would prefer to stay with whole kill monsters and hunt for foodstuff, I was happy enough with them, and now this thing comes out of the blue. Guess I have to look at things from the bright side. Even though I am still unsure about half the things it said and pretty curious about those locked-away answers, I know I now have at least one resource that can help me escape from this place.


I looked at the dead wolf that I split its head into two with my long sword. Then I turned my head into all the equipment I got from the skeletons lying on the ground. How can I carry all of these back to my shelter? "So, voice. Do you know how I can carry all these things back home?" I tried my shot. If its order is to guide me, its name is a guideline, for fucks sake. It could be my key to escape.

"Negative. I do not possess such information."


Then what you possess! "Guideline, my ass, then just tell me anything I might want to know about this world while I struggle with all those items, will you?"


"Affirmative. I have enough knowledge in my library to make a simple explanation: You are currently standing on a planet called Eventide, a planet blessed with magic by six good and six evil gods, and in Eventide, every being, living or not, has this magic, even though some are not capable of using it. People chosen by gods are an exception since they came from another world. Yet while they lack natural magic, through small alterations on an atomic level and help from their assigned guidelines, they can learn and master it just like any other skilled magic-user."


I looked right into the sky, like the voice inside my head was there, while trying to place all my stuff, except the wolf, into my coat which I must put out in this cold place since I have nothing else to use. "If you are not gonna teach me some magic can help me carry all this stuff right now, you can cut this part and skip into something new."

"As you wish." Voice immediately answered. "Six good and six bad gods of this world are creators of Eventide. Six evil beings: God Of Forge, Goddess Of Life, God Of Air, Goddess Of Fire, God Of Beasts, and God Of War. Six good gods being: Goddess of Light, Goddess Of Love, God Of Victory, God Of Justice and Great God Of Sky."


"So, these twelve beings are the ones who created this world, so say, who summoned me here, bad or god, Victory or War. Being called a heretic, then getting executed the second I set foot on a settlement that opposes who sent me into this world is the last thing I want now.


"Sorry, I lack that knowledge. I can tell you that a divine power summoned you here, but I cannot say which one summoned you."


"I will act like you never told me this." You already told me that. I know gods are responsible for summoning people into this world seconds ago. "Now, tell me, you at least know what I will do? Am I something like a champion or a messiah?" Hopefully, just a random guy summoned. I want to avoid all these six bad, six good gods fighting bullshit, even though I will most likely find myself in it. At least according to this buddy inside my head.


"Once again, user, I am sorry for my uselessness, but most of my knowledge is corrupted or locked away, and with my limited resources, I cannot help you. To clarify things, I am currently capable of taking notes, helping you translate languages of this world, following your state of health, and other basic stuff."


Good enough, I guess. My expectations are already at the bottom, but at least I know I will not encounter any language barriers if I see other humans or intelligent beings. A notepad is always appreciated, and keeping track of my health is, well, quite vital. I hope it will stay that way too. "No need to be sorry. It is not you who sent me here, tell that to your asshole gods, but I appreciate any help, and I have one more question. How can I go back home?"




"Okay, cut it early." I finally finished the whole preparations of equipment thing, and I can finally start moving towards my shelter. I got the wolf placed over my shoulders, and I put most of my equipment inside my coat which I carry like a massive pouch.

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Who knows if I would be this good coming back home. I didn't, and now I finally hunt myself something to eat, and even though I don't prefer the meat of a carnivore, I can start preparations.


First, I need to gather large amounts of wood. I can use my ax to do that. Cutting pieces into specific lengths will be a pain in the ass, but my current objective is not to think about that. I want to build something to dry the pelt of this wolf, which I will use to make a smoker for food preservation.


I think I can make support from four long blocks of wood that I soaked in snow, then use them to keep wolf pet away from fire. So it won't burn but dry from the heat. Then I will use wolf pelt and wet barks I get from nearby trees to cover the same support to build a smoker.


And to make the smoker much healthier, I could use a mixture of water and dirt to cover the bottom parts of the wooden supports and dig a little into the ground for the fire pit. With it, support won't burn. Okay, my plan is ready.


I moved to the closest tree with the ax in my hand, marked the part I hit with the ax's edge, then began swinging.


One, two, three. I lost the number of my swings, but with each hit of my ax, I watched pieces of dried and fresh wood scatter to the snow-covered ground. The cold makes it harder for me to work, but damn it, I must do it.


I am getting closer and closer to the core of the tree. Just a couple more swings and I will be halfway there. "Just a couple more." I raised my ax and hit the tree trunk once more, and more, and more.


Sometime later, it is finally over. I dropped the ax to the ground, sat next to it, then watched the massive tree fall. It took me much longer than I excepted, and I think I lost some skin to rough conditions and cold, but I think it is worth my pain.


"Now, I need to split these parts." I got my ass up and moved towards a large branch. I can cut this out, shape it like a triangle, then nail it to the tree's body. This way, I will split it into several pieces, like a miner cutting large stones.




It took me some time, but I finally finished it. I split the wood, cut all the branches around it, then rolled it to my shelter. After it, I cut it out into needed shapes. Even though they are rough, they are good enough and finally completed separate the wolf after a long bloody, frozen, and gross process.

"And to all my hard work." I raised one of the tankards I got from the skeletons, filled with boiled and filtered water. Then I grabbed a piece of wolf meat, skewered it with a stick waiting inside the snow, and placed it over a small campfire I built next to my smoker.


"This big boy will take long to finish cooking, so what can stop me from enjoying this meanwhile." I put the skewer in a makeshift turning mechanism over the fire and began watching it roast.


"I have a better idea." I grabbed the meat from the mechanism, placed it over a log I now use to cut ingredients, and diced it into small cubes using my ax. "This way, you will cook much faster."


I am happy, and not because of toxins from a wild berry, at least this time. I think I am adapting to this place. Just look at all of these, I built myself many helpful things, and I still have many more days to make more. Perhaps I can even make myself a door one day if I find enough materials. And that day way I will finally have a place to call home.