The white light bulb shone its blinding light into Victor’s eyes.
He was sitting chained to his chair, On the table in front of him, there was a file containing photos of a burning car.
“Confess, it was you.” Lea who was interrogating him shouted in his face.
“Officer Lea, the last time I checked, you were still with the traffic police.” Said Victor with a sneer on his face. He was sitting there crossing his legs, As if it were not for the handcuffs, people would mistake him for the owner of this place.
“That is not your business.” Said Lea with some embarrassment. She had to use some connections to be assigned to this case. Nick was the one who caused her to lose her investigator position in the first place.
“Nick was last seen going into the mountainous road leading to your mansion. So you should have met him.” She said.
“Yes. Nick came to my house and insulted my maids. So I kicked his ass and threw him out. The head maid Hilda should have already told you that.” He said.
“Yes, we know that. But he didn’t die in your house. His car exploded on the road.”
“Then, why am I here? Do you have any evidence against me?” asked Victor
“I can’t tell you that. But we suspect that you may have rigged his car when it was parked at your mansion.” Lea said stubbornly. In fact, She didn’t have any evidence. Her superiors were hesitating whether to press charges or not. She submitted 10 requests to arrest Victor and got 10 rejections.
But this morning, out of nowhere, a command with a warrant came from above. It stated Victor white was to be arrested on the charges of killing Nick White. But it didn’t state why.
The Captain told her that some special inspector would be sent here tomorrow and she doesn’t need to interrogate him. But she couldn’t help herself.
“Did you call a lawyer for me?” He suddenly asked her.
“Yes we did, but no lawyer accepted to take your case. Not even a rookie who just graduated. It seems like your luck has run out.” She smugly said. Not realizing the awkwardness of this situation.
Victor quickly figured out that his arrest must be by a family command. It must be his cousin’s faction. He will just play along. He had already prepared his cards that night.
“Stand up, I will take you to a cell, you will be spending the night here. Some inspector is scheduled to come to see you tomorrow,” said Lea as she came forward to unlock his cuffs. But she didn’t find them? Who freed him? She wondered.
“Let’s go,” she said as she grabbed him from his forearm and pulled him up.
He didn’t move, just kept sitting on the chair with his legged crossed. Lea could not move him. No matter how she pulled. She looked at him with surprise. What’s wrong?
“This young master does not want to go like that. You have to ask me nicely.” He said arrogantly.
She tried a few more times but he didn’t budge. Did he glue his feet to the ground?
“Ask nicely officer Lea, being angry all the time is not good for your skin. I can see a few wrinkles already. How old are you again? 35?”
Lea was not that easily provoked but this guy was hitting on the right nerves. She was only 20. How dare this guy insult her.
She quickly took her gun and pointed at him. “Move or I will shoot.” She said,
“Fine, Fine,” He said as he slowly stood up. “All you had to do was to ask nicely. This young master will write a complaint about your rude behavior.” He said as he opened the door and walked out of the room as if it was his own house.
Lea came to herself and quickly ran after him. To her surprise, he was standing next to the wall waiting for her.
“Come on officer. It is this young master’s bedtime. If you are not intending to warm my bed, don’t delay me. My skin will be like yours if I don’t get my beauty sleep.” He said with a sigh.
It took all of the self-control Lea had, to stop her from shooting this arrogant bastard in the head.
She wanted to grab him and pull him behind her, but she remembered how she could not move him earlier. She didn’t want to lose face in front of the colleagues who were curiously looking toward her.
“Walk in front of me, I will guide you to your chamber, young master” she added sarcastically.
Victor nodded his head in satisfaction and started to walk in the direction she told him as he looked around as if he was walking in a museum.
“You should quit this police job and come work as my maid. I will give you a good salary.” He said.
She didn’t answer just glared daggers at him.
“Stop here,” She said after passing some cells. “This will be your room for tonight, young master” she added as she opened the door and gestured for him to go inside.
Victor nodded then entered the cell, to find it the type that had 2 bunk beds. Three of those were occupied by burly men.
“Officer, This room is a little…..” Before he can continue, the cell's door was closed in his face. Lea locked it down and returned to her desk with a smirk. "Let those guys teach you how to be humble," she thought.
“Let’s see if you can still act arrogantly in the morning,” She thought.
She may get some punishment for letting Victor stay with them. But it is worth it.
Victor looked at the three men who got off their beds and started to look at him with perverted looks.
“Hey, Look what we have here.” Said one of them.
“What a nice skin. Ah, look at those eyes. What a pretty boy.” Said the second.
“Kid, how about we teach you something new. It is a little game we play when we get bored.” Said the last one as he lowered his pants.
Victor leisurely sat on one of the beds and stared at the men, as if he was watching monkeys in a circus.
“Gentlemen, I understand your dilemma, you have been locked in here for a while and you have never seen such an amazing young master before. Don’t worry, I have the right fix for your boredom problems.” Victor said as the lights in the room suddenly went dark.
It was already evening when Harold, the chief of the city police arrived at the police station where his daughter worked.
Two hours ago he was informed that they have arrested Victor white. He didn’t care then. The family had ordered them to do that, So he will not help Victor. But half an hour ago, when he was having a special time with his wife, he got another phone call. He wanted to reject the call at first, but after seeing the caller’s name he hurriedly answered. It was Theodore Von Weise telling him that he doesn’t care about the arrest of Victor, but if anything wrong were to happen to his son, He would make sure that all the police force would mysteriously disappear in a few days.
You are reading story The Young Master in the Shadows at
Harold knew that Theodore was not kidding, they have done it before a few years ago. The tabloids are still full of conspiracy theories about alien abductions and a government cover-up to this day, and every now and then, some fisherman would find a police badge stuck in his net.
Harold quickly called the captain of the police station where Victor was held and told him to make sure that nothing bad happen to Victor. Their mission is just to detain him.
After that, he wanted to continue his mission, but he couldn’t do it. His mind was full of Theodore's threats, so despite the protests of his wife, he got dressed and went to the station to check on the situation.
The station was still buzzing with officers coming in and out. He quickly found the captain’s office and explained the situation.
The captain welcomed him and assured him that everything was alright, he wanted to call Lea to check on Victor’s situation, but before he could do that she pushed the office door open.
“Captain, I want to report that we had found nothing important in the suspect’s bag, just camping equipment…” Said Lea as she entered and was surprised by when she saw Harold.
“Daddy, Why are you here?” She asked.
“Where is Victor White? Is he OK?” He asked anxiously.
“Ah…. I put him in a holding cell for the night,” Lea said guiltily.
“Harold, you know it was a warrant from above, we can’t let him go.” Said the captain. He and Harold were old friends, and Harold entrusted his daughter to him when she wanted to work on the force.
“I am not talking about that,” Said Harold, “You can leave him here. But nothing wrong should happen to him,” he said.
The Captain nodded. “Don’t worry. Officer Lea is the one handling the case. I believe that everything was done according to protocol.” He knew that Lea was a little rigid, but she will not do anything stupid. He was wrong.
“Ahh... I may have put him in the third cell by mistake.” Said Lea as she bowed her head not daring to look at her father or the captain.
“With the three gangsters?” asked the captain as his face turned pale.
“Nothing would happen to him, they would just rough him up a little bit,” she said as she lowered her head.
“Sh*t, Those three are rapists. They like men.” The captain cursed as he quickly left the desk and ran to the holding cells. Harold shot Lea a displeased look and followed behind the captain. He had a bad feeling. As for Lea, she began to shake as she realized she may have committed a big mistake this time. But she wouldn’t run away from her responsibilities. She made her mind as she hurried after her father.
It took them one minute to reach the third cell. They quickly ordered the supervising officer to open the door.
When they looked inside what they saw was victor who was leisurely sitting on his bed drinking a can of soda, and three naked men screaming on the floor while holding their balls. Their voices were harsh as if they have been shouting for an hour. Which they did, But no one could hear them.
Victor has used his disguise to mask the cell. No one heard what was happening inside. How he repeatedly cracked some nuts. He called this game the Nutcracker.
The three men crawled on the floor toward the captain and began to sob as they clung to his pants. They had no energy left to scream.
The captain was standing with his mouth wide open, and Harold was doing the same behind him. Lea who followed from behind didn’t dare to speak but was astonished too.
“Ah, Uncle Harold I presume?” Victor asked, He knew him from his previous life.
“Ah, yes Young master Victor. May I inquire what happened here?” Harold asked as he looked at the three men.
“These three men wanted to teach me a little game. But that game was not to my liking, so I invented a game called the nutcracker and taught it to them. They seemed to really like it. They have been shouting in excitement as we played. They couldn’t get enough of it.” Victor said with a smile.
The captain who got himself together Looked at Victor with some fear. This guy was fit to be Theodore's son. He had the same shitty sense of humor.
“Young master Victor, why don’t we find you a better cell,” He asked as he gestured to Victor to follow him.
Victor nodded as he walked toward the door and threw the soda can in a nearby trash can. Making Lea wonder where did he get that can from? They didn’t offer such things for inmates. But the captain’s next words broke her train of thoughts.
“Lea, you are no longer on the case, I ….” Said the captain but was interrupted by Victor.
“It was not officer Lea’s fault, Captain. I don’t mind her staying on my case, I am sure she would not commit the same mistake again.” Victor said, seemingly helping Lea, but in fact, Lea was one of the few officers who would not manipulate evidence behind the scene, If someone on his cousin’s payroll were to take the case, His plan may not go on smoothly. He had already incorporated her into his plan. Her being the officer in charge would make things far easier.
“But master Victor…” The captain wanted to say something…
“Don’t worry captain. This would be better for both of us. I trust officer Lea will handle this professionally.” Victor said.
The captain looked at Harold who nodded his head in approval. The family may control the city, but the one who truly holds power, here in Vein, was Theodore. So they will do as Victor said. They are not breaking any rules.
“Fine, Lea will still be on this case,” He Said.
Lea who looked at Victor from behind was feeling a little conflicted. Is he really someone bad? She wondered. But she would not hold favors. If he was the criminal, he had to pay the price.
At this moment Victor who was walking with them suddenly stopped as he looked in astonishment to the front, where a police officer was pushing a teenager inside another cell. That teenager was very pretty, like a girl.
“Fate works in mysterious ways.” He thought as he turned to face the captain.
“I want to be in the same cell as that guy,” Victor said.
“That one is a boy, young master. And he is here on a murder case.” Said the captain. Although that teenager is really pretty, he was a boy. He checked to make sure himself. And he was a murderer.
“A boy? It doesn’t matter, I am not that weak, and I like pretty boys too. Put me with him or I will tell my father about cell number three. Don't worry I will take full responsibility,” said Victor with a smirk.
The captain swallowed his saliva and after some hesitation could only comply. If Theodore knew of what Lea did, his head would be on the chopping block. And that Victor was not that weak anyway.
“Fine, I think young people should socialize more.” Said the captain as he called a guard and asked him to let Victor stay in the boy’s cell. And asked him to be on the lookout if Victor needed any help.
Lea on the back lost all the good impression she just formed on Victor. This guy is a complete scumbag.