Chapter 133: Complains And Obsession

Chapter 129: Complains And Obsession

Shera's perspective - Keris Imperial Academy

3 days have passed and now I was resting in my room after a day of studying. In the previous 3 days, John only went to school at night to teach me, he seemed very busy when was doing both a tutor job and a part-time job.

Sigh... about John's purpose, he wanted to overthrow my brother, though that was what I hated...I would follow John till the end. I hope John would promise me well, I hoped he would overthrow my brother in peace.

My mind was a bit tired when I kept thinking about the uprising, I didn't have the mood to change my school uniform to my casual clothes.

"Shera, let's go, we will open a small party in the tea shop today!" - A loud voice call me, that person opened my room's door

I looked back to see who that was and noticed those were Sasa, Akane, Raptu and a little girl who was sitting on Raptu's shoulders. The little girl who was sitting on Raptu's shoulders was Erissen - our junior, she and Raptu seemed very friendly to each other.

"Eh... what's wrong, Shera?" - I'm tired, Sasa, leave me alone!

We have made up our minds to make a small party in the tea shop that I and my friends always get there to read books and eat. But now I was very tired so I would not go, I would refuse my friends at once.

"I'm sorry but I won't go with you guys... too tired, please open the party without me."

"Heh? You broke up with your bodyguard or what, Shera?" - Shut up, Sasa!

"Please don't say bad words, Miss Sasa...Miss Shera seems to want to be alone." - Eris, thank you!

"Then I will let you alone...Shera - sama." - Akane bowed to me

"Miss Shera, if you need any help, please tell us." - Thank you, Raptu

"Yeah... have a nice party."

"Goodbye, Shera!" - My classmates and my junior said goodbye to me and then walked out of my room to head to the tea shop

I felt a bit better after pressing my face to my study table, my brother, his guards, his servants and his officials had gone to Washrun to hold a meeting. The Palace would be guarded outside by the guards but no one would guard inside, only John, Sarah and Ms. Sherry stay inside there.

I hope John would spend his time visiting me today, he must have been very tired so I must relieve him. John said his mind had a disease named PTSD, which made him nervous and panicked, even agitated if he remembered bad things in the past.

Though I didn't know much about the disease John was carrying but I would do my best to cure him...sigh...I want to see John.

I heard the door opening so I looked at the door and I saw Reimi and John had gone inside my room and were standing beside each other. I had ordered Reimi to return to protect John yesterday, she had stayed with him all day.

To think about Reimi, who always had the chance to hang around with John, it made me jealous madly. Though I think John would not cheat on me but Reimi would highly have a chance to steal John away from me...I should calm down.

"My Highness, I will guard outside, please enjoy your time with Sir Rigen." - Reimi said to me and then walked outside, closed the door and stood guard

The room had only had two of us, John walked toward me with a bit of tired in his walk and then he sat beside me.

"Hello, Princess...sigh!!!" - John made a long sigh as if he was very tired these days

"Hello...John...may I help you something, husband?" - I held John's hands

John slowly pressed his face to my boobs and then sniffed me non-stop, my husband was so perverted. But if I can make John happy then I would be happy similar to him...

"Sniff! Sniff! Sniff! Sniffing your sweet smell can make my stress go away, Princess." - John hugged me tighter while pressing his face to my boobs to sniff my body

I slowly patted John's head, he was so cute, my husband was very cute...he was holding me with his muscular arms, how powerful.

"John, if you have any problems, please tell me, I will do my best to help you." - I kept patting John's head and John later raised his head to look at me

"Shera...may I complain to you something?"

"Say anything you want to say, John."

John hugged me tighter and both of us made a sweet kiss, John's face was always serious so he was now trying to lose it.

"Please don't mad or hate me about what I'm about to say to you, Shera."

"I will try, John..."

"Well, I have to say honestly that I'm a bad husband and also a bad dad, Shera."

"In the previous future, you and I lived in a jungle that had many monsters."

"So I always went on patrol mostly from the dawn till the night, sometimes I scolded you heavily because I was stressed."

"I didn't stay with you long, Shera...I'm a bad husband for not taking care of you."

"But you still cared about me well though I am a bad husband, thank you, wife." - John hugged me tight

"Okay, okay...that's the past, John! Please forget it, you can change it in our next future." - I kissed John and both of us kept holding our hands

"I also didn't care Eris - our daughter, Shera...only you raised her..."

"I always patrolled...I'm so irresponsible to be your lover, Shera."

"When I saw you two got killed, that was the time I precious you two the most."

"But you and Eris had died, that was too late for me to apologize, I'm sorry." - John pressed his face to my boobs again and then cried like a child

I kept head patting John non-stop, John seemed very wanted to care about me but he didn't know how to do it. John must not be regretted saying that, he was brave to say those words, I could see John was very responsible.

"Is there anything you want to complain about more, John? I would hear all of your complaints."

"Please forgive me, I have done many bad things to you and our daughter, please forgive me, my wife." - You didn't do anything, are innocent

"I forgive you, baby you are...I will cure you." - I kissed John's hair and then noticed that he kept hugging me as if he didn't want to be away from me

I also didn't want to be away from John but he was hugging my body so tight, that it made me a bit struggled to breathe.

"John...please hold me lightly, I will struggle to breathe if you keep hugging me tightly."

"I'm very sorry..." - John hugged me lightly, I always loved to be hugged by his muscular arms, which made me happy and excited 

"Can you tell me about our daughter - Eris? How cute she was, John?"

"My wife...Eris was similar to you, our daughter had the same hair color as you, her eyes shape were similar to you." - John held tight my hands as if to heat up our relationship though we were always in a good relationship 

"Our daughter was very clever as same as you, my wife... luckily that Eris was not like me in the intelligence, I'm a stupid pathetic." - Why did you scold yourself, John?

"John, why did you scold yourself?"

"I'm truly pathetic and stupid, Shera! My first mom is right, I'm stupid, truly pathetic, lazy and also irresponsible."

"John, John...please calm down, you are smart, you are a responsible man, a good husband, you are very heartful, don't underestimate yourself because of your bad mom's words." - I hugged John very tight to comfort him

Why did John's mom scold him so heavily? She even made him think he was a loser, John was very heartful and kind, poor him.

"I'm not smart, Shera! I only have this muscle body, only have it as my only advantage to bully the other people, I'm truly stupid, a retard, my mom is true to say me like that." - John, you are smart!

"John, you are smart, without you, Eris would not be smart if she only had me as her are smart, you are smart." - I kept patting John's head

"I'm not smart, Shera! I'm not smart at all! I'm just a stupid and a fucking pathetic!" - John suddenly shoved me but he managed to calm down to reduce his force

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me, Shera..." - John stayed away from me and then cowered himself to a wall nearby

Reimi had already stepped inside but she was still waiting for my order, I would try to use my talks to calm John down. John must have thought he was stupid according to hearing his mother's words, those bad words made John obsessed and thought he was a loser.

John is not a loser, he is smart, he may not as smart as me he always tried to be better, I must comfort John.

"John...calm down, please." - I slowly stepped toward John with my wide hands, I would hug him, I would cure his trauma

"I'm a loser, Shera...I'm not smart at all, I'm just a loser who always complains about my struggle in life..." - John's tears have dropped a bit, I must heal him

"You are smart and brave to complain, John...please calm down, your mom is nothing, you are the best." - John seemed cautious at me so I also stepped toward him but a bit slower to not let him agitated

"I'm always obsessed to have a happy life like the others...I'm very jealous to see the people have things that I don't have!" - John held his head while complaining 

"I hate you, Shera! I hate you, how can you live so happy, huh!" - John pointed his finger at me and scolded me, maybe he was trying to release his negative thoughts in this way

"I saw myself weaker than the others, I had a long time obsessed to have a muscular body...I did it and now I want more!" 

"I'm very obsessed about the things the others have but I don't have, I also hate the people who are better, smarter than me!" - John kept raising his hands and showing his anger to complain

"I only say those things in my mind and now I said them out, I don't want to complain because only the losers complain but I'm truly a loser!" - I was very close to John's position now, I must help him!

"I hate to see the other ones happier than me! Why did gods create me to let me have suffered!"

"Now I want to rule! I want to revenge! I want to manipulate, to use the others to show I'm the best, all of the people will have to kneel before me! I will let all of them suffer!"

"I'm not smart...I'm a stupid, a retard, a pathetic, a lazy and also an irresponsible, I'm not worthy to be a human." - John sat depressedly on the floor and looked at me

I slowly crouched down and hugged John while widening my hands, I would cure you, husband, you will live in happiness.

"Shera... my world is very bad, its society is chaos now... everybody is emotionless." - I should know more about John's world to heal him  

"I had been forced to fight in Afghanistan, I got home with the harassment from my homeland's people."

"The crowds scolded me and even scolded many veterans, the people who fought and died for their homeland because we killed people in that place."

"Not all of our soldiers caused war crimes but the social media keeps exaggerating our actions so the veterans are not welcome home at all."

"There are many people in my world who need more help than me but my world's society doesn't have sympathy."

"Many veterans died and cannot get their corpses home, the returns will mostly handicapped and see their wives cheat on them."

"Worse than that, the veterans who returned without handicapped would get PTSD, they will dream about their dead buddies and other nightmares they saw in the wars they fought."

"The veterans are not well treated, they will live with their nightmares till they die, when their families and their friends leave them, they will kill themselves to end their sufferings."

"The veterans have to go through the things that most of the people who scolded them don't have."

"I fought through Afghanistan but I don't see myself as a veteran but I have sympathy for them, I fought with those soldiers and saw them die many times."

"I don't have much care about my homeland, I don't see I'm a patriot but I will stand up to fight when my homeland needs me."

"I pay all respects to all veterans from any countries, even my homeland's enemy, all of us are fighting for our own ideology."

"But the netizens, they don't know any shit, they think wars are just video games."

"I don't know why till these days, many people on the internet can make words to mock the soldiers who sacrificed themselves by charging into the warzones."

"Scared of dying, scared of killing people, huh? Then don't join the army, the army doesn't need those cowards."

"The soldiers who talk about their mental health are just pussy."

"The old soldiers never complained once but the today soldiers complained too much."

"Just kill an enemy but why the soldiers are so coward, not even dare to kill him..."

"The medals are easy to achieve, just need to rage and kill the enemies."

"Can you believe it, Princess? Those netizens can speak out those words without using their brains!"

"They must be veterans from Call of Duty or Battlefield, they don't know any shit about real wars."

"If they think killing people is easy and the soldiers are required to not be scared of death then they are pieces of shit!"

"Only the psychopaths don't have any regrets or hesitations on killing, I went home and was shot by my mom."

You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at

"Not just that, I have to sleep with both eyes open because when I sleep, I will hear the dying yells from my buddies and the disturbing scenes I saw in Afghanistan!"

"It took me 5 years to do take psychology treatment to sleep normally."

"I remembered the war and wished to come back to the warzones to fight to forget who I am."

"When Russia invaded Ukraine, I was about to go there to fight but both of my moms locked me..."

"I thought about... killing myself many times but I never made it... because I was too coward to suicide..."

"But both of my moms made me have the hope to live, I hate my first mom but she would stop being strict to care about me when I have problems."

"I keep living till this day... to find the reason why I have to live, now I found it."

"I have to live to take care of you and our children, Shera...I also have to take care of the others." - John looked at Reimi at the time he has done his line 

"The thing I wish now is to have a happy life like you two's, but the war scenes and the scold scenes in my mind keep haunting me." - John slowly pressed his face to my chest and then cried again

Though there were strange words from John's story that I didn't know but to me, I understood most of his feelings. John was always trying to be friendly to all of the people he knew, he wanted to have a good family.

John...I will be your family, I will heal your trauma, you won't see those bad scenes anymore, not anymore.

I hugged John tight and patted his head, Reimi also stepped toward John and hugged him alongside me. Though Reimi was expressing her love feeling toward John but I would forgive her this time, John was the most important to me.

" are smart, you are took you a lot of courage to complain, you know?"

John kept crying so I and Reimi kept hugging and patting him for minutes, I would do anything to help John.

John seemed to stop crying now but his tears were remaining, I must calm down John, my husband needed help.

"Kiss!" - I kissed John

Seemed like John was still sad after kissing me, I must do something to heal him... what should I do?

John suddenly stood up and surprised us, Reimi held John's hand, I also held his other hand while standing up. John pointed his head toward the door, he wanted to go outside with his trauma still with him or what?

"John, where are you doing? Please stay here." - John kept looking at the door, what were his thoughts right now? Did he lose his mind?

"Sir Rigen, please stay here with me and Her Highness, please stay with us." - Reimi held John's hand tighter to stop him from going outside

"Yeah, John... please stay here with us, this is where you belong, let me heal your wound." - John kept looking at the door

"There is a thing...I must do...Shera, Reimi." - John slowly shook our hands out of his hands

"Where are you thinking you are going, John? Please stay here."

"You must have permission from Her Highness if you want to go, Sir Rigen." - Reimi used her body to block the door and widened her hands to stop John from going outside

I slowly walked toward John from behind, I would hold him to heal him, I must persuade him to stay here at all costs. 

"I will return soon, Shera...Reimi...I don't think about suicide, don't worry." - John turned around and patted my head

"But John...your trauma hasn't been healed yet."

"Heal it later, now I have things to do for you." 


"Please let me go, Shera."

"Please promise me that you would return, okay?"

"I will, I promise." - I was still worried about John but I didn't want to disobey him, I must agree

"Please return soon, John..."

John patted my head and then kissed me again, he later walked outside when I made a sign to tell Reimi to get away from the door.

I hope John would be alright, he walked outside and I pressed my face to my study table to wait for him to return. 

An hour had passed since John got out of school to do something that I didn't know. I was so stupid to let him get away, John would be in danger when his trauma was still with him.

I was so nervous and I immediately stood up and walked fast to the door, I must find John before bad things happen to him. I walked outside with the surprise from Reimi, her face also showed nervous as mine, we must find John.

"Reimi, we must find John."

"Understood, my Highness...but where should we go to find Sir Rigen?"

"Follow me, I don't know where to go but stick with me, we must find John fast."

"Understood, my Highness." - Reimi was supposed to take the lead to protect me but now I would take the lead to find John

"Run fast with me, Reimi."

"Yes, my Highness." 

Both of us immediately ran fast out of the hallways, the other students' private rooms were empty because most of the students didn't attend to live in school. My classmates had already gone outside to open the party so only me and Reimi in these hallways, the teachers' private rooms were gathered on the ground floor.

I ran with Reimi for s bit farther and when we were on the first floor of the school, a figure walked up the stairs and faced us. That was John, he was holding two brown bags that seemed to be carrying something, John kept walking until he reached us with the bags in his hands.

"I told you to wait, Shera, Reimi... let's get back to your room." - John smiled at us and then we walked with him back to my room

What were the things inside the brown bags that John was carrying?

"John, what is the thing inside the bags?"

John didn't answer but only opened a big smile at me, he later walked normally as if he was happy. As I could see, John had finally normal, maybe after crying and complaining, his mind had calmed down.

But I was still worried about John, he would be normal at this time but not at other times, I must be always with John. I forgot that John was carrying two bags with his hands, I must help John to carry the bags, I didn't want to miserable him.


"Sir Rigen, please let me carry the bags for you." - Reimi said to John, her voice overwhelming mine

"No, no, no! You two please walk like normal, I want to make you two a surprise." - John said to us and then the three of us walked back to our room

When we walked back to our room, John put two brown bags on my bed and lose a bag rope. He later took out blue dress, blue was my favorite color, John bought this dress for me, my husband is so kind!

John hung the blue dress near me to measure me with it, the dress was a little wide for me. But I didn't need luxury things, I only need John, maybe he was trying to express his thank to me but...he should have stayed with me to let me comfort him instead.

"Though this dress is a bit wide but I hope you will love to wear it, Shera." - John later patted my head

"Thank you, John." - I slowly took the dress from John's hands, I must make him please

Then John pulled out another dress from the other bag, this dress was also luxurious, it was a red dress. John later hung the red dress toward...Reimi...why did he dare to give my servant that dresses!

Why did my husband do that? He dared to cheat on me in front of me? I must...I must calm down, this must be a misunderstanding.

Yeah, John would faithful with me till the end, I must not suspect him, I must believe my husband.

"I hope you won't mind me giving your servant a present, Shera." - I'm sorry, John, I have doubted you!

"Reimi's dedication should be well rewarded, I hope you won't mind, my wife." - Maybe I should not jealous too madly, John and Reimi would not have any suspicious acts

"Ohhh...this one is fit Reimi's appearance." - Why did I feel the very frustrating feeling? I was madly jealous but I tried to calm myself down

"Thank you, Sir Rigen." - Reimi slowly took the dress from John's hands, I hate Reimi, she would steal John away from me so I must be careful with her

John after giving Reimi the dress, he walked toward me and patted my head, I wanted my husband to pat me forever.

"I'm sorry, my student, I will be busy tonight so I won't have time to teach you." - That's okay, John!

"John, about your PTSD..."

"I'm better now, Shera! Don't ask me about it anymore, I just want to be alone with you."

"I will let you two have time, Sir Rigen, my Highness." - Reimi slowly got outside and then closed the door

"I cannot sleep overnight here with you but I will stay with you as long as possible, okay, Shera?"

"Of course, John..."

Both of us later sat on the bed and then held our hands, talked about fun things or just simply stayed silent while feeling our love. I and John sometimes kiss each other but we were trying to not let our desires control us, we enjoyed our lovely night.

This time according to John's watch was 10:57 PM, quite late and now John was about to head back to the Palace.

"See you tomorrow, Princess! Good night." - John patted me and then both of us were closed to each other

"Kiss!" - John was so sweet when he kissed me

"Good night, John...please come here tomorrow soon."

Both of us waved to each other and then John walked outside to head back to the Palace alone. I hope I could heal John's trauma completely through all of the love I made for him.

Rigen's perspective

I walked back to the Palace and now was standing at Sherry's room's door, inside the Palace had no one but me, Sarah and Sherry. Shera was an angel when she healed me but I could not stay with her for so long, I must not let the chance to manipulate Sherry pass away. 

Sarah was now sleeping in her room, I would take this chance to blackmail Sherry, she would be used to make Hoster give his throne to me.

"Knock! Knock! Ms. Sherry, are you still awake?" - I knocked on the door to call Sherry, I hope she was still awake

I waited for a few seconds and then the door has been opened, Sherry opened the door with her pink glasses newly placed in her eyes. Sherry didn't wear her sleeping dress but still wore her white blouse, why did she stay up late?

"Hello, tutor John! What do you need from me this late?"

"I'm sorry for calling you this late, Ms. Sherry, I forgot my belonging in the King's room so I want to get in there to get back my stuff."

"Alright, only I have permission to carry the King's room key, please wait for me a bit, tutor John." - Sherry rushed into her room and then searched for the key

After grabbing the key, Sherry closed the door and then looked at me.

"Follow me, tutor John." - Sherry took the lead and I walked behind her, I would use this advantage to attack Sherry 

We walked past many hallways and now we had stood on the King's room door, Sherry was putting the key on the lock to unlock the door.

"Why did you stay up so late, Ms. Sherry?"

"I'm waiting for His Majesty to return, I think he would return here tomorrow noon but I must make sure he must return completely and then I will be fine to sleep."

Sherry unlocked the door and then opened it, she walked in first so I assaulted her from behind.

I grabbed Sherry's neck powerfully and she resisted, she pulled out a thing from her pocket and I disarmed her hands and took her weapon.

"What's it? A magic stick, huh?" - I dropped the magic stick on the floor, it would be dangerous if Sherry attacks me with this thing

"What are you doing, tutor John!"

"Shhh...if you dare to yell, you die...woman."

"Sherry, sleep with me tonight, serve me like like your King in this room, swear to me you will obey me till you die...if you resist, Hoster will die..."

I would rape Sherry here, I would enslave her to become my slave, I would steal the other one's women right here and show myself as her King, so excited...