Chapter 14: Hunted Becomes Hunter (Part 1)

Chapter 12b: Hunted Becomes Hunter (Part 1)

Rigen's perspective

I'm now heading to the West, I don't know exactly where Hinter Forest is so I keep coming to the West. The people on the streets are looking at me, curious about the weapon I bring and the military bag on my back.

Some of the people on the streets then realized me, they realized this was John Rigen. The people are now gathering into the crowds, they chasing me, like to tear my body apart.

But I managed to shoot some bullets in the air, the people that were chasing me then stopped. They realized the loud noises they heard earlier and ran in panic, then I used that situation to escape from the crowds.

"Advisor! Where to next?"

"Just keep that direction, John!" - Advisor told me to run in the same direction to Hinter forest

Then after a few minutes of running, I finally see the border gate on the West, seems like outside will lead to Hinter forest.

Some of the Attenta border guards notice my appearance, their commander sends five guards to the border gate, the border gate is now still open.

"Hey! Stop! That man! Where do you think you are going? " - The border guards shouting at me

Then I raise my rifle to the sky and fire a few shots, the guards are shocked at the gunshots, they froze like ice stones.

I am now easier to get through the border gate, I run towards the forest I see, running as fast as possible.

"Hey! What are you soldiers doing? Arrest that man, now!" - The border gate commander shouted to the guards

Wow! Seems like 30 minutes have passed since I got into the forest, I had gone a bit far now. I am now hiding under the grass, the guards are now still finding me, they are using torches, searching around the place.

"Find anything?" - The border gate commander asked his guards

"No, Sir! That man may have escaped!" - The guards answered that commander

"Damn it! Withdraw, we don't need to waste our time here anymore, withdraw!"

Alright! The guards are now withdrawing but I have to make sure that they won't be around here anymore. After 10 minutes, I'm now sure the soldiers are now gone, I slowly get up from the grass.

"John! Seems like no one is following you anymore, just head to the North about 50 meters and you will see a river right there, seems like you can be able to have a sleep there!" - Advisor suggested to me

Then I walking more closer to the direction Advisor told me, there is a river there! I chose a nice place to make my camp, without Reimi and Shera. The camp is completed a bit longer, at least about 1 hour, I think! I have to prepare many things to make the camp.

Now I have finally completed the campfire, I'm now sitting at it, and my bag is placed beside me. I am now thinking about Shera, and Reimi, the memories I had with them, that was a short time but very memorable.

"Hey, John! I don't want to disturb you but you have used up 39 bullets in the fight against the assassins and while escaping to the border, your rifle now only has 196 rounds left! Use them wisely!" - Advisor reminded me

"Yeah! I know!"

"Do you want to have some chat, John?" - Advisor asked me

"What kind of chat?"

You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at

"I was very surprised that you had killed bunches of people but you seem didn't scare, didn't feel guilty or something like that!"

"That's what the Army will teach you, Advisor! You robot don't know much about it!"

"Also I had fought in Afghanistan once, there were many terrible things I saw there, the things you saw me did was just very normal to me!"

"Why don't you tell me?"

"No, of course not! I had been PTSD for a long time, now it is gone but I cannot sure if I can get it again when living in this another world or not!"

"Okay, I won't say about those things anymore, anyway! Why don't you read the letter that Shera sent you, John?" - Advisor reminded me, I almost forgot about the letter

Then I take the letter out of my bag, opening it, the envelope itself is made of furs and also the letter is made of it too.

I struggle a little bit, though I have used to the language here about the words are written are another problem, I don't know if the handwriting skill of Shera is bad or my mind has problems.

Okay! Finally, I have found out the details of the letter Shera gave me.

Dear John Rigen! If you are reading this, then you must be on your way to the border of Jager Kingdom after being hunted by my brother's Assassins, Hoster Sonne.

I have something want you to know about Kingdom of Jager:

That Kingdom is using the language Englis, the most common language of this continent as same as us so you won't face any problems when talking to the people there.

That Kingdom also uses the same currency as Attenta Kingdom so you won't have any problems when using the money.

The powerless people are all welcomed in Jager Kingdom, that Kingdom isn't like the other Kingdoms, it is a heaven for the powerless, who can't cast magic, you will be fairly treated there as a citizen of its Kingdom.

Kill assassins bounty: Attenta Kingdom is very well known to be hostile to Jager Kingdom, if you can bring the Assassin cards from the assassins you killed to the border gates at Jager Kingdom, you will be rewarded with money.

Your money will run out soon so you need to have work, just get to the Adventurer's Guild of Jager Kingdom, the Guild is available in any town and city of any Kingdom on this continent.

If you don't want to face dangerous things, just try to be smith by working at the weapon shops, but the money you will be rewarded will be less than working at the Adventurer's Guild if you work at the weapons shops.

In every city, and town of any country on this continent, there will have big boards that show the messages from the people want to send to their relatives.

I will write them to you too, Sir Rigen! I will write a message to you once a week! Remember to let me know how is your life there!

You will contact me by codenames, my codename is Sunshine, and yours is Sunrise! These are special codes used only by our royal families.

When you write me a letter with that code on it, the letter will be a priority sent to me and also like when I write a letter to you.

Hope your journey will be safe! And please live, Sir Rigen!

Princess Shera Sonne

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