Chapter 93: Teach The Princess (Part 2)
Shera's perspective
I realized that I have made Sir Rigen unpleasant when he was staying with me, I wanted to show him the love I have for him last night but maybe I have exaggerated that feeling too much and made me could not control myself.
Sir Rigen said...he didn't love me and he would never love me, that rejection made me break my heart, I love him but he rejected me without hesitation. Maybe Sir Rigen was joking when he said the would not love me but if he didn't joke then...what should I do to make Sir Rigen love me again?
I even attacked Sir Rigen, my mind last night only thought about killing him and then killing myself to let the two of us forever together but...maybe I should think back, I must calm myself down, must not lose my control.
I must show Sir Rigen that I love him with all of my feelings, also must make him feel that I'm safe, not threaten him, even stop making things that cause danger to his life like last night.
"U, Princess! Can you...please return to me the knife?" - Ah, I took Sir Rigen's knife because I saw it very special, I didn't mean to take it, I will return it to him later
The knife may be a military knife, it was very detailed made, Sir Rigen's homeland was very developed to make such a thing like this, I have seen many different knives with different details but this knife looked very special.
The knife has one edge, made of steel, I think! The knife's green handle was round-shaped and looked to be very comfortable to hold. The knife's butt seemed to be made to be used to attach to something by its strange design.
Let's see, the knife's bolster seemed to be made redundant or that was just my thought, it has a hole as if to use to attach too, the blade was straight and has a very sharp point knife, very well made to stab someone.
The knife's spine has some...saws? What was this kind of strange design? It has any use to be made like this? I also saw some more strange details on the knife's blade but I didn't have time to notice, I must study with Sir Rigen now.
This was just my thought, this knife may be small but it has many uses in different works, I could see it has saws on the knife's spine, maybe it was used to cut things easier, maybe I shou-
"Princess, please return to me the knife." - Ah! I must not lose my concentration, must return this thing to Sir Rigen
"Here, Sir Rigen! I'm sorry, I was just curious about your knife, I'm very curious about the things you have but I never asked you to let me lend them because I don't want to disturb you." - I handed Sir Rigen his knife
"Thank Princess, alright! So...can you give me some of your school notebooks? I want to see more about your handwriting." - Sir Rigen asked me to give him my notebook, it was on the right side of the drawer
I slowly pulled out the drawer and then took out a notebook that was used to write for the literature subject, maybe I should show him this.
"Here, Sir Rigen!" - I handed Sir Rigen the notebook
Sir Rigen slowly flipped the pages and focused a look on my handwriting, my handwriting was very bad, I was wondering how would Sir Rigen teach me, he was scratching his hair slowly while reading my words.
"Okay, Princess! Now start writing normally to me, alright?"
"What should I write on the page, Sir Rigen?" - I have taken the ink to my pen so I was now pointing the pen on a fur paper that I was placed on the table
"Uhh...United States Marines Corps, write it." - Eh? Wasn't that the military organization's name of his homeland?
"But how can I write that word, Sir Rigen? Can you write for me first?" - Sir Rigen suddenly took my pen and then wrote the word on the fur page
Wow! Sir Rigen's handwriting was just normal but I felt beautiful! Haah! No! No! I must calm myself down!
"That's the word, Princess! Now write another word similar to it but with your writing normal speed." - Sir Rigen gave back to me the pen, I took the pen and then started writing with a normal speed
When I turned my back to write, I noticed that Sir Rigen was examining the math book, maybe he was researching to know the difference between the way of teaching in my place and his place.
I should not lose my concentration! I must write now! I wrote the word that Sir Rigen told me to and then after a few seconds, I have done writing, the word I wrote was quite...bad, I think!
"Sir Rigen, please take a look." - Sir Rigen heard my voice so he looked at the word that I wrote
"Uh...I have to praise you for this, Princess! Your handwriting is the best bad I have ever seen in my life."
"I'm just kidding! Can you stretch your hand a bit, Princess?" - What did Sir Rigen mean?
"Your hand is very easy to be fatigued after writing for a short time, right Princess?"
"Yes, Sir Rigen."
"Maybe you should stretch your hand a bit to make it comfortable, do it first and I will tell you what to do next."
I heard Sir Rigen say that so I started stretching my right hand, which hand that I always use to write, I slowly stretched my hand ten times and then kept doing it. Sir Rigen said it would make my hand more comfortable but I didn't know what to say, he even rotated his hand as if to tell me to imitate, maybe this was some kind of hand exercise?
"It's enough, Princess! Now can I ask you a bit? there any different papers except the fur papers that you have?" - What did he mean?
"What do you mean, Sir Rigen?"
"Writing on the different papers' surfaces will make your handwriting different, I mean each different paper will have a different kind of writing depending on the material of the paper."
"But these fur papers are the only papers we have, Sir Rigen!"
"As I know when I was learning in school before the coup happened, the elves and the demons use the different paper, very opposite to us."
"The paper they use is made from trees as I could remember but our humans don't have that kind of paper."
"Then what's about different kinds of pens?"
"Shakes head." - Maybe this was the way Sir Rigen's homeland teachers teach the students that write bad like me, but my homeland lacked many things that his homeland had, it showed me how developed his homeland was
"So...Princess! Slowly recite the words on your mind and then write the previous words that you wrote before on the paper at a slow speed."
"United States...United States...Marines Corps...Marines Corps..." - Though I recited the words by spelling them out but Sir Rigen didn't mind hear
Then I slowly wrote the word "United States Marines Corps" on the fur paper at a slow speed.
"It's better, Princess! But your handwriting still has some characters that are too small or too big, let's me help you a bit." - Sir Rigen slowly held my writing hand to help me write the words better, he was controlling my hand out of the wrong writing
Sir Rigen was holding my hand! Ahhh! Ahh! Haah! Haah! I was being guided by him! No! I must calm down! I was breathing hard constantly while staying with him, in a room that only has the two of us.
I noticed that the word I was writing with Sir Rigen has finally done writing, it was way far better though I have written at a slow speed.
"It's better, Princess! You should write slowly and then slowly increase your speed, I will also help your hand to write when your hand is fatigued, I don't have dysgraphia but I will do my best to help you." - Ah! Sir Rigen was now staring at me! Haah! Haah! Haah!
"Uh...Princess! Are you okay?" - Yeah, I'm fine! I just feel a bit excited so I was breathing very hard while staying with you!
"I'm alright, Sir Rigen!"
"Ah, Advisor! What? You tell me to go outside?" - Sir Rigen looked at his magic item and talked to it, why did Advisor tell him to go away!
"Princess, maybe you're a bit excited, I will go out to let you calm down a bit, your hand maybe has been fatigued a bit now, I will go out and return in 5 minutes." - Sir Rigen suddenly stood up, no!
"Sir Rigen! Wait" - I grabbed his hand! I have finally grabbed his hand! I must hold Sir Rigen here! Not let him escape!
"Please stay with me...please..."
"Okay! Okay!" - Sir Rigen sat down next to me, his beard was quite dense, maybe I will ask him to let me cut his beard someday
"Sir Rigen, why did you keep holding your breath?" - What was wrong with him?
"Nothing, Princess! A man and a woman should not be close to each other for too long...can I go to the restroom now? I will solve my problem fast, in only 5 minutes." - No!
I held Sir Rigen tighter and I noticed that something was...very hard, it was exposed under his crotch. it has been covered by the pants so I could not see its shape, what is that thing under Sir Rigen's pants?
"Sir Rigen, what is under your crotch?"
"Ah, nothing! Don't look! Don't look!" - Ah! Sir Rigen was now pressing my face to his chest, I always want him to hold me like this!
"We will start studying again after one minute, Princess?"
"Yes, as you want, my tutor."
"Advisor, you piece of shit! Can't help me anything!" - Sir Rigen suddenly scolded his magic tool which made me feel very odd
Rigen's perspective
Ah! Finally! I was so lucky! I was now inside my room after 3 hours of teaching, I was so lucky to hold my lust against a 16 years old girl! The next Shera's lesson schedule would be started at 3:00 PM, I would follow her to the arena by carriage that was placed by her father
When I returned to teach Shera, I started guiding her to practice writing long drafts in slow writing, and then I told her to increase her speed to see the result. Her hand needed to rest all the time, it rested each time after writing for 4 to 5 minutes, I also taught Shera about another subject like math in the last 30 minutes of learning.
The math only has addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which was not so difficult for me to teach her, because...I hate math! I'm very stupid about it!
But at least, let's see that the first time of teaching is a bit successful, her handwriting was still bad, no result yet but I will do my best to teach her. Her handwriting must be better in three days, I must put more effort to teach my student.
Uh, now I was thinking about drawing the equipment on the furs paper to simulate the drawings of the dumbbells or barbells or anything equipment that I can make for Shera's workout.
The document said to me to teach Shera about martial arts in the afternoon and depending on the teacher's skill so maybe on the first day of teaching, I will teach her to fight with the sword.
On the other days, I will choose the certain days to train Shera's physical, if the equipment cannot be completed in a week then I will have to teach her about pushups, long runs and sprints.
I was now sitting at a table, it looked to be a work table, the table has two ink boxes and a wooden cup that placed three pens around it, which Shera has prepared for me and my subordinates that much.
I was searching the drawers and saw many fur papers inside, maybe I can draw the equipment by using these things.
I have already written about the size, the weight of the equipment so I was now thinking about simulating those things when I draw them into the drawings.
I took out 3 fur papers and placed them on the table, I dipped the pen I was holding on the ink box and was about to draw but...
Drawing the equipment would not be my problem but I'm not confident in my drawing skill, maybe I should pull this job for Sarah or Hatano, but did they draw well?
I was also bad at explanation, I will have to explain which part of this equipment is used for what in the drawing, I don't even know how skilled and how smart are the blacksmiths in this world.
The blacksmiths may struggle to make this equipment so the drawings must have a detailed explanation about the use of each piece of equipment and also be easy to explain for them to know.
I have decided, I will let Sarah or Hatano handle this, maybe I should meet them now, they were sleeping in a room next to me, I will head there right away.
"Commander, a green dot appears in front of your room's door." - Advisor told me and then appeared the scan of the area, the green dot must be Zofe - the maid that brought me the meals every noon and evening
I didn't eat lunch yet, maybe she was bringing the meal here for me, I must order her to get inside my room or stay outside because I will head to my subordinates' room first.
I immediately headed to the door while holding the fur papers, I slowly opened half of the door. Zofe saw me while her hand was raising to the door as if she was about to knock and her other hand was holding my meal but she later bowed to greet me.
"Zofe, I will talk to my subordinates for a few minutes, why don't you get inside my room to wait until I return."
"But Sir Rigen, this lowly maid is not worth going inside your room, I must ask Her Highness's approval." - Zofe bowed toward me again
"I will talk to Princess later, now go inside, I order you."
"But this lowly maid d-."
"I said to go inside, I will ask Princess's approval later."
"Then this lowly maid will accept your order, Sir Rigen! I'm very sorry for against your word." - Zofe got inside my room after bowing toward me
I didn't want to behave like this, I wanted to be friendly all the time but sometimes I must behave like a man who has the power to order a person like Zofe. I didn't want to keep my distance from anyone, I want to be friendly to all.
I slowly walked toward the room that was next to my room, Sarah and Hatano may now sleeping very deep, maybe Hatano will respond, I didn't like her attitude when she meets me but I will skip it.
You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at
"Knock! Knock! Sarah! Hatano! Commander wants to meet you two!" - I knocked on the door and then waited
Five seconds passed, no response at all, I waited until the 17 or 18 seconds and then the door opened, in front of me was now Sarah. Her hair seemed to be very clumsy, didn't tie, she was rubbing her eyes, wearing underwear and a bra, are you kidding me for walking outside with this appearance, you dumb!
"Yawn! Yawn! Hello! Good morning, Commander! Yawn!" - Sarah yawned many times in front of me very freely, she even greeted me good morning though this time was noon
"Sarah, where is Hatano?"
"Yawn! My sis is now sleeping, Commander! Yawn! Sis hasn't slept since yesterday so she is now sleeping very cute! Yawn!"
"How can you walk outside without wearing clothes? How did a silly girl like you become a Marine?" - Oh! Sarah's boobs while wearing a bra made the boobs sexier, looking at them made me...oh fuck! Stop!
"Eh...what do you mean, Commander? Yawn!"
"How did you pass the basic training with your Drill Sergeant? You should have chilled out many times when that person yelled at you."
"Commander! Yawn! Because...I just need to yell as loud as possible to scare the Drill Sergeant!" - Sarah yelled very loud at me, the first time she made me chills
"In short that my sis always be strict on me in the basic training so I passed! Yawn! Yawn! I'm sorry, Commander! I just have had a very good nap but you disturbed me."
"What is your purpose here, Commander?" - Sarah modified her hair to make it look prettier, she stopped yawning but still have the sign of sleepy
"Here, Sarah! I want you and Hatano to draw and to make the explanation of this equipment on the drawings to the blacksmiths, I have written the things I want you to draw." - I gave Sarah the fur papers
"Eh! Arent these are the dumbbell, barbell and the bar? Why do you need these, Commander?" - Sarah asked me with her confusion when she took the papers that written the equipment
It contained the equipment's names and even the sizes, the weight I want for the types of equipment according to what I see from Shera's physique, I only need the lightweight this time. The pair of dumbells weight 5 kgs (11 pounds), the barbell weight 12 kg ( 26,5 pounds) and a metal bar frame.
Maybe I was too well prepared because Shera would have only a week to study with me and she would have less time to study with me when she gets inside her school.
I didn't know about her next study schedule when she gets to school but even if I don't need to train Shera with this equipment then I can use these things to train myself, which benefits both.
"These things are used for Shera's physical training, deadline of the drawings is tomorrow morning, if you don't finish, the punishment of the two of you will be starved in the morning."
"You put too much effort to make these things for a girl, Commander! Okay...then, money, money."
"I won't, you volunteered this."
"Eh! But okay, I don't need money, Commander! But remember to have a day off for a date with me, okay?"
"Date what?"
"I want to go out the streets to play with you for a bit, Commander! Working inside the Palace all day is boring!" - Nah! I must have the responsibility for my student, cannot let this girl ruin my schedule
"Then I don't need the money but I hate you!"
"Roger that, Commander! I will finish the drawings tomorrow, hmmph!" - Sarah turned around very quickly and shut the door very loud, she was...jealous?
Sigh! Forget about that girl, I must get inside to eat, I was wondering if Zofe mind when she has to wait for me to do the trash chats with my subordinate. I slowly walked back to my room and noticed that Zofe was inside, she placed my meal on the work table and bowed toward me and then pulled the chair out to let me sit.
"Thank you, Zofe!" - I sat on the chair and then started eating, the meal was very good! Shera ordered the meal and Zofe would make the meal herself to bring it to me
"How did it taste, Sir Rigen?" - Zofe asked me while looking at me when I was eating
"It's good, your Princess must be very well cared about me, Zofe! I want a beautiful maid like you to thank her on my behalf of me." - Oh! I just have praised Zofe's beautiful, I did not control my voice at that time
" you wish..." - Zofe now seemed to be a bit shy, so she loved to be praised, so cute! Ahem! Must be strict with myself!
"Her Highness said to me that I must ask your opinion after eating the meals, do you think I need to improve something, Sir Rigen?" - Ah! It's hard now! I didn't care much about the taste, I just eat because it was good...what should I say to her?
"Um, I think you should make me the meal that has different flavors before I can give an opinion to you, this meal is very good, maid."
"The meal that you ate yesterday and the meal you're eating have the same flavor. Sir Rigen, this lowly maid is very sorry to serve her master this poor meal, I will change the meal's flavor in dinner." - Zofe bowed toward me
I ate the meal quite fast, time is gold so I don't want to waste my time, I must take a 30-minute nap at the noon and then do the other things before teaching Shera at 3:00 PM.
I didn't know the area's location yet, maybe I will ask someone and then go there by myself, I must make Advisor's map to have all the area on its screen. The technology I was wearing in my hand is very useful, must use it to my advantage as much as possible.
"Commander, I can read your mind when you're using Special Conversation, you know?" - Advisor said to me when I was thinking, but I didn't care, even if it can read my mind, it can't do anything to me
"I will turn off that option and yell out to everyone to let you know what you're thinking, for example: This maid, I will tell her that you're thinking about her."
"What option, Advisor?"
"Special Conversation." - Do that later, I'm now eating!
"H-" - I turned off Advisor and then pushed the button to stop the charge battery process, why did this AI so annoying to me!
I ate for some more minutes and then I have done eaten my meal so I handed the bowl to Zofe, I also took the cloths that she brought to me to clean my mouth and then put them into the empty bowl.
"I hope you like the meal, Sir Rigen! I will go now." - Zofe bowed toward me and then went outside, her boobs were so...gulp! I wanted to squeeze them tight with my hands! Wait a second! Wait a second!
Not good! I must relieve myself now...but where should I do it? What if the maids report to the guards that they smell some strange smell which is my products in the restroom or the bathroom.
But wait! How did the people in the Middle ages relieve themselves? Where did they go to relieve themselves? Someone please tell me because my dick wants to spurt out now!
"Advisor, help me a bit." - I turned on Advisor and asked it, maybe it can help me at some points
"Do it right in this place, use the papers."
"What the fuck! Are you nuts?"
"Your choice, Commander! I will go to sleep."
"Hey! Hey! Hey! You piece of shit! You are useless!"
"z.z.z." - Great, Advisor even shows me that it is now sleeping, fuck you!
Okay! I pulled out the drawer and then took out some fur papers, I will relieve myself here, just one time, one time and I will go to sleep.
But I should think about who when I relieve myself? Shera, Sarah, Hatano, Reimi or...
Let's choose Zofe, I wanted to touch her this time the most so I will cum out soon with my excitement when I think about her. I will have more time to sleep, not to waste my time rubbing my dick while struggling to think who should I think I will cum for.
Okay, must spurt out one time, I have to do it fast to sleep and then wake up to prepare the plan to teach Shera.
Ahh! So happy when I think I was having sex with Zofe! Thinking about cheating, having affair with someone behind your lovers but they didn't know makes me feel very excited!
But what time is it? I didn't tell Advisor to call me to wake up...ehh!
"2:42 PM, Commander!" - What! That late!
I immediately woke up and was about to get up but for some reason, my body felt like it was being held by something heavy. At the time I opened my eyes, Shera was now staring at me, she was sitting on me with a bit of shyness showing on her face, she has secretly gotten inside my room.
"Hey, good afternoon, Sir's late, you know? I waited for you outside of the Palace but I didn't see you so I got here." - Shera slowly got down my body while keeping her shyness
"Eh, sorry! Princess!" - I slowly got up while noticing that my dick was hard so I covered it with the bed sheet
"Sir Rigen, your room smells very stink, looks like it comes from under your bed but I don't want to check, I want to ask your permission first." - I put the papers that "have my products" under the bed, luckily that Shera didn't check it! I have washed my hands after masturbating so they were very clean
"Don't mind about it, Princess! I know it's late now so I will go with you to the arena but I must know the location of that place first before going."
"The arena is on the south of the Palace, about 10 minutes going by a carriage, Sir Rigen! We will get there by the carriage that was placed by my father, the guards are now waiting for us outside."
"Let's me prepare a bit, Princess!" - I got up after being strict with my dick, it has low down so I immediately prepared my weapons and then walked outside with Shera to go out of the Palace
We were now near the Palace's exit door, only a few more steps and we will go out of the Palace and go to the carriage.
"Sir Rigen, Zofe said that you thanked me because of choosing her to make you the meal, right?" - So Zofe has reported back to Shera
"Yeah, I love the meal that you order her to cook for me."
"But Zofe also reported back invited her to get in your room without my approval, did she speak the truth...Sir Rigen?" - Why did Shera colded her voice in the last line?
"Of course, she was lying, Shera! I d-"
"" - Why did she head her face near me! Her eyes looked so deadly!
"Of course, I told you the truth."
"That's so? I'm very sorry for doubting you, Sir Rigen! I will fire that liar maid, I will replace her with another one."
"No! No! You should not."
"Why?...Did you lie to me, Sir Rigen?" - When did she take my M9 bayonet? She was now pointing it to my chest!
"You should have taught her to stop lying and be more honest, Zofe is the maid of your father, right Princess?"
"Yes...then what..." - Shera started sniffing my body but she kept pointing the bayonet to my chest
"Ahh! Sir Rigen! Haah! H...I'm sorry, Sir Rigen! Maybe I have doubted you many times, I'm sorry." - Shera returned the bayonet to my knife's holster and then hugged me and sniffed me again
Luckily that the exit door of the Palace has no one so Shera was now acting very excited, she hugged me very tightly and sniffed me very much. I could hear her breath that was breathing very hard when she was staying with me - her love, maybe I should tell her to stop.
"Ah, Princess! You should stop, I'm your tutor and you're my student, both of us cannot be in a love relationship, excuse me, Princess." - I slowly pushed Shera away, I didn't want to be in the situation last night
"I'm sorry, Sir Rigen! I cannot control myself...we should go now, it's late." - Shera stopped holding me and then walked outside with me with her face shy while lowering down to not let anyone see
I saw outside the Palace's entrance has about 20 Royal Guards, they were gathering in a wide carriage which was painted red and has a Warsaw crest on the right side of the carriage.
"Sir! I wish you will have a good journey on teaching Her Highness." - The guards bowed toward me and Shera and then raised their hands to tell us to go inside the carriage
Then both of us got inside the carriage and I saw Zofe when I was about to get inside with Shera. Zofe was now sitting on the horse that was strapped with the carriage, she would be the rider who led us to the arena.
"Hmmm...Sir Rigen...can you allow...your student...hold your hands?" - Shera tilted her head to my right hand, we were sitting together in the carriage
Of course, I don't want to make her mad so I will accept, I was wondering what kind of sword training I should teach her, I must stop soft with this Princess and become serious now.
"Princess, I allow you to hold my hand in a few minutes, I want to stay focused on thinking about the training I want to teach you."
"Alright, I will." - Shera held my hand tighter
"Can we go now, Your Highness? Sir Rigen?" - Zofe called me when she was mounting on the horse, she was waiting for the order
"Go, Zofe!" - I commanded Zofe to ride
Then Zofe slowly rode the horse to ride us to the arena, I looked around and saw some Warsaw Royal Guards were now going around the carriage to protect it, I was wondering what kind of training should I teach Shera.