Chapter 15: Chapter 12: Training with the Prince

So, I’m going to be fighting THE Vegeta, oh no, I shouldn’t’ve talked myself up like that, I have no  actual combat experience, I’m not like the other Cell Juniors who can just fight without training, welp, this is going to be rough. Hopefully I can tap into that primal instinct that the Cell Juniors displayed, even still, for some reason I’m looking forward to this… hehehe. I’m interrupted from my thoughts by Vegeta saying “Well, if we’re going to be training, I want to see what you’re made of first, follow me.” Vegeta, with a smirk on his face, starts flying off without further comment. That bastard… no use dwelling on it, I dart towards his trail as I catchup with him.

A little while later, I realize when we’ve arrived as soon as I see it, the rocky area so common in Dragonball, the one where Vegeta and Goku fought for the first time, The one where they fought the androids, it’s the place a lot of legendary battles happened, and for a fan like me, it’s iconic. Vegeta suddenly stops flying in the middle of the area and yells out “This is it, you better be ready!” uh oh, I quickly get into a crude copy of Yamcha’s fighting posture, what? It’s the first one I could think of... Vegeta charges, almost kicking my head as I do a quick dash away from his attack, I prepare one of my own, a quick jab with a clawed hand, he dodges and elbows my arm, sending me down, using this distance I’m going to try to keep it by blasting him, “HAAA!” I’m firing as fast as I can and flying backwards as well, this should hold him off for a bit, I can actually see him blocking them through the barrage, time to use what I’ve learned! First, start splitting some of the ki blasts currently in flight and staggering the split shots, then charge a big blast! Bigger! Bigger! Perfect! Now send it at him! heh, the brief moment that the ki blasts stop hitting him, I can see his face as my big ki blast bears down on him, wait, is that a face of annoyance? Are you telling me that he isn’t even intimidated a bit?! uh oh, I’m not just gonna stand here if that’s what he’s thinking, ooh! Imma swerve around and hit him from behind while’s he’s busy! Heheheheheheh… wait, he hasn’t went super saiyan yet, oh, that’s why he wasn’t bothered, he, he, he just neutralized my blast with his transformation, and now I’m right next to him, okay, no more thinking, just doing, he’ll win in the strategy department, so just brute force him.

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 I slash him with my left hand, cutting into his guard, again I rapidly slash with my left hand, this time on the rebound, now I take both blades above my head to cut dow- m-my s-stomach. Ow. Pain. Why? Oh. Fist. Oh… I lose focus on my ki blades as I stumble back in pain from the bastard punching me in the stomach, that’s when it hits me, a kick to the face. Said kick sends me flying into one of the many rock pillars, leaving me laying on the ground with a bunch of rubble surrounding me. It may hurt like hell, but it’s already getting better, it seems that it just felt like alot more in the moment, on that topic, my face is on fire. Ow.

 “HRRRAAAA!” this is no time to be worrying about pain, if I don’t do something quick, I will be in for a lot more, slapping my cheec- ow, bad idea- anyways, I get up. Lets see if the prince is down for a beam struggle, I plant my feet into the ground and start charging, then I pull my right hand back and down, shape it into a claw shape, and charge a yellow beam, meanwhile the prince is charging at me while readying a punch, when he gets halfway to me I fire “TAKE THIS!! HAAAAA!!!!” I fire a mimicry of Cooler’s Full Power Energy Wave at the prince, who manages to shout “Dammit!” and fire a Galick Gun just in time to counter my attack, unfortunately for him, in a brute strength contest, I should barely come out on top, so this should be a winning battle for me, and it IS! I had more time to charge my attack as well, so I’m winning, and unlike Cell, I’m not going to mess around, I pour almost all of my power into the beam and blast Vegeta out of the sky, knocking him out of super saiyan, damaging him heavily, and leaving me drained. 

I stumble over to where Vegeta was knocked prone, but is now shakily sitting down with his left arm resting on his upraised left leg, I-I’m really q-quite shaky, so this is what being drained of my ki is like, uuugh, I don’t like it, anyways, time to spit out a one liner or something, uhhhhhhh “You see? I am a good trainin-fllr” aaaand I bit my tongue, greaat, just great. the prince responds to my comment by mockingly laughing at me and saying “We’ll have to see about that! HAHAHAHA!!!” .... rude... Also, It seems I need another pair of clothes…dang it Vegeta, that took alot of work to assemble, well, not really, but still.