Chapter 57: Chapter 57 : Boss

When Tom pushed open the huge door, they could see a huge green-lit cavern behind it. Tom didn’t explain anything, he just held his dagger and entered. 

The others looked at each other and followed nervously. Victor followed them with Lily from behind.

That cavern had a flat tiled gray floor. It was not empty, as it had numerous boulders of various sizes poking from the ground, creating a gray jungle. On a huge boulder in the center, they could see the Goblin General sitting silently as if it was meditating.

When they entered the chamber, the gate automatically closed behind them with a thunderous sound, frightening them. The dungeon’s boss slowly opened its red eyes and stood up gazing upon them. Making the girls shiver involuntarily.

It had two times the height of a normal man, and three times the width and was draped in brown leather armor which covered most of its torso and shoulders save some parts where its green emerald skin showed. It was covered in red markings that were intersecting like some kind of a shamanic spell.

The big goblin turned its ugly head to inspect the newcomers one by one.

It finally identified the strongest one between them, Tom. Victor was using his disguise so he appeared to be weak.

The goblin stared at Tom and roared, as it raised a long rusty sword and pointed it at him. It was issuing him a challenge.

Tom, who understood its intention, didn’t say anything, just threw his bag to the ground and rushed forward to vent on this general, leaving his friends without instruction. Victor cursed at him for being an idiot and quickly activated his appraisal skill to see something he did not expect.

“Sh*t,” he thought.


STR: 50 
AGI: 45 
INT: 10

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