Chapter 132: Leave The Throne (Part 1)
Hatano had come back and she was now letting Sarah lie on her thighs, that girl had already greeted me so I would greet her. I was worried about Hatano because she seemed very lack sleep, I would order her to sleep when I was about to get out of the room
"Good to see you again, Hatano
Hatano didn't say anything but kept patting Sarah's head, she patted her little sister a lot as if she very much missed Sarah after a week without seeing her. Hatano later put Sarah on her pillow and patted her again and then walked to the chair to grab her Alrotz bag, why did she do tha
Hatano put two Alrotz bags on the floor and then pointed to me and the chair as if to tell me to sit on it, I walked to the chair and sat down, Hatano later sat on a chair beside m
"You seem a bit stink Hatano, when was the last time you took a bath?" - Hatano's uniform was so stinking as if she didn't take a bath for da
"I will...bathe...when I wake up again..
"But Commander...please head to...the main part
"Do you still remember the world war 3 story...that you told me...when we jail
"Of course, why did you ask me
"What happened in that world...
"You died...umm, nothing, you died there, both Sarah and you died there, only me survived
"You told me that I had told you...about Sarah's death...was that the only story...that I told you...before I died
"Did I ever tell you...about my father's disappearance...Commander
"Yes, you had told me about it
Hatano after hearing me, she pulled out something that was stored inside her Alrotz bag, she took out magazines that had the same size as the M4 Carbine's magazines, where did she take these bullet
Not yet, I counted the gun magazines that Hatano placed on the table nearby and noticed there were 20 magazines for the M4s. Hatano also pulled out 10 more magazines from her Alrotz bag and placed them on the table, the magazines' sizes seemed to be used for bigger bullets siz
I touched a magazine that was used for the bigger bullet size and noticed this magazine was used for Hatano's sniper rifle - M21, where did she take this stuf I remembered that my M4's magazines were supposed to run out when I slaughtered 200 assassins but why my bullets were still many, my memory had a gap but why I didn't kno
Hatano later pulled out a roll of paper that seemed to be a map or something like that, she handed me the roll, I took it and opened the roll. When I opened the roll of paper, I noticed that there was a very big map that seemed to be this world's map, there were words that were written on the map to guide m
I saw that 24 Kingdoms had different colors that could be distinguished on the map. Some Kingdoms were located on 5 different continents, there were black regions on the map which were called the No Man Zon
There was a big line of the border on the map called Snow border and the Kingdom above it was called the Demon Kingdom, these two details reminded me of something. As I could remember well, I had lived with Shera and my little daughter - Eris in a plain called Diva which was located in the Demon Kingdom's territory, my memory only had that much, I didn't remember anything els
Now I could see Warsaw's territory, it was small compared to the other Kingdoms, I had read a bit of Warsaw's history so I knew the reason. Around Warsaw were its previous territories which now belonged to Attenta Kingdom as its vassal state
Wait... this map was so familiar, I rotated the map and noticed the entire map was the entire Europe continent's map...interestin
I would keep this map in my Alrotz bag and would pull it out to see when I have time, maybe I should order Hatano to sleep now. But at first, I must ask her about the magazines she found and also have to ask her about this ma
"Hatano, where did you take these magazines?" - I pointed at the magazines to let Hatano s
"At...village don't remember?" - Hatano tilted her he
"I forgot, can you tell me
"I'm sleepy now...I will...tell it to you...when I wake up.
"Okay...but can I ask one more question, Hatano
"Nod!" - Hatano nodded, she seemed very tir
"Where did you get this map? What is this map mean? At least explain to me about something
"Euro Grant map...I teleported from Zaira to Ashura...and bought it..
From what I could remember, Hatano was going to find her father in this world, maybe she hadn't found him, poor he
"Ashura was...the farthest place that I could go to...I could not find my father..." - Hatano looked at space and seemed very bored at her failu
"Hatano, don't worry, you may find your father someday, don't give up
"Thank you...John Rigen...I don't think I will have to...thank an American like you...tch
"The war's over for decades, Hatano! We are allies now, stop ignoring and hate me, I took care of Sarah very well when you were away, you know?" - I didn't know what the hell I was sayi
Sarah would cry and report to her big sis about what I had down to her for a week sooner or later but...I would not hate her, I think an asshole like me must be punished to be better.
Wait...why did the way
think make myself a masochist? And why did Hatano keep staring at me
"Commander...the thing I'm about to say is not... relate to the thing we are saying...may I say it
"Yeah, speak it up
"About said to me last night." - The night that I blackmailed Sherry? What did I say to Hatan
"You asked me if I want to make love...with you...or you remember, John
"I said that when I lost my control...please forget it." - I would bang Hatano if she let me do it but I must let my dick rest for a week now, I don't want to die stupid on the b
"If your dick was smaller...I would willing to have sex... with you, John
"Your dick is big, strong, rough and very aggressive spurted out so soon in only 1 to 4 minutes or even half a minute...very pathetic
Well, I got premature ejaculation and that problem hasn't been fixed yet.
Because I always breathe like a beast while having sex but never control my breath to keep my time longer, but at least I could spurt out many time
"You counted my cum times while watching the footage or what?" - I thought Hatano was a serious girl but she seemed very perverted and same as m
"I always do it... before masturbating..." - This girl was so morbid, but I suddenly love to stay with Hatano this entire night for some reaso
"But...Commander, your dick...regains very quick...and can cum out large amounts of semen...that's what I scared of
"You also treated women very bad in bed...I won't have sex with you...if you keep doing it rough, Commander
"If I can have sex with you...all I to do is to be gentle...with me...John Rigen
"Why did you say about this, Hatano
"I masturbated...after turning off the call...I have a bit interested in you now...John
"What do you mean, girl
"I praised you...Commander, now I want to sleep...excuse me." - Hatano put her Alrotz bag on the chair and bowed to me, she later slowly headed back to the bed to sleep with Sar
"When I can have sex with you, Hatano?" - I wanted to make a joke with Hatano a bit, hope she would sleep we
"When your cock gets smaller...or when the US troops get out of my homeland..
Hatano sat on the bed and she suddenly held her spine, her face kept expressing as if she was very miserable but she didn't yell or moan, Hatano endured her pai
"What's wrong with your back, Hatano
"The Alrotz bag...helps us to carry more weight but the impact...on our back would be heavier...if we store too much weight and wear it for too long
Hatano said those words to me and then lied on the bed and hugged Sarah to sleep, I would let Hatano rest this entire day, she was so tired to wor
"Oyasumi (good night), Hatano! I would let you rest the entire day." - I whispered to Hata
Hatano had gone to sleep very deep at the time her head touched the pillow, I would let the M4's magazines here. I didn't need to equip more ammo for my weapon this time
I would head to this room again to ask Hatano about the map and the things that I forgot later, my memory seemed to have a big gap but I didn't notice. I got out of the room and slowly closed the door, I headed back to my room with the map in my hand, I must sleep well to join the King's court toda
But wait, why did Advisor stay silent this entire da
"Stop disturbing me, John! I was sleeping!" - Aha, this AI knew how to be laz
I put the map on the table and then put Advisor nearby the map after turning it off, I would let Advisor rest today too, didn't need to use it this tim
I later got on the bed and pressed my face to the pillow to take a good nap because my mind was spinning around, I would calm it down after sleepin
I had finally woken up but my mind was still spinning, I looked at my watch and noticed this time was 5:46 AM, later than I expected. I slowly got down from the bed and then grabbed my clothes from the closet, I walked outside after tha
Maybe I should greet my subordinates...I think I would do that after joining the King's court. I must be fast to head to the dining room to have breakfast with Hoste
Though I could only stand and listen in the King's court and could not have a right to talk but I would do my best to gather intel. I walked into the restroom to solve my problems and then walked to the bathroom to solve the other problems before heading to the dining roo
I walked into the dining room with the greet from Hoster from far away, he waved to me when I was walking toward him. I hope Hoster would not know about Sherry's story, I was wondering if Sherry was enough confident to sue me or not, I hope she would stay silen
"Hello, Your Majesty." - I greeted Hoster and then sat opposite h
Hoster held a book and was reading it but he kept sighing non-stop as if he was very bored to read, we were waiting for our breakfast. General Dunkel was sitting beside Hoster and he was also greeted by bowing toward me when I sat down, Dunkel didn't speak a wor
"Do we have something to discuss today, tutor John?" - Why did you ask me, Hoste
"What do you have to discuss, Your Majesty
"Sherry...she behaved quite strange when I returned." - Maybe I have stepped on a mine, I must calm down, Hoster said to me like that, which meant he hadn't known anything ye
"What's strange...about your tutor, Your Majesty
"The first thing happened when I returned, Sherry told me that her magic stick is gone mysteriously." - I took her magic sti
The magic stick that I took from the killer with the one that I took from Sherry had been stored inside my Alrotz bag. I was figuring out how to use it because I tried to use the killer's magic stick - which could be used by anyone who touches it, I tried to use it in my room but faile
Maybe I would bring the magic stick to Shera to ask her how to use i
"I'm sorry if there was a thief intruded here when you were away, Your Majesty.
"No, tutor John! Sherry said there was no thief, she lost it before that night." - So Sherry was willing to obey me? No...I would say that she was scared of me so she didn't speak a word to Host
"Also...Sherry went away from the Palace for hours yesterday and she returned with a bag of blue pills
"Each hour, Sherry would take a pill, I'm worried about her, she may have an illness but she didn't let me know." - I think those pills were the birth control pil
"But Sherry said to me that she's fine, I hope she would be alright." - I only hope that 4 times spurting semen would not enough to make her get pregnan
After talking, we looked around the dining room to watch if the maids had already come here to serve us breakfast or not. Hoster kept staring at me for some reason, I was wondering what his head was thinkin
"Tutor John, you don't have anything to say with my little sister
"Princess is very lusted to love me, I'm wondering how to calm her down though her study's progress is still fine
"That's so? It's good because my dear little sister is very happy, be more intimate with her, tutor John." - I would have had sex and made Shera give birth if I didn't care about her young age, brother-in-la
Both of us kept looking at each other again, Hoster seemed to want to talk to me about something but he didn't speak a word. I would eat breakfast and then join the King's court to hear Hoster's and the officials' discussion, I was wondering how was the result of the meeting in Washrun wa
After hearing the discussions in the King's court, I would head back to my room to examine the map and then I would bring it to my subordinates' room to discuss with them. After discussing with my subordinates, I would head outside to date Reimi, I would date Reimi fast but would make her date very lovely, I must concentrate on gathering intel after datin
"Your Majesty, may I ask you about Washrun meeting? How is it results? Would the ceremony be closed or would be held again?
Hoster looked around and then looked at me as if he didn't want to let anyone knows about the meeting's resul
"Tutor John, do not fuss this information out to anyone, only the officials or the King's servants are allowed to know about this
"Okay, Your Majesty
"The ceremony would be continued as always, though it would be held secretly..." - What? How did the rulers be so stupid? They didn't scare their Kingdoms would be destroyed or the Demon Lord slaughter the
"You people didn't learn from the annihilated Kingdom? The Demon Lord even warned us to kill the entire humans if we keep doing the ceremony
"Calm down, tutor John...the meeting was very well guarded, the information would not be fussed out to the people easily
"But if another explosion happens again in the next ceremony..." - The rulers in these Kingdoms were so stupid
"The next ceremony would be held underground, we would ask the Goddess's permission before making another ceremony
"We cannot find the hero so that's the only way for us is to keep the ceremony continue in silence, tutor John.
"But would the Kings in those Kingdoms react if the Demon Lord truly invades us
"The elven leaders and the Beastmen's leaders have made up their decision is to ignore us if the Demon Lord attacks us." - Well, choosing to hold the ceremony would like the way digging a grave for all of
"We would ask the alliance from the Dwarves and the Ashura people though Dwarves are always neutral and mostly trade with demons and the Ashura government is the ally of the Demons
"If we don't have any allies, we would have to fight alone...but don't worry, tutor John
"The meeting was well guarded and the leaders of the Kingdoms are very silent, the demons would not know anything." - Time will tell, Hoste
"Anyway, the meeting in Washrun was quite odd, tutor John." - Why did Hoster say to me thi
"Tell me, Your Majesty
You are reading story A Soldier Got Lost In Another World at
"The meeting has been held in a forest with dense trees, during the meeting, there were 5 to 6 bats that stood on the trees nearby our meeting table
"Our guards and the elves' guards were very annoyed at the bats but those were only standing in the trees and didn't harm us so we spared them
What a strange story! I was wondering what should I ask Hoster because he had done talk but when I was about to as him, the maids came. Those maids walked to our seats and put the dishes and the eating tools on the table, they later went out of the dining room after bowing to u
Hoster and Dunkel slowly grabbed their spoons and their forks to eat, I also grabbed a spoon and was about to eat. Hoster kept looking at me as if he wanted to ask me about something, I stopped eating to hear hi
"What do you want to speak, Your Majesty
"The court's discussion would be a bit late when I have to study after having breakfast, I have a big announcement at the meeting, I would announce it to all officials
"What do you want to announce, Your Majesty
"I would tell you during the King's court, tutor John! Now fill out bellies first
Hoster said that so I kept eating, if the time of the court was late then I would send a letter to Reimi to tell her that I would delay our date for a few hours. After eating, I bowed to Hoster to say goodbye and then walked back to my room to grab the map, I would examine it a bit further before going to meet Hatan
Hoster's perspecti
After having breakfast, Rigen had gone back to his room to do his own things. About me, I walked straight into my room and then went to study right away, what a tiring thing to do, I didn't want to lear
My study table was full of books from other subjects that the Prime Minister brought to me. This cunning Prime Minister must be crazy, how could I read all of these books in day
If there were different and new ways to teach, I would be interested in studying, but the things which were appearing in my eyes now were only books and words. This way of teaching was very boring to me, not just boring but also made me want to sleep, luckily that Sherry was sitting beside me, only she made me want to wake u
Sherry...gulp! The first thing she asked me when I returned was "Your Majesty, do you see my working uniform? I lost it.
Sherry had 10 working uniforms in her room's closet, I stole one and masturbated with it when I had done the meeting in Washrun. Sherry's smell on her clothes was so good, my semen kept spurting out and stuck in her clothes while thinking about her, my Goddess was the one I love the mos
Ahem! Sherry was looking at me when she was helping me to do the paperwork
I would have to do both things to read books and to solve the paperwork, which taxes papers but Sherry was helping me to solve the taxes so I was now reading the book
The King's room had no guards or maids inside now, I ordered this room must have no people so there were just me, Sherry and Dunkel inside the room. If I ordered Dunkel to get out of this room, there would be only me and Sherry here, we would be here alone and I would.
I knew a bit about how to make love but I didn't know if Sherry was willing to love me or not if I confess to her. I would not force Sherry to love me, I wanted to let her free and volunteer about that problem, I would confess to Sherry when the right time come
Sherry just had taken another pill a few minutes ago, I was wondering why did she drink those pills, she didn't tell me what was wrong with her, I hope my Goddess would be alrigh
"What's wrong, Your Majesty?" - Sherry asked me when she noticed that I kept staring at her, her face was a bit red now, how cut
"Nothing, Sherry." - I targeted my eyes to the book to keep readi
Ahhhh, my head kept thinking about sleeping when my eyes kept looking at the words in the books. I noticed there was a Shogun chess board that was placed on the nearby table, I would relax a bit with it before heading to study again
I slowly closed the book in my hands and put it slowly on the table with a surprise from Sherry. General Dunkel was sticking his back to a wall, maybe he had already known my purpose but kept waiting until I give him the orde
"Sigh... let's rest a bit." - I looked at Dunk
"Dunkel, bring me the Shogun chess, play with me a bit
"Understood, Your Majesty." - Dunkel bowed toward me and then headed to the table that was placed the chess board and the che
Sherry suddenly pointed her head toward me, she seemed a bit frustrated but later calmed down, she straightened her face and looked at m
"Your Majesty, work hard is the key to success, playing too much is useless and a waste of time." - Sherry, work hard would make no difference with that cunning sna
"Now the court and the entire army have been held by that old cunning Prime Minister, lazy or work hard would make no difference, Sherry
"But if you be willing to be controlled then the other lords and the officials in your court would not respect and follow you anymore, Your Majesty
"Please pay attention, Your Majesty! The Prime Minister does not let you have much control in the court because you're too inexperienced to rule
"But if you can show to that old man that you have your own strategy on the ruling, he would change his look at you and let you do the court without him, Your Majesty
"Then what can you help me to do that, Sherry
"Please listen carefully to the words I'm about to say to you and remember them by heart, Your Majesty." - I would remember all of the things you say to me, my Goddes
"Your Majesty, our Warsaw's ideal is to unify our previous regions under a flag but our homeland is struggling in starvation, to do everything, we must have the people's trust
"Uhh...Your Majesty?" - Dunkel was in my sight while holding a Shogun chessboa
"Playing is useless, Dunkel! I want to learn." - I looked at Sherry agai
"It's good that you are willing to learn, Your Majesty." - Sherry smiled a b
"Your Majesty, unification is not about annexing the territory, the true unification is about the people's trust
"People create food, people are the army, people are the workers, people keep the country survive by willing to be ruled by the Monarch they trust
"Without the people, even a King, no need to know how smart and how strong he is, without the people's trust, nothing can be done
"To have the people's trust, we must know the people, first is about knowing about our traditional culture and then to other things else
Sherry later taught me a lot, I was very excited about the idea she gave me so after hearing her speech, I got in the King's courtroom to discuss it with my officials right away
I got on the throne to sit a bit early so some of the officials were surprised, Rigen ran into the courtroom in rush. After a few minutes, the officials had finally gathered up all so I would start the speech, I would show off my ability to that old cunning Prime Ministe
Wait...I must announce to the people that the Prime Minister would be my adopted father first, tch...I would revenge late
"Officials, from today, I would consider the Prime Minister as my adopted father
"Spread this information to the people, I would like to do it as fast as possible." - I've done it, old man! Stop smilin
Rigen and some of the officials seemed a bit surprised but they later stayed silent, only the Prime Minister smiled but he hid his smil
After a few seconds, seemed like everything in the court had been settled down so I took my breath and looked below to make a loud speec
"Our homeland nowadays is in chaos, we lack food, having starvation
"The food import taxes are highly rated due to starvation, commoners have to stay starved for days to earn enough money to buy food
"Not just that, the way we are trading to each other is very inconvenient and needs to be improved
"All 15 Kingdom in this continent use the same language - Englis, we use different coins to trade
"But all of the coins we and the other Kingdoms have only one number, very inconvenient to trade in a large number, very waste of time for the people who are lack educated
"I think to solve this problem, we must reform our currency, add more numbers on the coins to trade more conveniently
"Or to be better, all of 15 Kingdoms' rulers would have to make a big meeting to discuss using an only currency to trade in this continent
"Now back to the starvation, our Warsaw's agriculture lands are very shortage due to our small territory, our weather is commonly met lost seasons
"Our food depends on importing from other Kingdoms, but now most of the food import sources are locked
"The elves leaders ordered us that we must withdraw the hunters and the lumberjacks out of No Man Zone to let them rethink about reopening the food export to us
"Jager is our ally but its government cannot provide us enough food
"Attenta and its vassal states have already locked the food import sources since my father got his power
"To solve the food problem, Ms. Sherry Sharry has suggested I plant potato, a kind of foreign plant from the elves people
"Though planting potatoes is against our traditional culture but we must accept the different and temporarily forget the hatred past with the elves people to save our people
"The earlier words came from Sir John Rigen, he said that's the way his homeland and its friendly countries develop
"Potato is very easy to plant, easy to grow and also has very well nutrition
"Not just that, potatoes can survive in the most intense environments, very fit to grow in our agriculture lands
"We must not depend on the food from other Kingdoms, we must create our own food to save ourselves
"I want to reform the currency and make potatoes our new traditional plant, do you officials here have anything to discuss with me
I had done my speech so I looked at my officials, these useless were still staying silent as always, I didn't know what to say. Rigen had no permission to talk so he could only observe this discussion, the Prime Minister came out from the officials and looked straight at me, he would be the only one who open the mout
"Your Majesty, I think we must hold off those two suggestions for now, we would deal with the reform currency later." - I knew this old man would always be against m
"We must find allies in case we get into a war with Attenta and its vassal states, we must priority unify our homeland with its previous regions fast, Your Majesty
"But we cannot order our people to fight with their empty bellies, Minister Alt! We could delay reforming currency to focus on building our military forces but we must find a way to deal with starvation
"I have better ways than you, Your Majesty.
"What can you do, Minister Alt
"We must not grow the plants of those elven barbarians in our lands, that would be a big shame for our ancestors, Your Majesty." - But you are an Attenta man, you don't have the right to order me, old ma
"Instead of growing foreigner plants, we can import food from Attenta and its vassal states by accepting their contract
"The food of Attenta is various and also fit our traditional, what do you say, Your Majesty?" - What did Prime Minister mea
"What kind of contract, Minister Alt
"There are 3 conditions of the contract if you want Attenta Kingdoms to open the food export to our Warsaw, Your Majesty
"First, a Royal member of our Kingdom must marry an Attenta Royal member." - Don't tell me this old man would force my little sister to marry the one she didn't love, I will protect my sister till the en
"Second, we must allow 120.000 Attenta immigrants to get our homeland, also give all of them the citizen cards." - That meant the Attenta people would overwhelm our Warsaw peop
"Third, our territories near the border of Attenta must change to use the Atta coins." - Our Warsaw would be doomed if I accept these condition
"Your Majesty, women are just men's slaves, your little sister should stop studying to marry an Attenta man, I think she will be useful for this politics marriage." - I will protect my little sister till the en
"Using Atta coins and accepting immigrants, I can accept! But not my little sister, she has the right to choose how she lives, she has the right to follow the one she loves
"The court ended!" - I stood up and yelled to the Prime Minist
I immediately ran out of the courtroom and then ran to the King's room, Dunkel was guarding outside so he was shocked when I kicked the door to go i
"Your Majesty, are you alri-, ahhhh!" - Sherry greeted me when I headed inside but she was terrified at my ang
"I told you many times, Sherry! Lazy or working hard won't make no difference!" - I shoved all the books on my study table to the floor, I don't want to study anymor
"How did you dare to throw books, Your Majesty!" - This cunning snake dare to stalk m
"That's my fault, Prime Minister! I'm sorry..." - Sherry apologized to the Prime Minister and then crouched down to grab the boo
"My son, if you want to surpass me, you must read all the books that I gave you and I will let you do things alone." - Even if my body has your bloodline, I would not call you father, keep dreamin
"We must accept the differences and forget the hatred to change, we must grow our own food to not get depended, we also must reform the currency for more convenient trades
"Those ideals are just talked and too impossible and cannot be made, Your Majesty..
"But we haven't put our hands to make them yet so we cannot prove if those ideals are impossible or not
"Instead of complaining like a pathetic, why don't you read all the books that I gave you and we will talk, Your Majesty?" - How dare yo
"Ms. Sherry, focus on teaching my son, remember?
"I...I understood, Prime Minister." - Sherry, you don't need to obey this old ma
"Have a good day, Your Majesty." - You ruined my day, old ma
The Prime Minister later got out of my room so Dunkel closed the door, I immediately shoved the books on the table to the floor again, I don't want to learn!
"Please calm down, Your Majesty..." - Goddess, I want to calm down but I can'
"Your ideals to reform the currency and to grow potatoes have no value in this court, Sherry
"Your Majesty, I think because I'm a woman so my words have no value in the officials' eyes, the Prime Minister is also a conservative man..
"Please calm down...and learn harder until the Prime Minister accepts you...Your Majesty..
"That old man didn't know how to look far, he must learn more from you, Sherry! That cunning snake only cares about Attenta's benefits!
"Fine, if that old man dares to force me to learn, I won't learn anything..
I slowly inhaled and exhausted slowly to keep myself calm down. Let's ignore learning and paperwork things, I would invite Sherry to hang out with m
The last time we hang out was when were still in our childhood, I would like to buy my Goddess some presents
"What do you need, Your Majesty?" - Sherry was a bit confused when I called h
"Hang out with me, we will go out of the streets to play, Sherry
"But if we go out of the Palace then no one would take care of the paperwork, Your Majesty
"Even...if I accept to hang out with you...then what would you do if the Prime Minister gets here to check on you, Your Majesty
"I have a way to deal with it, Sherry! Now follow me..." - I held Sherry's hand and she was confused, the people who have different genders should not hold hands but I didn't care, I love Sherr
y!?"!"."er.". e.."" ."."!"t!!!n!n!" u!!"."!"g!kse!e!!"d!s!led!."?"n?."n!?"" ."."e!h.?"."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."h.e.g!."r.r.. ."."."."itn rd."s!?".".".".""elr.. nge!t.s...s.. t!".p.s?n!veo.."?"."?"m.s.."."."s?r!."."us?"" ."! ."."m?."."t." g.s.w!."?"g.t ls."er""t ?"r?d.imt.m.r.t...........g.e.y!y?y.. nok.."?"n.."llah?"."?"."."."n e!s...."?"."ed?"o?."?"?"."."rer.."."ed?"" ?"adeep.g!s.e.e.e.w?f?e.s?."?"."?"."?"?"?"."."yse.t?.".ut of the streets to play, Sherry."
"But if we go out of the Palace then no one would take care of the paperwork, Your Majesty!"
"Even...if I accept to hang out with you...then what would you do if the Prime Minister gets here to check on you, Your Majesty?"
"I have a way to deal with it, Sherry! Now follow me..." - I held Sherry's hand and she was confused, the people who have different genders should not hold hands but I didn't care, I love Sherry!