Chapter 63: Family Of The Three (Part 2)

Chapter 61: Family Of The Three (Part 2)

"John, wake up, honey!" - Ah, that voice, that was Shera called me

I slowly opened my eyes, seemed like that was morning, Shera has called me to wake up with a sweet voice, how could I not respond to her.

"Eris said to me that she wanted to have breakfast by going outside, she wanted to watch the scenery of Diva, maybe we will have a picnic on her birthday, John." - Great! Right in my idea

"I was thinking about making a picnic for our daughter too, maybe Eris has guessed my idea for some reason, Shera."

"It's good to hear, why don't you brush your teeth and take a bath, I will prepare the food for the picnic." - Shera said that to me and then went out of the bedroom, I also went outside with her 

When I went outside with Shera, I saw Eris, she was now sitting on a chair at the dinner table, drinking some water, she also looking around the crystal which was hung above the roof.

"Ah, Papa! Good morning." - So cute!

"Good morning, Eris! What are you doing?"

"I'm hungry, Papa! I'm also curious about the thing up the roof, mama said to me that's an electric light, I don't know how it works yet." 

"Can you explain to me, Papa because you came from the world that has it?" - Sigh! You wanted to become another Edison or what? No! Edison was just the person who stole the others' inventions, he always PR the others' inventions and then bought those inventions in his name

"Sigh! Eris, I cannot explain to you, you know? You must ask Humphrey Davy or Joseph Swan."

"Who are they, Papa?"

"The first inventors of the electric light."

"But now there's a thing I'm more curious, Papa, why can I and Mama use magic but you can't?" - Well! Cannot explain this to my daughter

"Well, you must ask Mama, Eris."

"How did it happen, Mama?"

"I cannot explain either, Eris! Maybe your dad doesn't have the magic stone in his body." - Shera, she explained to our daughter, she mentioned the thing called the magic stone

As Shera told me when she was teaching me about how to recharge the battery of the crystal light, she told me that what she knew was from Rivia. The magic stone, which was the thing that made you could use magic, every species that got birth in this world has one inside their body.

Maybe I came from another so I cannot use magic but I felt that didn't make me disadvantaged at all, I could use my physical strength and mind to live, that was not so hard.

"Papa, you said to me that you came from another world so that maybe the reason you don't have the magic stone, is that right, Papa?" - Are you truly a five years old girl, Eris?

"We will have a picnic today, Eris! Why don't you help me to pack the stuff, honey?" - Shera said to Eris and then went to grab some baskets

"Okay, Mama!" - Eris...Sigh! She didn't drink all the water but went to help Shera

So I later got into the bathroom to brush my teeth, strangely that we have toothbrushes here but didn't toothpaste. We have to use the cups to hold the water taken from the sink and then dip our toothbrushes into the cups and then brush our teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I went on taking a shower.


I have done the shower so I was now changing my clothes, the clothes I was changing were the handmade fur clothes that were made by Shera, there were have cloths in the house but Shera said she wanted to save them. We cannot wear our previous clothes anymore, for example was my military uniform, because we wanted to make some memories about them so we stored them inside our bedroom.

"Papa! Are you done yet?" - Eris called me, maybe she was hurrying to have the picnic

"I'm done, Eris! Wait for me a bit!" 

Then I went out of the bathroom, seemed like the family of the three of us was ready for a picnic for my daughter. We didn't make any birthday cake but Eris said to me that she didn't need it, maybe living in an isolated place made she didn't see it important.

But maybe I should grab some weapons first before having the picnic, I stared at Shera and as if to know my thought, she made a nod and then told Eris to wait in the kitchen.

Both of us later got inside the weapons and armor stocks room, let's call it short in the equipment stocks room. I took a long sword, which was belonging to Rivia and a short sword, I also took with me a bow and 30 arrows, put them in an arrow holster.

I also took with me a pair of forearm protectors, leather gloves and a pair of leg protectors, About Shera, she only took with her a short sword and a dagger. I didn't know what to say, our daughter's birthday and also her picnic turned into the day we brought weapons out to go outside.

"Ah! You two are done, let's go, Mama, Papa!" - I hope Eris didn't ask us why we brought these things out

Then the three of us walked outside of the house, the house didn't change at all after 5 five years, it just has some more furniture for our kid. Where should we go for the picnic now? I didn't discuss this with my wife yet, maybe...the place where we first came here?

"Hey, Eris! Where did you want to go for the picnic?"

"Ah, Papa! Let's me think a bit...........the place where you two first came here?" - Great! You may be a telepath like Anya Forger, Eris!

"But can we visit Rivia first, Papa? I didn't know much about her but I want to announce to her my birthday."

"What do you think, Shera?" - Shera looked at me and opened a smile, maybe we should a visit Rivia

Then we went to the backyard, the grave of Rivia and her relatives have now full of mosses, Eris, she was now holding a thing that looked to be a handmade laurel. 

She walked toward the graves of Rivia's relatives and made the bows to them, after that she went to Rivia's grave and then put the laurel on the grave.

"Miss Rivia, I don't know much about you but Mama said that you were very good with Papa and her when you were alive, I made this laurel for you, Rivia!" 

"I don't know when is your birthday but you're not in this world anymore, so please take the laurel as your present. If you were still alive then I would invite you to join this picnic, rest in peace, Rivia." - Wait, wasn't my daughter a bit smart compared to the normal kids? Maybe Shera has raised her well

Then, after mourning for Rivia, Eris went back to us to go to the picnic, the monsters around the border for some reason have increased more than I could imagine. 

Maybe I just patrolling around the home but not around the border so that was why the monsters have increased a lot like that.

I was scared that Shera and Eris would face those monsters but maybe they didn't face them, every time she and Eris went out to pick up plants, Shera always brought with her weapons. 

Since the day Shera went out alone to pick up plants and Rivia died, I have prohibited her from going outside. Shera sometimes still went out alone to pick up plants after notified me, I was also scared but I let her go alone sometimes but she didn't face any danger.

Now I have remembered what Rivia told me the first time she and I went out for patrol, she said that Goddess Katia has deliberate to make the border always in danger. 

That fucking Goddess, she must be the one who killed Rivia, maybe she just considered us like her toys, killing freely when she has gone out of the mood.

I didn't care about my life but was very care about my daughter and my wife's lives, they could be killed anytime by that Goddess.

"John, what's wrong? Your face looks serious and sad." - Shera seemed to have noticed my nervous

"What's wrong, Papa? You look sad." - Eris also asked me, maybe we should reconsider this picnic, I was very scared that those two will die in front of me

Then Shera slowly walked toward me, should I tell her that I have met the Goddess? But if I tell her and she dies, maybe I should not tell her but must persuade her and our daughter to stop the picnic.

"John, you look so sad, you are so stressed? Do you need me to make love with you tonight?" - Maybe Shera has misunderstood my nervous, she felt a bit shy while whispering to me

"I will choose the right time to do with you, John, when our daughter is asleep." - No! That was not what I meant, Shera!

"No, I can hold myself back, Shera! Just I think that we should stop the picnic now."


"I'm scared that we will face the dangerous things out there, just, that's just my thought so I'm very scared that I will lose the two of you."

"Maybe you were too nervous, John! Don't worry, we will be fine, maybe we should continue this picnic for our daughter, you know." - Maybe Shera was right at some points but...maybe I should keep up high guard all the time

"Yeah, I'm sorry! Maybe we should continue."

Then both of us held our hands and walked toward Eris, she seemed a bit frustrated when we wasted our time talking while that time we could have gone to the picnic. 

But when we got to Eris, she opened a smile and then went with us up the hill of Diva forest, we would visit the place we have the picnic 3 years ago.

"Oh, Papa! Watching this scene never makes me bored, you see! When we get to the hill and look down our house, it makes me feel I see the entire world." - Eris seemed very excited every time she gets on the hill

"Well, I'm glad that you like it, Eris."

"Hey hey! Papa! Mama! Why don't we come to the picnic right away?" - Eris seemed cannot wait to have a picnic, the way forward to that place was a few minutes of walking now

Then both of us held our daughter's hands to go, not go yet but to look at the scenery around the hill of Diva forest and was about to go. I was wondering which present will my wife give to our daughter, I never asked her that. 

"Ground shaking!" - Suddenly I felt the ground shake, what the hell just happened? An earthquake in this another world?

"Ah!" - Eris seemed very nervous, she seemed very scared when she felt the ground shake

"Eris! Get behind me!" - Shera, she immediately grabbed Eris and held her, covering her

Did it...did the Goddess want to kill my wife and my child? Not good! I must protect them at all costs, I immediately stepped toward Shera and Eris to cover them.

Katia, if you want to kill, kill me! Don't kill my love and my kid! Kill me! Kill me!

"John, what is happening right now? Why the ground is shaking?" - Shera seemed very scared too but she held Eris as tight as possible, she also wanted to protect our daughter

"In my world that's called the earthquake, don't worry, the ground will stop shaking in a few seconds or a minute, don't worry, just stay close and behind me." - I said that to comfort them but I didn't sure yet

"Papa! I'm scared!" - Eris was now crying, she was very scared

You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at

"It will be okay, Eris! Don't worry!"

Then the ground kept shaking until a minute later, it has finally ended, the earthquake has finally ended, I was so glad so I hugged Shera and Eris very tight. We were also got lucky that we didn't stand near any trees during the earthquake. 

If we were standing near a tree during the earthquake the tree would have fallen or the fruits above would have fallen and hit my members' heads, that would be very dangerous to have things fall from above.

But I was still very scared, would another earthquake occur? Should it be better if we got home right now? Maybe it would be safer if we stood on the plains near our home because there were no trees there.

"Sorry, Eris but maybe we should hold off the picnic for now for your safety, we will stand on the plains in case another earthquake occurs."

"Yeah, Papa is right, Eris! I also think that too." - Shera also held Eris tighter 

"Yes, Mama! Papa! I don't know much about this, I was also very scared you wish." - We later got down the hill in nervous, I didn't want my members to run but to go slowly in case the earthquake occur then we would have the time to react

Finally, we were now stepping onto the plains and was very near our home but we didn't go inside yet, we were still very nervous. 

I said to Eris and Shera that I would go to check if our house has been damaged after the earthquake or not, they would stay on the plains for safety.

I rushed into the house and opened the door, seemed like it had resisted the earthquake successfully, I only saw some of the small furniture of our house fell on the ground, the house was still safe.

"Ground shaking!" - Another earthquake suddenly occurred when I was inside the house, dammit! Must be the setup of that Goddess for sure! I must return to Shera and Eris now 

If I crawl under the table or the bed for hiding the earthquake, Shera maybe will try to get inside the house to find me and Eris may also do the same, I must go outside to save them.

I ran outside to see them and saw that Shera was now holding Eris very tight, I immediately ran to my wife and my daughter to cover them. Dammit! If you want to kill someone, Goddess! Kill me! Don't kill my wife and my kid! 

This earthquake was bigger than the previous, the ground shaking non-stop, I told Shera and Eris to crouch down for safety. I kept covering my wife and my kid until a few minutes later passed, the earthquake finally stopped, thank God!

"Are we safe yet...John?" - Shera asked me in nervous, Eris also crying while being hugged by her

"I can't sure yet but please you two keep behind me, we must wait until I can make sure the earthquake finally ends." - I told Shera and Eris, I also crouched down like them

We were so hungry, the picnic has been delayed, while crouching down to wait for the earthquake, we also took some food out from the baskets to eat. 

Eris, she ate in the nervous, she even didn't want to eat though she was now holding her favorite food, my poor daughter, her birthday has now become a nightmare.

Shera, she was now holding dried meats to eat, I have hunted some animals to let Shera take their furs to make clothes and also to make food, I was also eating with her. 

Though meats cannot stay long in the air so we have to store them in the kitchen. I would go to the border and use my handmade wooden shovel to dig some snow to bring back home, fill them on the meats to store them longer.

Though I didn't know whether that way was effective or not but I kept doing that, the winter would be the days of meat because I didn't need to go to the border to take snow. 

I just need to wait until the snows were full on the ground to my home's rooftop to get up there and down there to take the snow to bring home to fill on the meats to store them and then we will eat.

"Ground shaking!" - Another earthquake, will this Goddess spare me, my wife and my kid?

"Shera! Eris!" - I called my wife and my daughter, they immediately hid behind me, Shera was now covering our child

Dammit! End the earthquake, dammit!

This earthquake was bigger than before, what the fuck just happened? This Goddess, she wanted to kill us that much? Or she was playing with my wife and my kid before killing them?

But soon later, the earthquake ended suddenly after a minute of occurrence, maybe we were safe now but we have to wait for more until we get home. The three of us finally waited outside for an hour, the earthquake didn't occur again, the food we were bringing during the picnic finally ended up eaten.

"Shera, Eris! Maybe we should go home now, go slowly behind me." - I said to my wife and my kid to follow me, we slowly moved back into our house

When we got in the house, the house was still usual like before, no damage, the house was very safe except some small furniture had fallen down during the earthquake. Shera and Eris were now picking up the furniture that has fallen during the earthquake to put them in the right places, maybe the earthquake has finally ended.

What a bad birthday! Eris was supposed to have a nice day of fun but...Sigh! She was now sitting on a round chair at the dinner table, seemed like we have to comfort our kid now.

"Hey Eris, I know you are sad but please stop. Eris, mama is having something want to give you!" - Shera slowly removed the piece that was under one of two baskets, what was under there?

"Tada! This is the present mama wants to give you, Eris! Happy birthday!" - Shera showed Eris the green clothes that were made of cloth, so that was why she said to me she wanted to save the cloths, that were for our daughter

"Ah! Thank you, Mama!" - Eris slowly took the clothes from Shera while thanking her, I hope my daughter won't insist on me giving her present

"Papa, where is my present?" - I knew it!

"I wanted to give you a nice picnic, Eris! But seemed like I cannot hold the picnic for you due to the earthquake, sorry my daughter. 

"This papa should have thought about the other presents for you, Eris! Sorry."

"That's okay, Papa! I already knew that you don't have any present for me so I didn't look forward to it so much, hehe." - Hey, I wanted to give you a proper present, you know!

What should I give my daughter on her birthday? 

Oh, my digital watch was still here with me though its battery has run out, it cannot run anymore but I still kept it because...I used it to make Shera's wedding ring, haha!

"Hey, Eris! This is your present that Papa wants to give you." - I removed the digital watch from my hand and slowly wore it on Eris's hand, her hand was still small so the watch was quite wide

"What's this used for, Papa?"

"To watch the time, you know? Though it's now an accessory to wear in your hand for fun only, cannot use it to see the time anymore."

"Though I don't know how to use it but I'm very thank you, Papa!" - Eris hugged me, I also gave her a head pat, my daughter was so cute!

Shera also joined us too! I wish that the three of us will live in happiness, forever! I love my wife and my child, I cannot live without them!


Well, months have passed since that terrible and also happy birthday, I have come to this world for 6 years, I think!

There was no way for me to know how much time have gone through because the house didn't have any kind of calendar to see. Even if there was any kind of calendar in the house, the three of us cannot read the words of the Deranic language.

The books inside the house, we still kept them even the books that had been torn by Rivia while fighting with me but we cannot read a word. Luckily that there was a book that seemed to be a dictionary to translate the Deranic language to Englis language, maybe Rivia had learned our language by reading that book when she was alive.

Shera has taught our daughter to write and also to read by using that dictionary though the dictionary has been torn out a bit but is still good to be used. Shera only taught our daughter how to write and also how to read the Englis language, that's all.

About the Deranic language, I have to admit this, I hated to read but Shera was very different, she spent her free time, trying to find out how to read the Deranic language by reading the dictionary. Maybe she also wanted to teach our daughter to read that language too.

I was so glad that I have a good wife and also a good mother that very care about our kid, not like me, always away from home for patrol, I saw myself was so irresponsible.

But nowadays I have spent my time with my family more now, the number of monsters in my place has increased a bit more but is still under control. 

The area around my house and some of the areas of Diva forest and Tera forest never have monsters because I always patrol there though I was very worried if monsters suddenly appear there.

No monsters near my home but when I moved around the border deeper, I would see a lot of them, luckily that my home was very safe but I was still very nervous.

I was now waiting for Eris and Shera to go with me outside to collect some nuts from the bushes and the trees. Of course, Eris has now carried with her a dagger to protect herself, maybe I will teach my daughter more when she gets 6.

"Are you done, Shera?" - I was waiting for my wife and my daughter, they seemed to want to check again their stuff before going out

"Everything is ready, John." - Shera told me, maybe that's good to go

Then I waited for Shera and Eris to go out of the door, when they got out, I closed the door and then held my wife and my daughter's hands. We were now slowly walking to Diva forest, we will pick up some nuts there.

"Ah, Papa! What's that over there?" - Eris saw something when we were just walking a few steps, she even pointed her hand toward it

The three of us slowly walked toward what my daughter pointed out, I saw the thing that was now lying on the ground looked to be a woman. 

She was white, had white short hair, wore a purple dress that looked to be very well made but was now covered in dirt and had been tattered a bit.

Her neck wore a necklace that had a round shape, the round had purple color and had a crest that looked to be a Falcon. It looked like the United States' Great Seal in the middle the round shape.

Her bare feet seemed to be walking for days by the dirt they had on, she must be lost the way and come to this isolated place, her face looked so pale and had some dirt. 

Her eyes had been closed and her mouth was now opening and closing non-stop as if was very thirsty for water, she was a citizen of Demon Kingdom?

But the girl's appearance made me feel odd, she has two small horns on her head, two small wings on her back and a small tail down her butt, all-black color. This girl...who is she exactly? A Demon or something like that?

"Papa, what's that?" - I felt something dangerous, must protect Eris!

"John, I feel nervous about this, ah!" - Shera suddenly nervous and held Eris tight, I looked back at the girl who was lying on the ground

The had now opened her eyes, her eyes had a slightly yellow color, she crawled toward us weakly as if to beg for something.

"John!" - Shera shouted to me, she was very scared, she held Eris tighter

"Who the hell are you! Do not get close to my wife and my daughter! Speak! Who the hell are you!" - I drew my sword, pointed at the woman and warned her

"Leh e...Leh e..." 

(Help me...Help me...) - That woman said in a weak voice, her language looked to be Deranic language

Who the hell is this woman?