Chapter 148: Chapter 148 : Propose

Lily quietly wiped the bloodied dagger with a white cloth, dyeing it red.
“That’s the last of them…” She said to her sister.

“Yup, Too bad they fought to the last breath,” Ila replied cheerfully as she dragged the corpse to the other room, where it would be dealt with using acid.

“Did you find anything interesting?” Lily asked another sister,

“A lot… Those guys are not from around here…and they were smuggling drugs. We can use those to hunt for some potential candidates…” Nora said with an evil smile.

“Yes… any Money?” Lily asked.

“Not a lot… We should have left one of them for interrogation…” she replied.

“Don’t worry, there will be others… We just have to wait. I don’t believe those are the only members of the gang.” Another assassin girl replied as she played with a phone… “Look, this one has already asked for help. Shall we prepare a reception party?” She asked.

“Let’s do it,” Lily said with a sigh, before sending a message to her young master telling him that she would not be home anytime soon… She really missed him.

The sudden jerk woke John Smith up, it was almost morning, and he was laying on the back seat of a moving car… Isn’t this his car?

“Jane? How did we get here? Did they let us go?” He sat up and asked his partner who was driving the car.

“Oh… You are awake… Someone saved us.” She said absentmindedly…that’s not like her.

“Is everything ok?” He asked as he checked his body.

“... I don’t know…” She replied with a sigh.

“What happened?” He asked.

“... John…” She said with concern as she parked the car on the side and then turned back to look him in the eye. “I … I can’t do this alone…. But if you want in… It’s very dangerous.” She added.

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“I have a new story… A big story… But, This time it’s very dangerous… We might get killed. If you want in, I will tell you everything... If you don’t want to be involved… We will go separate ways.” She said.

“More dangerous than the scam rocket investigation? Or president's affair?” He asked jokingly… they almost lost their lives on those reports.

“Much more dangerous. I wouldn't dare even use my real name this time… Not until everything was published anyway… at that time they would not dare to hurt me.” She said without smiling.

“Ohhh…” He replied… “I am in. We have been through a lot before, and I trust you.” He added making jane smile.

“But what about the Nick investigation?” He interjected.

“Forget about it, It’s a dead-end anyway. Didn’t you see how their cells were empty? They probably stopped their operations after Nick’s demise.” She said with a sigh, she still has some questions but they are not as important as her new case.

“Well... What is your new case about?” He asked, making her hesitate for a second and then look him in the eyes.

“What if everything you knew was a lie?” She asked as she threw him her phone. “ Watch.” She said,

John frowned, then took the phone and started the recording…
It was some kind of a dim cave… and…..
“Is that a spider… No, an Arachne…. Is this some kind of cosplay…… What is this guy doing?” He asked as he looked weirdly at his partner… He never knew she had this fetish… are they investigating the porn industry now?

“Look at male… Doesn’t he look familiar?” Jane who understood his twisted thought said… She was not in the mood to be shy.

“The male… He is a bit rough…. totally unprofessional... Wait… That… That… Isn’t he the one who killed that giant mantis?” John asked in astonishment. “Is this some kind of a fan production?”

“No… It is legitimate.” Jane said…”The guy’s name is Sebastian Silver.” She said,

“How did you know that?” John asked.

“... Someone told me.” She replied

“Oh… Why is he doing this cosplay thing? Was the mantis Also a scam? Is this some kind of government propaganda scheme?” He asked

“On the contrary…… I am sorry to inform you… But the Mantis was real and the Arachne in the recording is not a cosplay… She is really too… It comes from the same origin as the Mantis in Silver Lightning City.” Jane said.

“WHAT?” he exclaimed. This goes against everything he knew. “Someone might be scamming you… How can you believe them…” He asked

“He showed me some other things…. But …. You have to trust me on this. Anyway, I am going to publish this movie online.” She stated with resolve. “It would make a good bait for our investigation.” She added, making him frown… has his partner gone crazy?


Vivi stood atop a tall tree watching as Jane left… Then the air shimmered, turning her into Victor.
The world is not ready for Reckoning… Although most people would not believe what Jane would say, some of them would… and that’s enough… especially when things began to unravel… At least some people would not be clueless when it all happens.
That’s why he told her things. Some of which even the world powers had no idea about… Hopefully, she would not be killed…

Closing his eyes he connected with Lin… She has been trying to reach out to him… He didn’t really want to talk to her, as When he connected to her yesterday he discovered that this girl had a big problem… She talked a lot. It seemed like being trapped for too long made her want to vent…
But he ordered her to keep an eye on fake Linda... so maybe she had some news.

“Is everything ok?” Victor asked,

“Yes... Last night. Pussy escaped through a window after mother left for a meeting.” Lin answered quickly, due to her very high attributes she could feel what was going on inside the entire Cross mansion despite her still faking being a demon.

“Good, I will be coming to propose in a few hours. Start displaying some struggling behavior now, then after I leave, act as if that B*tch angered you so much that you were able to break the curse.” He said.

“Understood.” She said… “I will be waiting for you.” She added, making Victor sigh. Lin, despite everything she has been through, still dreams like a little girl.

“We shall meet again, but not now… I will need you for something very soon, But now be a good girl and do your role.” He replied as he served the connection and took his phone to call the florist, telling him to send the cacti to the Cross mansion with a card, “To my little b*tch LINDA.“ Then told him to choose the best rose he had and send it with another card, “To Lin.”

After that Victor sent a message to his father telling him that he was going to propose this morning…
With that, he made his way back to his mansion. He needs to have some breakfast before taking a bath and getting dressed.

Reaching the mansion at about 8.00 Am, Victor was greeted by a stern man sitting in the dining room eating some breakfast. While the twins, Hilda, Alex, Margret, and an aggrieved El stood respectfully to the side.

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Alpha and her sisters seemed to have been using the formation to hid their presence.


“Father… I didn't expect you to come to visit.” Victor said

“Your grandmother can’t supervise this, she is very busy. So I was ordered by the family to go with you. We can’t make any mistakes.” Theodore said, “ I already contacted the Cross family, they would be expecting us at noon.” Theodore stated, making Victor frown and then nod.

“I will have some breakfast then,” Victor said as he sat beside his father. Mina quickly prepared a dish for him.

“Where did you go so early in the morning?” Theodore asked.

“Doing business.” Victor briefly replied, making Theodore chuckle. He didn't mind his son keeping some secrets. That’s how a von Weise should be. Always doing shady things and always proud about it.

“Your girls are increasing… That’s good.” Theodore said after a few minutes, looking at Margaret and then at El. “But isn’t she too young for you? Not that I mind… But do you have to involve me by making her your little sister?” Theodore added, making Victor chuckle as he looked at El who was now clean and shiny… Not bad at all….

She was standing obediently to the side, glancing at Hilda with scared eyes every once in a while. What has she been through last night? It doesn’t matter, this girl can’t be fixed this easily, she must be scheming something.

“Nothing really between us…. I just liked her very much and took pity on her, So I took her as a little sister.” Victor said casually.

“Really? No matter what… Keep your perverted plays to yourself.” Theodore said as he inspected El, She didn’t look impressive at all. Pretty? Sure…. but for him, she looked like a sneaky brat.

“Understood,” Victor said as he ate a bite from his dish. It seemed like El tried to scam Theodore…. And failed miserably.

“Where is Lily?” Theodore asked. He was expecting her to be sticking to his son like she usually did on the island.

“She is doing business outside,” Victor replied. She sent him a message on the road saying she would stay there for a while… She was really working hard for him.

“Well, That’s good…” Theodore said. It’s good for that girl to go out for a while…. Even though he doesn’t like sticky girls. He really likes Lily…. She was just that pretty.

“I have to inform you, The raid was delayed for a week or two, so you would have time to go to the academy now,” Theodore said.

“Why? Is everything ok?’ Victor asked with a frown… Raid schedules are always very strict because it involves other powers and players need to buy many supplies. So the plan usually gets announced weeks prior. Delaying without a set time means trouble… He should prepare some cards… Just in case.

“... The truth is... I don’t know either. The family is preparing for something… But I am being kept out. The situation there is very tense.” Theodore said with a frown. “Now go get ready.” He added.

“Yes, father,” Victor said as he headed upstairs followed by Mana, who had a proud look. She had the privilege of dressing him now that Lily was not at home… They wagered it on Victor's arrival time yesterday… And she won.

When the white limousine car reached the Cross mansion it was already 12.30 PM.

The car stopped at the driveway as the driver hurried to open the door for Theodore who stepped down followed by Victor.

Amelia was there waiting for them… She didn’t look good at all…, especially with all the tall cacti surrounding her. There were even some spines on her expensive dress… did she bump into one of them?
Her husband was nowhere in sight…. That guy must really hate the fake Linda. Victor didn't understand the way he looked at her in his previous life... But now, he knew why. She was not his real daughter.

Theodore scowled at his son a little then headed to Amelia. Avoiding getting near the cacti… They can’t injure him… but touching one of those thorns would hurt.

“Mrs. Cross, I am happy to meet you again. I brought my son here to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage,” Theodore said respectfully.

“Ahh….Yes… Nice to meet you too, please, let’s go inside.” Amelia said. She didn’t sound good…

entering the reception room, There were already two men and an old woman sitting there. Victor greeted respectfully and then sat next to his father after who also greeted them. They were from the Von Rosen family. And the woman was a player.

NAME: Martha Von Rosen


ABNORMAL STATUS: Soul Eating Parasite Former Host.

CLASS: Ace Summoner


Strength: 239

Agility: 192

Intelligence: 271

Luck: 21

Charm: 27

Order: 37


Demonic Instinct AAA
Summoning Art AAA
S*x Arts AA
Energy Drain AA
Demonic Command B
Drug Brewing A
Needle Arts B
Quick Steps B
Kissing C
Charm C
Spear Art C
Alchemy C
Tea Ceremony C
Surveying E
Poison Resistance E
Pottery F


Defense Talisman, S
Demon Repelling Necklace, A
Summoner Grimoire A
Storage Ring, C



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