Chapter 101: Rigen’s Basic Training (Part 1)

Chapter 98: Rigen's Basic Training (Part 1)


Haah! What has happened to me? Where am I? I was now inside a room that looked to be an army barracks. More exactly to say it was a room that looked like a basic training room for the recruits US Marines according to what I saw in movies.

I was wearing a black hoodie and blue jeans, which were my favorite type of clothes, but why did I here? I'm now 16, not enough age for the enlistment yet, but why did I here? 

I wanted to enlist when I get 17 because I love the military, I have a bit of patriotism but I thought that I must join the military to train myself and also to know the true definition of patriotism but now I was here for no reason.

I stood up and kept looking around the room, only me here, no one else, not even a recruit Marine, I was dreaming, right? But wait! I felt something wrong with my hair when I touched my head.

My hair seemed to be completely shaved or something, how did it happen? I felt so nervous so I ran to the windows and looked outside, there was a very big and wide ground that was full of grass. I saw a shooting range that placed many shooting targets from far away, this place was surely a US military barracks but why this place was so empty, no one there?

Suddenly I heard footsteps that were coming near me, I looked back and saw Lieutenant Kaori and Colonel Amanda, they were both of my adopted moms, they were now wearing military Drill instructor's clothes, I felt it so strange.

Kaori was wearing a sand color military officer uniform, she wore a Drill Sergeant hat, maybe she was the one who would be a Drill Instructor at this time. About Amanda, she wore similar to Kaori but she didn't wear the hat, she was holding a sand color military uniform in her hand as if to bring it for me.

"Hey, Kaori! Please don't be so harsh to our son, he is still 16, still not enough age to enlist." - Amanda said to Kaori with a worrying sign on her face

"Shut up, Sir! I know what I'm doing, give Private Rigen the uniform, Sir." - Kaori said to Amanda and then Amanda stepped toward me and dropped the uniform to the floor

"My son, I mean Private John Rigen, I'm sorry but this is Lieutenant Kaori's idea, you will have to be trained here alone for 10 weeks to graduate the basic training, good luck." - What? What the fuck did she say?

"Hey, what the hell do you mean? How can I be trained like this without the other recruits? Each military basic training must have a platoon as a team and a Drill Sergeant as its instructor!"

"Amanda, enough talk! Hand me Private Rigen, I will train him good so do not care about him." - Kaori pulled Amanda back, she seemed very serious

"Let's go back to your base to work, Colonel Amanda! I will do my best here, a mother like you is so soft, you must be strict to teach any Marine, even our son."

"Private Rigen, my son! Please stay safe, I'm sorry." - Amanda walked away and left the room

From this time, the barracks only has me and Kaori, my adopted mom and also was the one I hated the most, why did I have to be trained here alone without the other recruits? Did this woman against the military laws in training?

"Private Rigen, change your uniform now." - Kaori ordered me

"Why, Kaori? Why the fuck did you have to force me to enlist? You even kidnapped me here and now you act like you are my Drill Sergeant, bullshit! Get me out of here!"

"Don't you think you have the power in the military then you can do anything, get me out of here now! You damn old whore!"

"Smash! Ahh!" - Kaori suddenly kicked my belly very hard, I held my belly and touched my hand on the floor to not let myself fall

"Get up! Who taught you to against your Drill Instructor! Call me Sir, Private Rigen! Immediately down the floor and make 20 pushups now!" - Kaori shouted loud to me when I was on the floor

"Don't fucking mess with me, bitch! You are n-, ahhh!" - Kaori smashed my back with her leg, she not only shouted loud but also hit me hard, what the fuck was wrong with my life!

"Do it now!" - Kaori shouted louder so I slowly pressed my hands and my feet down the floor to do 20 pushups

I would not obey that woman, I made pushups about 5 times at a fast speed, I didn't care if she hit me or not. I would not obey that woman till the end, she kidnapped me here and forced me to do the basic training of the Marine Corps without any reason.

"Smash! Argghhh!" - Kaori hit my back with her feet again, this time was more hurtful than before

"Do it slow and steady, do not cheat on pushups, Private Rigen!" - It was so hurt, I slowly did the pushups when Kaori forced me to, I would attack that woman when I have a chance and then get out of here 

I slowly did the pushups 25 times, finally, I have done it so I stood up and looked at Kaori with very hateful eyes, I will hit her and get out of here when I have a chance.

"Put on the uniform, Private Rigen." - I would pretend to obey Kaori

I grabbed the uniform and then I noticed that there was no changing room here for me to change the uniform, what should I do?

"Sir, I have to change the clothes here?"

"The answer is yes, Private Rigen! The real enemies did not care to see you change your uniform or do anything." 

"The enemies just want to kill you and the time when you are embarrassed to change the uniform in front of the others is a good chance for them to kill you."

I took out my hoodie and my jean and put on my uniform, I was very embarrassed to change my clothes in front of the others, even my relatives, what was wrong with this woman?

"Ahh!" - Kaori slapped me when I was wearing the upper side uniform

"Wear your uniform quickly, Private Rigen! The enemy won't wait for you all day to see you change the clothes!" - I wore my uniform faster...I have finally changed the uniform

"Bring your previous clothes to the bed over there, Private Rigen!" - Kaori pointed her hand to a bed near me, maybe I should...use this chance to attack here

I slowly crouched down to grab my previous clothes and then threw them to Kaori, I would hit her and run away but she suddenly dodged the clothes and kicked my chest, it was so hurt!

"Immediately grab the clothes and put them over there, Private Rigen! Are you a retard so you don't understand what I ordered! Or you are just nothing but a pathetic who loves to be beaten!"

"Both are incorrect, Sir! I'm not a retard and I'm not pathetic!"

"Stand up straight and say it to your Drill instructor, Private Rigen! The way you are lying on the floor to say with me those words proved to me you are nothing but pathetic!"

Dammit! Why did I have to be insulted so heavily like that! But I must calm down! I could not hit Kaori so I must obey her this time, I will find another chance to escape this place.

This place was not a boot camp for military training, this place was not a barrack to train the recruits Marines, this place was a hell barrack of this psychotic woman!

I immediately stood up straight, I would shout very loud toward Kaori to prove that I was not pathetic as she insulted me.

"I'm not a pathetic or a retard, Sir! I'm a man!"

"Good, pick up the clothes and put them into the bed, Private Rigen." - I grabbed the clothes that were on the floor and put them into a bed that Kaori pointed it earlier

"Fold your clothes clearly, Private Rigen! Do not put the clothes so clumsy on the bed!" - Kaori shouted toward me so I slowly folded the clothes, no! I must do it fast or that woman will scold me again!

After folding the clothes, I walked back to Kaori and then stood straight, my head, my posture, my eyes were now very straight, I must pretend to obey this woman until I see a chance to escape.

After seeing me stand straight, Lieutenant Kaori slowly walked around me as if she was checking on each recruits marines in the basic training when the Drill Instructor and the recruits first met. 

But I was the only recruit here so Kaori only has me as her target so she was now walking around me while looking at my posture, she kept both of her hands behind her back and walked with a very serious look.

"I'm Lieutenant Kaori, your Senior Drill Instructor, from now on you will speak only one spoken to, all of my words will be right in all situations, do you understand, Private Rigen."

"Sir! Yes, Sir!" - I yelled loud to let Kaori hear

"Bullshit! I didn't hear! Shout louder!"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!" - I shouted louder

"Your shout is too woman accent! Shout loud until your tongue break!"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!"

"You will be trained like the other recruits Marines though you are trained alone with me, you will have to self-taught the teamwork yourself, do you understand!"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!"

"Try hard to survive this recruit training, when you survive, you will be a manmade living weapon, a non-stop killing machine that lusts to fight and kill."

"But until that day, you will be nothing but a filthy lowest creature that living on earth, you are not considered a human being, your life is nothing, not worth than a dog, an animal or a bacteria."

"You may hate me, even think about killing me but if you obey me then I will teach you the true lessons of life slowly to let you learn, to grow up day to day."

"Military life is not for the lazies, don't think that you can join here and touch some guns to be cool, the soldiers' lives are to fight, to serve the homeland and to die for the victory."

"I'm serious but I treat all of you equally, when you join to be a Marines, you will be all brothers, you will stand in only a frontline, fight and die together as the devoted brothers."

"When I see any Marine has a fault, I will beat them hard and scold them like the others according to how heavy they violate. I will also beat and scold all even if they are normal marines or low or high-rank officers."

"I don't down look on anyone, I don't care about yellows, whites, blacks, gays or lesbians or animals, bacterias or virus if they join the Marine Corps."

"When all of you join the Marine Corps, you join in only a frontline, fight and die together, all of you will be brothers, all equal treated."

"Do you understand that, Private Rigen? Do you learn anything from me with your small stupid brain?" - Shit! I hated being scolded but I must endure, I must survive out of here

"Sir! Yes! Sir!" - I shouted loud toward Kaori

"Are you a lady that has a man's body, Private Rigen? Shout until your mouth drains blood, your tongue dries and breaks and your body pale, your skin empty to the bone, I don't hear!"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!"

"Too low! An ant can't even hear what you shouted!"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Much better, at least my ear can hear a bit now." - You fucking deaf!

"Tch! You fucking deaf and retard, you are nothing but an old whore that no one care to look." - I whispered very low, I challenge you to hear what I said, old whore!

"Who the fuck said that! Who the fuck said that! No one, huh? Is there an invisible man here to say it to me?" - Dammit! Did she hear it?

"Say to me who did it right now! The honest one will be spared! If anyone here lies then I will shred that person's neck! Who the fuck scolded me earlier!"


"What do you want to speak, Private Rigen? Say straight and loud like a man, don't say like a gay little girl!" - If I don't take the guilt then Kaori would beat me heavily, hope she will spare me

"I'm the one that scolded you, Sir! I'm sorry! Sir!"

Kaori suddenly faced me, she stepped very close and looked straight into my eyes, her eyes were so scary, they made me want to stay out but I could not do it, I must straighten my eyes to her to prove my honesty.

"Well, what do we got here? A cunning citizen named John Rigen becomes honest when he joins the Marine Corps."

"I very admire your honest, Private Rigen! If you are honest enough then I will let you fuck me someday." - Kaori grabbed my collar and spat her spit at me three times

"Oh, Private Rigen! It's good that you can endure it but remember what I'm about to say to you from now on, remember to tear your ears out to hear until you deaf completely."

You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at

"In the Marine Corps, we don't serve you KFC, McDonald or any American, Japanese, Chinese or any shitty branches fast food in the world so don't dream to be served and eat well."

"Our food has nutrition to train every man and woman to become Marines, not the fast-food shits that eat to get fat. We only serve MREs, the military food that you will have to eat is very shitty taste and you have to eat it daily till you retire from the military."

"Can you endure it to eat that shitty stuff in years or you will vomit when you are bored at eating the same taste daily, shout like a man, Private Rigen!"

"Sir! I can endure it, Sir! I train myself to be better, Sir!"

"Bullshit! Shout louder until your mouth and tongue break!"

"I can, Sir!"

"Good." - Kaori suddenly hit my belly very hard with her elbow, I fell to the floor immediately, I coughed a bit

"Pathetic! Are you a man or a woman or not both! Do you feel ashamed to be beaten very hard by a woman but didn't try to resist, retard, stupid and feeble pathetic!" - Fuck! I want to kill this woman!

Suddenly Kaori pressed her leg to my back very hard to press me down the floor, she spat at me non-stop and also pointed her index finger at my face as if to scold me.

"You are not a human, not even any creature on earth, your life doesn't worth anything but a pile of poops that are being spurted by some dog on the road, no one care to look or to clean you away."

"From today, when you want to sad, laugh, depress, cry or die, you will have to ask my permission to do it, I'm the one who has the right to decide your shitty life."

"Now get up in 10 seconds now or I will beat you until your spine breaks, Private Rigen!" - I heard Kaori say so I immediately stood up while holding my belly

Kaori kept her distance from me a bit far, she grabbed a military bottle that was placed on her belt and drank fast as if she was very thirsty after shouting too much. 

After drinking the bottle, she returned it to her belt and then looked at me with her previous serious look, Kaori kept walking closer to me.

"Private Rigen, why did you join the Marine Corps so soon like that at your age of 16? Tell me honestly." - What the fuck, are you kidding me, Kaori! You fucking cunning old whore!

"Because you kidnapped me and then got me here, Sir!"

"Wrong, there is a very far reason for me to do it, why did you stop studying? That's the true reason I got you here!" - What the fuck, I was still studying like normal but you grab me here! What the fuck was wrong with this bitch?

"I don't understand, Sir! May I ask you more details?"

"Why did you not intend to join college but intent to homeschooling until having a high school degree?" 

Shit! I didn't intend to go to college, I think that if I go out of society sooner then I will learn more things in life instead of staying inside the school to learn the things from the books.

The thing that makes us have the job out of the society is depend on our life experience, our spirit of self-taught and our spirit of courage to learn new things to better ourselves day to day.

If you learn the things in your school books but cannot understand how to apply the things you learn out on the streets then you have wasted your time learning in the school.

But the main reason that made me want to study to have a high school degree but not to go to college was Kaori, my first adopted mom, she made me hate to learn, she forced me to learn so I hated her and hate to study.

Should I talk honestly to Kaori? Maybe I should because I was scared of being beaten.

"Sir, the reason that I didn't want to go to college come from the failure of teaching from my family, I mean from my mom!" - I said it! I hope she won't be mad!

"From your mom? Then which mom do you mean, Private Rigen? I heard that you have two adopted moms but who made your failure to go to the college?" - What should I say

"From my first mom, Sir!"

"What's your first mom's name?" - Kaori stepped closer to me, she faced her eyes to me very seriously


"Kaori what, Private Rigen! I cannot hear! Stop shouting like a gay lady!"

"Kaori Rigen, Sir!"

"It's good that you're honest, Private Rigen! But do you know what's my name? I'm the one who is your Drill Instructor, who standing in front of you then you must know my name."

"Sir! Your name is Kaori Rigen, Sir!" - Dammit! What she was about to do to me?

"Good job, my son! Private Rigen, now take your reward!" - Kaori suddenly shoved me away

"Take your reward, Private Rigen!" - Kaori suddenly hit my face with her fist, I didn't resist but held my injured face, lucky that she only punched my cheek, not my nose, Kaori's single punch could have broken my nose

"Stand up, Private Rigen!" - I endured my pain and stood straight like usual, I would take the time to revenge later

"Private Rigen, do you have a girlfriend before enlisting?" - What the fuck did Kaori mean? 

Before getting here, I had a chance to talk with some young girls or some old women on the streets when I was going out of the home to get to the gym or to buy food, Kaori prohibited me from knowing girls for some reason. 

Sometimes I even helped the ladies that I encountered on the streets when they needed help but I never had a chance to make a serious relationship with them as making friends or make them my lover.

"No, Sir! I didn't have a girlfriend, not only one before getting here!"

"Pathetic, you are nothing but a beta male, but you are lucky to not have a girlfriend or you will see your her is having fun with some alpha male behind you when you are joining the Marines." - The beta male, alpha male, I'm fucking sick about it!

"Many Marines have been cheated by their lovers or their wives when they are working in another state or fighting overseas with their mind thinking about their lovers back homes."

"But while they are working hard and wait for the day to get home, their loved ones are enjoying with some guys that have big cocks in their homes' beds."

"You are pathetic but also lucky, if you have a girlfriend, she might now fucking very mad with some guy while you are here."

"Sir, may I have the right to talk to you about my thought? About the definition of beta male and alpha male."

"Speak, Private Rigen!"

"Sir, there is no Alpha male or Beta male in my thought, only have male, the definitions you told me are created by the losers in the society." 

"They think themselves are the leaders and worth to dominate the women, they contemptuous the men that have peaceful behaviors with women and other people in the society."

"The people who call themselves the alpha male are nothing but losers in the society that have low self-esteem and low confidence, they have illusioned themselves in those definitions."

"Ah, good! At least a beta male like you could say those words to make an excuse for the failure of the other beta males and yourself, Private Rigen!" 

"You have shown me many times that you are nothing but a true feeble that obeys the words of a woman like me without resistance, not even a complain." 

"You are nothing but just a loser, a filthy beta male that didn't have a gut to touch women, Private Rigen! I bet that you don't have a gut to touch your Drill Instructor, so pathetic!" - I was about to lose my control but I managed to stay calm

"Private Rigen, you are so weak, pathetic, you don't even open a mouth to resist me after I said those words." 

"I didn't ban you to protest me but you didn't open your mouth, a pathetic like you don't have any qualifications to become a Marine." 

"The true Marines have the guts to say their words, they didn't scare to face difficult things but you don't have any qualifications to become a Marine, pathetic shit."

"Stop standing here to do the basic training to become a Marine, Private Rigen! You should have stayed home, play with toy guns and jerked off your dick daily till you die on the pile of poops that you dropped!"

For some reason, I was calm enough to not mess with Kaori, I hated to be insulted but I managed to get out of it, Kaori has stopped scolding me.

"Enough joking, Private Rigen! Now tell me the reason why did you join the Marine Corps!" - What the fuck? You grabbed me and placed me here and you asked me to tell you it, this fucking whore?

But about the real reason why I intended to join the Marine except I got kidnapped and being left here, I wanted to train to better myself, to serious, not childish anymore. 

I also wanted to love my country more by being trained in discipline and learning about the brotherhoods in the military, my dream was to join Navy Seals Special force to serve my homeland. 

Another reason was I loved to touch, to know about real guns because I was still 16, not the legal age to buy guns outside, Kaori and Amanda always hid their guns so I could not find those things to try.

Maybe I should say to Kaori something more dramatic, what should I say...okay!

"Sir, the reason I joined the Marine Corps is that I want to serve my homeland and also to kill the enemy of my homeland!"

"No one joins the military if they are not patriots, except the country that has the mandatory military service, Private Rigen! The things you talked about all of the recruits Marines, even a 3 years old child can even know."

"But the last line you said, you joined the Marines Corps to kill the enemy of your homeland, so you are a serial killer, a killing machine?"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!"

"Let me see your war face!" - What? Did Kaori just imitate the things on Full Metal Jacket?

" mean..."

"Every soldier on the earth, even the Marines is trained to kill the enemies without mercy, without regret and hesitation, a Marine will show his war face if he is satisfied after killing someone." 

"Every Marine is trained to kill, to enjoy the smell of war, if a Marine hesitates to kill his enemy, he will die a stupid death."

"A retard like you don't even know how to show a war face, let me show you." - Kaori suddenly shut her mouth as if she was taking her momentum to yell at me

"Rarrrrrrggh!" - Kaori changed her facial expression, her face was very aggressive and her shout was like a thunderstorm, it shook me, I was scared to hear it

"Now show me your war face, Private Rigen!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I yelled as loud as I could to make a war face

"Bullshit, that's not a war face! That is nothing but a loud moan of a beta gay girl! You can't make me scared a shit, shout it again!" 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" - I yelled louder while heading my mouth toward Kaori to let my saliva fly to her face

"Bullshit, that moan can't even make an ant scared! Practice showing your war face more until your vocal cords break, your mouth dries like the desert and your tongue breaks in half."

"Keep working on it, we will head to our training now, Private Rigen!" 

"You won't have a zero second to rest when I'm your Drill Instructor so don't complain but keep training until you graduate!"

"Sir! Yes! Sir!"

I didn't think my Marine basic training would have happened like this, no recruits brothers to train beside me but alone here with a woman that I hated, my first adopted mom.