Boston, May 23d, 1845
Ownest Dearest,
I write this little note in order to warn thee in due season that I shall not be at home till Monday. Hillard has made an engagement for me with Longfellow for Sunday; so that, without disappointing both of those worthies exceedingly, I cannot come away sooner. Belovedest, I love thee a million times as much every hour that I stay away from thee; and my heart swells toward thee like a mighty flood. Also, I have a yearning for our little Una; and whenever I go, and with whomsoever I am talking, the thought of thee and her is ever present with me. God bless thee! What a happy home we have. That is the knowledge that I gain by staying away from thee. 152
I saw thy mother this forenoon. She told me that Elizabeth had gone to Concord this morning.
Remember me to "Our Boarder."
In utmost haste,
Thine Ownest Husband.
Mrs. Sophia A. Hawthorne,
Concord, Mass.